When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 201 The League Of Losers Is Destroyed! One Hundred Thousand White Zetsu Goes To Han Guang! (

Smoke rises.

A figure appeared in front of Namikaze Minato.

"It's over!"

Seeing the boy who was Summoned in reverse, Uchiha Madara's face was extremely ugly.

"Oh shit?"

As soon as Han Guang appeared, his eyes immediately fell on Uchiha Madara, his tone full of surprise.

"Han Guang, we can talk." Madara said hastily.

"I don't negotiate with dead people!" Han Guang shook his head.

He stepped forward and appeared on Madara's face like a teleportation.

"The product of the old era, damn it is going to die."

Han Guang opened his mouth lightly, and pinched Madara's neck with his palm like lightning.

"If I'm in my prime, I can kill you easily!" Madara's face turned red as she spat out these words.

Uchiha Madara knows very well that the current self is no match for Han Guang by any means, even illusions are useless.

So, he couldn't stop Han Guang at all.

"You stole my lines." Han Guang's tone turned cold.


With a little force on his palm, he directly pinched Madara's neck.

this time.

Han Guang did not throw away Madara's body, but carried it in his hands.

Then, he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Third Generation, I asked you to crusade against Cloud Shinobi Village, but you actually came to join Uchiha Madara? I'm very disappointed." Han Guang shook his head.

Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent, the hairs all over his body exploded.

Han Guang looked at Orochimaru again, and said indifferently: "Orochimaru, I remember you said that you said that the next time you meet me, you will let me see your terrifying strength?"

"Come on, don't say I didn't give you a chance!"

Stretching out his finger, Han Guang gestured to Orochimaru, ready to witness the terrifying strength of the other party.

However, Orochimaru didn't move, and stared at Han Guang solemnly.

Seeing that neither of them made a move, Han Guang glanced at Danzo again.

"Master Danzo, you left the village without saying a word. How did you end up in such a place where no shit? I'm still waiting for you to assign me an undercover mission~~"

Hearing Han Guang's sarcastic words, Danzo gritted his teeth.

"Han Guang, you fucking court death!"

Under the anger, Danzo couldn't help but shot.

"Wood Style———Four-Pillar Prison Technique!"

Under the burst of drinking, Danzo's hands began to clasp together.

next moment--

Something weird happened.

Danzo was horrified to find that his hands were just a little short, but they couldn't get together.

"How is this going?"

Danzo people are stupid.

He called out Wood Style's name, but he couldn't put his hands together.

"What? Master Danzo, is ninjutsu all about tricks?" Han Guang shook his head.

"Danzo is so stupid." Namikaze Minato almost laughed.

Han Guang can control White Zetsu, and even control White Zetsu's cells. In this case, Danzo's arms were replaced by White Zetsu's arms?

This is no longer simply letting Han Guang restrain Wood Style, it's a combo technique to lead people, double being restrained by Han Xing!

"How did this happen? What did you do to me?"

Danzo was about to go crazy, his face extremely terrified.

He found that not only could he not perform Wood Style, he could not even move his body.

He couldn't move his body, he couldn't even run.


Han Guang didn't make a move.

He glanced at the three of them, and the spiritual will rushed out of his mind.

The terrifying spiritual will pressed down on the three of them, like a giant mountain range, pushing them to their knees on the ground one after another.

Plop, plop, plop.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's body was lying on the ground, and his head was pressed into the soil.

Orochimaru leaned on the ground with both hands, and with a 'click', his arm broke.

Danzo was kneeling on the ground, his knees were almost crushed.

"With your strength, you can't even look at me." Han Guang sighed.

"Han Guang, they conspired just now to capture the nine tailed beasts." Namikaze Minato reminded a little.


Han Guang looked surprised.

"In this case, we can't let you die so easily.

Walking in front of the three of them, Han Guang's palm moved.

Three branches emerged from the palm, binding the three of Sarutobi Hiruzen tightly.

Then, the three wills were poured into the three physical causes by him.

The characteristic of the will is bondage!

In this way, these three people were not only tied up physically, but also tied up mentally by Han Guang.

To put it bluntly, the three of them lost control of their bodies.

After finishing the three traitors, Han Guang carried Madara's body and walked to the edge of the pit.

"Look, this is one hundred thousand White Zetsu made by Madara!" Namikaze Minato gestured.

"It's not made by him." Han Guang denied this claim.

Then, the Chakra in his body poured into the ground and connected to the Hundred Thousand White Zetsu.

this moment.

One hundred thousand White Zetsu, revived.

As soon as he was resurrected, the dense White Zetsu all looked at Han Guang.

Immediately, these White Zetsu broke out with a shocking cry.


The sound was uniform, shaking the cave trembling endlessly.

"This is really a spectacular scene." Namikaze Minato on the side couldn't help but marvel.

Although he knew that Han Guang could control White Zetsu, it was the first time Namikaze Minato had seen so many White Zetsu calling out Han Guang's name in unison.

Sweeping through the White Zetsu army, Han Guang issued the first order of 830.

"Now, you start from the underground and rush to the underground of Konoha Village to gather."


The White Zetsu army responded in unison, fleeing into the ground one after another.

After a while.

One hundred thousand White Zetsu disappeared into the cave.

"Han Guang, why are you still carrying Madara's body?" At this moment, Namikaze Minato looked at the body in Han Guang's hand, quite puzzled.

"Teacher, have you forgotten? Before I killed Madara, he ran away again." Han Guang explained.

"You mean, he has the means to be resurrected?" Namikaze Minato asked in surprise.

"That's right!"

Han Guang smiled and nodded.

Then, he looked down at Madara's body.

"I will temporarily bring Madara's body with me. I really want to see how many times he can be resurrected."

"You're so smart." Namikaze Minato couldn't help but praise.

"By the way, there is another cave." Suddenly, Minato thought of another stone gate.

He walked to the stone gate and pressed the switch.


The stone door slowly rises, revealing the massive Gedo Statue within.

"Look, can you control this thing?" Namikaze Minato looked expectant.

"This one."

Han Guang touched his chin.

He said, "I can give it a try."

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