When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 189 Namikaze Minato: Han Guang, You Have To Take Care Of Kushina! (Please Customize)

under the tree.

Han Guang pulled Kushina to sit on the side.

no way.

He doesn't pull, Kushina - it's time to run.


Namikaze Minato talks about how he became a toad.

"It's all my fault for being too greedy."

Regret flashed across his frog eyes.

Continues: "Before we went to Mount Myōboku, I secretly absorbed some natural energy.

"At that time, I easily grasped this natural energy.

"So I think, I can also absorb more natural energy."

As Namikaze Minato narrated, Han Guang understood.

Back in Mount Myōboku, Sensei Minato avoided the Planetary Devastation!

At that time, I am afraid that Namikaze Minato took the opportunity to absorb a trace of natural energy.

After returning to the village, the teacher's confidence increased greatly and he began to absorb natural energy in the village.

As a result, it turned into a toad.

"Teacher, you should be lucky that you only turned into a toad, not a stone." Han Guang reminded.

"You also know?" Namikaze Minato's frog eyes flashed surprise.

Then, he continued: "I encountered this situation last night, and in desperation, I can only choose to evolve in the direction of the toad.

"So you spread the natural energy all over your body and avoided turning into stone?" Han Guang asked back.

"That's right." Namikaze Minato nodded.

But his actions looked a little scary.

After all, a toad covered in pus was nodding there, no matter how you looked at it, it didn't feel right.

Kushina tries to adapt herself to Minato's appearance.

But no matter how she adapts, she just needs to look at Minato and feel like throwing up.


Han Guang looked at Teacher Minato carefully, and then he put his hand on the other person.

After a while.

Han Guang shook his head.

"Teacher, the natural energy in your body has transformed your body into a toad, and I can't do anything about it."

Originally, Han Guang wanted to try to suck out the natural energy zone in Mr. Minato's body.

But the problem is that the natural energy has already completed the transformation, and all of them have disappeared.

It is also because of this that Namikaze Minato can survive.

"I actually already guessed that I can't recover from this state." Namikaze Minato sighed.

The reason why he hid in the hidden enchantment under the tree was because he didn't want others to see him like this.

"I really didn't expect that there would be such a big risk in absorbing natural energy." Namikaze Minato muttered to himself, full of regret.

"If you had informed me last night, you would not have become like this." Han Guang shook his head.

"It's useless, let me inform you, there is nothing you can do."

"No! Before the natural energy in your body is transformed, I can help you suck out the natural energy." Han Guang Kaidō.

"Impossible! You never absorbed...."

Before Namikaze Minato finished speaking, the frog's eyes widened.

He saw that Han Guang at this time had actually absorbed natural energy?

Two lines of black eye shadow appeared on Han Guang's eyes, and then he slowly opened his eyes.


"You saw it too! I successfully absorbed natural energy!" True Light shrugged.

"You are a genius." Namikaze Minato said with sincere emotion.

He regrets it.

Regret not notifying this student sooner, but it is too late now.

The atmosphere in the field fell into silence.

In the end, it was Namikaze Minato who broke the mood.

"Han Guang, I want to go to Mount Myōboku." Namikaze Minato spoke.

He looked at Kushina behind Han Guang and made up his mind.

"After I leave, you have to take care of Kushina for me."

Hearing Minato's request, Kushina tightened Han Guang's arm.

Compared to Kushina's reaction, Han Guang thought for a moment.

"Teacher, if you want to return to the human form, it's not impossible.

"Ah? Is there another way?" Namikaze Minato's frog eyes showed hope.

"There are two ways." Han Guang Kaidō.

"Just tell me." Namikaze Minato urged.

"The first method is that I will take a part of your organization that has not been assimilated and cultivate it!"

"Then, I will infuse your spirit into this body."

"That way, as your body grows, your spirit will completely merge with your body.

Hearing this method, Namikaze Minato thought for a moment.

He understood what Han Guang meant.

Han Guang can transfer spiritual will, which he has already experienced.

0 looking for flowers......

The only problem is that I have to grow from a baby.

What about Kushina?

Thinking of this, he asked about the second way.

"What about the second method?"

"The second method is to kill you! Then use Impure World Reincarnation to Summon you in human form!"

"After that, I found the owner of Rinnegan and asked him to resurrect you.

Following Han Guang's voice fell.

The arena fell silent.

Namikaze Minato's frog eyes widened.

Uzumaki Kushina covered his mouth and exclaimed.

"Wait a minute Han Guang! Your second method, I can understand the former, but you said Rinnegan?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"That's right! In this world, there are Rinnegans" Han Guang nodded.


"Just now Nine Tails said, you are lying!" Kushina whispered.


Han Guang looked surprised and turned to look at Kushina.

"I lied?"

"Yes, Nine Tails said, in the current ninja world, it is impossible for a human to have a Rinnegan." Kushina relayed.

"You tell Nine Tails to shut up, or I'll crush it to death!" Han Guang said calmly.


Kushina covered her mouth.

She sank into the seal in her body, and found that Nine Tails had already started to pretend to be asleep.


Namikaze Minato thought for a long time.

He agrees with Kushina's words.

Even Nine Tails said that if there is no Rinnegan in the ninja world, it is basically impossible to have one.

In this way, the second method is definitely not acceptable.

Thinking of this, he made a decision.

"Han Guang, I decided to use the first method." Namikaze Minato's tone was firm.

Then, he continued: "Han Guang! Kushina will be taken care of by you.

"Minato~~" Kushina's expression was complicated.

"Kushina, don't be sad, we will meet again in more than ten years." Namikaze Minato looked at Kushina with affectionate eyes.

"Well, vomit~~" Kushina felt a burst of nausea, "twisted his head to the side hastily.

Seeing this scene, Namikaze Minato sighed.

"Sure enough, my current appearance is flawed..."

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly ticket losses].

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