When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 220 Han Guang Makes Tea (Tsunade)! A High-Sounding Reason For The Arrest! (Please Customize)


Han Guang took Tsunade into the happy soup bath.

"Senior Tsunade?"

As soon as he saw the visitor, Kushina immediately recognized him.

"It's Kushina." Tsunade nodded with a faint smile on his face.

"Why did you come back?" Kushina came over and took Tsunade's hand.

"Afternoon." Tsunade replied.

Han Guang didn't bother the two of them, but leaned against the corridor, watching the scene quietly.

"Hey, I just received the number plate of the participating team." At this time, Konan leaned to his side and whispered.

"Oh? Isn't that good?" Han Guang turned his head and spoke calmly.

Konan entered the competition, and he personally wrote his name on it.

However, instead of putting Konan on the same team as Yahiko and Nagato, Han Guang assigned him to his own team. "May 20" Of course, to be fair, Han Guang kicked Obito out of the squad.


Kushina and Tsunade are still chatting.

"By the way, Senior Tsunade, you should know, right?"


"Third Generation was captured by Han Guang."

"I know."

"That's right, the two of you came together, you must have communicated." Kushina nodded.

Then, she asked again: "Then where do you live when you come back? Are you going to live with your family?"

"Well, I don't know yet." Tsunade gave a vague answer.

She really doesn't know.

Because I am now under house arrest by Han Guang, I can't decide where to live.

"Then you might as well live here." Kushina suggested.

"Here?" Tsunade mused.

"Yes, you may not know, this is Han Guang's property." Kushina said with a smile.

"Really?" Tsunade's mind skipped a beat.

She really didn't realize that this brat is so rich?

Originally, Tsunade thought that those hundreds of millions of taels were obtained by Han Guang through disgraceful means, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"The time is right now. I'm going to cook. You must stay for dinner." Kushina is in a good mood.

As she spoke, she waved to Konan.

"I'm going to help." Konan dropped the words and followed Kushina away.


Only Han Guang and Tsunade remained in the hall.

"What? You want me to carry you in?" Tsunade said calmly.

"No need." Tsunade's expression was not right, and he walked over sullenly.

The two walked to the end of the corridor and entered the bath one after another.

In the bath, the mist was misty.

In Han Guang's sight, Tsunade at this moment is like a fresh cup of tea.

Only by soaking slowly can you taste a different taste.

Make tea.

into many steps.

First, Han Guang tore open the packaging bag and saw the fresh tea leaves inside.

After testing the fullness of the tea leaves with his hands, Han Guang nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately, he put the tea into his mouth and chewed it lightly.

Tasting, he tasted the taste of milk.


He put the tea into the water and steeped it.

During this period, it is indispensable to rub the tea leaves to make them thoroughly cleaned.

The waves are churning.

This means the water has boiled.

Accompanied by the hissing of the teapot.

After a long time.

The tea leaves were soaked.

Han Guang stood up, turned his head and walked away.

"Wait a minute, I don't have any clothes to wear." Tsunade hid in the corner of the bath, pleading in her voice.

"Oh, I'll ask someone to get it for you." Han Guang glanced at the torn clothes and responded casually.

Then, he walked away.

"Bastard! You won't recognize anyone if you put on your pants!" Tsunade was indignant.

After a while.

Konan ran into the bath and brought a suit of clothes.

"Senior Tsunade, why have all your clothes been torn off?" Looking at the torn clothes, Konan looked puzzled.

"Well, it's too boring, I'm tearing it up." Tsunade responded lightly, and brought the clothes over.

"Whose clothes are these?"

After making gestures, she found that the clothes fit well.

"I don't know." Konan shook his head.

She has only been here for a day, and many people don't know her.

When Tsunade got dressed and came to the hall, she was surprised to find that Han Guang was serving the dishes?

This has greatly improved her perception of Han Guang......

After all, Han Guang was too bad before! Now it’s just serving a dish, and the score is going up.

The food was served quickly.

The four sat together.

During the meal, Kushina started chatting with Tsunade again.

"Senior Tsunade, where have you been all these years?"

"Traveling between various countries." Tsunade thought for a while and gave a standard answer.

"I'm so envious of you, you can enjoy many different scenery, right?" Kushina was full of envy.

"Well, almost." Tsunade nodded.

She felt that she had no problem answering.

The situation in casinos varies greatly from country to country.


Han Guang eats with his head depressed, too lazy to tell Gangzi's lies.

thump, thump, thump.

Suddenly, a rush of footsteps sounded from outside the store, and Shizune ran in holding the pink pig.

"It's not good, Master Tsunade! The people from Happy Casino have chased after them to the village." Shizune shouted anxiously as soon as he entered the hall.


The hall suddenly fell silent.

"Happy Casino?" Kushina looked confused.

Why is the name of this casino so similar to Happy Soup?

And, Shizune yelled, could it be that Tsunade-senpai owed money to the casino?

At this moment, Tsunade's face was extremely ashamed.

The character set she had just maintained collapsed in the blink of an eye.

"I.3 is only owed for one day, how dare they chase after the village?" Tsunade was angry.

"It's because you returned to the village, Master Tsunade, that's why they came after you." Shizune whispered.

Hearing this reason, Tsunade was speechless.

Her heart was in a hurry.

So far, there are not many people who know that they owe money. Once they delay, they will lose all face.

Especially, now that there are other ninjas in the village.

Involuntarily, Tsunade looked at Han Guang.


Han Guang put down his bowl and chopsticks and looked up at Shizune.

"Go tell the security team and arrest those debt collectors first. I will go to the trial tomorrow.

"As for the reason, let's say they intend to assassinate Ying!"

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