When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 193 Han Guang's Pants Fell Off Again! The League Of Losers Is About To Converge! (Pleas

Konoha Village.

After leaving the mountain, Han Guang first took the glassware home, and then returned to Hokage's office.

As a result, he found that the documents on the table were piled up again.

"It's only been a morning's work, where did you get such a document?"

With a suspicious look on his face, Han Guang picked up a document.

Scanning the content above, he touched his chin.

"Chiyo from Sand Shinobi Village, you're almost at the village?"

Mumbling to himself, he picked up the second document.

The above content was sent by Mizukage from Kirigakure.

The third document is a shadow letter from Iwagakure.

The fourth, no doubt from Cloud Shinobi Village's new Raikage.

"I see."

Han Guang understood.

These people came here for compensation on the one hand, and another purpose was to bring people to take the Chūnin exam.

Not just the Four Great Ninja Villages.

He flipped through the documents below, and they were all sent by some small ninja villages.

These ninja villages are also on their way to Konoha.

"These ninja villages are really fast."

"My Konoha Village Genins aren't ready yet."

Thinking of this, Han Guang opened his mouth.



An Anbu appeared instantly.

Han Guang looked at the other party and found that this person was not Kakashi.

"Where's Kakashi?"

"Captain Kakashi is recruiting Anbu." Anko responded coldly.

"Oh, that's it." Han Guang nodded.

He walked up to this Anbu and hugged him.

"Don't talk, let me guess who you are."

Saying that, Han Guang put his hand into the opponent's arms.

"Hmm~~ You are Anko!" Han Guang guessed.

"You pervert!" Anko's tone softened.

She collapsed into Han Guang's arms, letting Han Guang's hands touch them around.


Anko couldn't bear it anymore and knelt down on the ground.

"This is Hokage's office, pay attention to the impact." Han Guang looked serious.

As soon as the warning was over, his pants were ripped off.

thump, thump, thump.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from outside the corridor.

Anko disappeared instantly, leaving Han Guang in place.

When Kushina walked into the office, she saw Han Guang pulling up his pants.

"What are you?" Kushina looked strange.

"Oh, it's too hot, I'll take off my pants to cool off." Han Guang looked serious.

Then, he asked: "Senior Kushina, what's the matter?"

"I'll give you the money for the bathhouse." As he said, Kushina took out a thick (cabc) bag from his arms.

"This is the profit of the bath last month."


Han Guang took the bag, but did not open it.

He looked at Kushina, and returned the bag to the other party.

"Warm? Why did you stuff it to me again?" Kushina was puzzled.

"Senior Kushina, just take it as my wages for hiring you." Han Guang said with a smile.

To be honest, he has no interest in money now.

What's more, Han Guang still has hundreds of millions of taels in his house, and he has no place to spend them.

Since becoming a Hokage, Han Guang has never spent money on meals.

"This? It doesn't take so much money to hire me." Kushina hastily refused, and handed over the tape again.

"No, you're worth the price." Han Guang smiled and pushed back.

"Then, how about this, I invite you to dinner tonight?" Kushina tried to invite.

"Senior Kushina, don't I often go to Cengfan?" Han Guang joked.

"No, I'll treat you to barbecue."


Han Guang did not refuse.

"Then it's a deal. Eight o'clock tonight." Kushina gave a warning, and left with a bounce.


Han Guang sighed and shook his head.

"Senior Kushina didn't ask Minato-sensei a word."

Han Guang finally understood the meaning of the phrase that women are fickle.

Minato-sensei just turned into a toad, and Kushina-senpai just ignored him.

"A woman's heart, I really can't figure it out."

With emotion, Han Guang summoned Anko.

As soon as Anko appeared, he immediately knelt down again.

"Wait a moment!"

Han Guang held up his trousers with a nervous expression on his face.

"Are you still shy?" Anko pouted.

"You stand up first, I have business to do!" Han Guang looked serious.

He was convinced.

Anko is a girl who can't just wipe it off and ignore the occasion.

"Go and inform the teachers of the various Genin teams right away. Tell them that the Chūnin selection exam is about to be held! Let them step up and train their students."


Anko nodded.

But she didn't move.

"You should go!" Han Guang looked confused.

"Then you want to watch the moon with me at night." Anko looked aggrieved.

"Okay, hurry up!" Han Guang nodded and urged.

"It's a deal." Anko smiled happily, put on the mask and ran away.

Under the scorching sun.

Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen infiltrate into the Land of Thunder.

At the foot of a barren mountain, a snake stopped behind a rock and opened its mouth.



Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen crawled out one after another.


Sarutobi Hiruzen coughed continuously, and spit out the sticky stuff along the way.

"Orochimaru, do two people drill a snake?"

"There is no way, teacher! If you are asked to drill one alone, you will not be able to control it." Orochimaru spread his hands.

Although it was a little crowded just now, it has sneaked in safely after all.

In this regard, Sarutobi Hiruzen just complained.

"What's next? Where do we find Danzo and Uchiha Madara?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"Can't find it!" Orochimaru shook his head.

He had already tried to find traces of Madara. Unfortunately, the only certainty is that Madara has entered the territory of the Land of Thunder.

The exact location, Orochimaru has no clue.

"Can't find it? Then what are we sneaking in for?" Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned.

"We can't find Madara and Danzo, but we can let them find us." Orochi said calmly.

"Oh?" Sarutobi Hiruzen was taken aback, thinking that this method seems to be feasible.

But new problems emerged.

"What if it wasn't Uchiha Madara and Danzo who found us, but Cloud Shinobi?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"It's easy! Then kill Cloud Shinobi and blame Uchiha Madara!" Orochimaru was confident.

at the same time.

A mountain cemetery hundreds of miles away.

Danzo ran out of the cave, dripping with sweat.

"You're crazy! It was agreed to only dig a few caves, but the caves to be dug are bigger than Konoha's square?"

"Your uncle, do you want to build a village in a cave?"

Wiping the sweat off his face, Danzo cursed into the air.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets] [A lottery draw in the comment area at 8 o'clock tonight, just leave a message to participate, a total of 30,000 VIP points. 】.

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