When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 225 Selling Han Guang's Information! Hanzo Who Ate The Gall Of A Leopard! (Please Custo


There are many ninjas from other ninja villages in the village.

These ninjas come from various small and medium ninja villages.

Unlike the Five Great Ninja Villages, the strength of these Genin who came to take the Chūnin exam was significantly lower.

The most intuitive expression is that they are trembling as soon as they enter Konoha Village.

Hokage conference room.

At this moment, the actual power holders of the Four Great Ninja Villages gathered in the meeting room.

In addition to these four people, there are also some representatives of small and medium ninja villages.

The weird thing is.

As the host, Fourth Hokage never showed up.

"It's so strange, let us get together here, but Hokage didn't show up?" Chiyo and others were a little impatient, and complained.

"Maybe it was delayed by other things?" Mizukage Yagura said casually.

"Is there a possibility that Hokage wants to catch all of us on "267"?" Raikage was worried and made a guess.

"You think too much." Onoki shook his head, not agreeing.

Does it make sense for Han Guang to kill them?


thump, thump, thump.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded in the corridor, and Han Guang pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as he walked into the meeting room, he first looked around the crowd.

Finally, Han Guang looked at Kenjiro who winked at him.

"Hey, zip up your pants." Kenjiro reminded in a low voice.

His voice was very low, but everyone present still heard it.

Involuntarily, the eyes of a group of people moved down one after another.

"Ahem, I went to the bathroom just now." Han Guang closed the zipper with a normal expression.

Walking to the table, he sat down.

Clearing his throat, Han Guang announced the Chūnin exam.

"In the afternoon, there will be a written test at the Ninja School."

"In the evening, the second round of survival assessment will be held. The survival assessment lasts for three days! The location is in the Death Forest.

"Those who pass will undergo a practical assessment!"

Speaking of this, Han Guang's tone paused.

He tapped the table and made his final statement.

"This Chūnin exam, I will uphold the principle of fairness and justice!"

"The purpose of the exam is only to promote the communication among ninja villages!"

"We, Konoha, love peace! I hope everyone is too!"

clap clap!

As Han Guang's voice fell, Kenjiro immediately applauded.

Han Guang smiled and nodded to Kenjiro.

clap clap.

Seeing this, other people also applauded.

As a result, Han Guang ignored these people and left.

As soon as Han Guang left, Sand Shinobi Chiyo immediately joined Kenjiro.

"Kenjiro, it seems that you have an unusual relationship with Hokage." Chiyo's tone was thought-provoking.

"Master Chiyo, I have some cooperation with Hokage." Kenjiro narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Oh? Cooperation? Is it convenient to disclose?" Chiyo's expression changed.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just an exchange of information. Kenjiro said with a smile.


Chiyo thought for a moment, then asked a question in a low voice.

"Then do you have any information about the scorpion?"

"The red sand scorpion?" Kenjiro was taken aback.

"That's right." Chiyo nodded.

"No, Master Chiyo! If I remember correctly, the Red Sand Scorpion is your grandson, right? You asked me to buy information about your grandson?" Kenjiro looked confused.

"What I want is the latest information."

"Yes, but the price is a bit expensive."

"money is not a problem."

In full view.

Kenjiro took out a scroll from his arms and handed it to Chiyo.

At the same time, Chiyo took out a huge bank note of one million taels.

With this deal, someone made a move.

"Kenjiro from the Country of Grass?" Fourth Raikage asked.

"It's me, are you the newly succeeded Fourth Raikage?" Kenjiro also recognized the other party.

As an information dealer in the country of grass, Kenjiro knows a lot of information. And Cloud Shinobi Village replaced Raikage "He naturally knows.

"I don't know if you have any information on the strength of the Konoha Village contestants?" Raikage asked in a low voice.

As soon as he asked this question, a large circle of people surrounded him.

Clearly, others were eavesdropping.

Kenjiro pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"It's expensive though," he reminded.

"No problem." Raikage pulled out a wad of banknotes.

Ever since.

With a crowd watching, Kenjiro pulls out a scroll marked Uchiha Obito.

Then, he took out another scroll of Uchiha Shisui..…………

Finally, he pulled out a larger scroll. [Han Guang]'s name is clearly written on it.


Seeing this scroll, the people around couldn't help but exclaimed.

Is Kenjiro from the Land of Grass really brave enough to sell Han Guang's information?

"Wait a minute, let me ask first, is it dangerous for you to sell Hokage's information like this?" Raikage's eyelids twitched wildly, and he couldn't help asking.

"Ah? Are you okay? I often sell his information." Kenjiro scratched his head.

"Then your life is really hard." Raikage praised.

It is not easy for Kenjiro to betray Han Guang's information and still live till now.

Han Guang actually knew about Kenjiro selling his own information.

However, he did not embarrass the other party.

In Han Guang's view, Kenjiro's career is like this, if he is not allowed to sell information, what else can he do?

Moreover, Han Guang can also obtain other people's information from the opponent.

This is enough.

Stepping towards the ninja school, Han Guang was going to find his teammates.


Along the way, he was stopped by White Zetsu.

No, to be precise, it is a big snake.


Emerging from the ground, Orochimaru brought a strange message.

"Master Han Guang, Tian Wanri 1.4 has caught a Summoning beast underground."

"Huh? Summoning beast?" Han Guang was slightly surprised.

"That's right, and that Summoning beast is a poisonous salamander." Orochimaru Kaidō.

"Samsho fish? Hanzo's Summoning beast?" Han Guang narrowed his eyes.

Then, he asked: "What about Hanzo? Didn't you find him?"

"Hanzo escaped, but White Zetsu is following him." Orochimaru responded.

"I see." Han Guang nodded.

"Go and call Minato-sensei." He gave the order.

"Yes." Orochimaru left.

In situ.

Han Guang touched his chin, feeling that this matter is not simple.

Where did Hanzo have the guts? Dare to sneak into the bottom of the village with the sansho fish?

Did he eat leopard gall?

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly tickets].

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