When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 227: The Wisdom Of Han Guang! Orochimaru New Research Object! (Please Customize)

in the woods.

Han Guang and Namikaze Minato began to interrogate Hanzo.

"Hanzo, you'd better tell them all, otherwise, my disciple has many ways to obtain the information in your mind."

Namikaze Minato crossed his arms and issued a warning.

Hanzo sighed, not intending to hide it.

"I was originally hiding in the ground of Rain Shinobi Village, but was discovered by a black shadow.

"And then?" Namikaze Minato asked.

"Then, behind the black shadow, Uchiha Madara appeared." Speaking of this, Hanzo's tone was a bit dignified.

He continued, "I find it difficult for me to understand that Uchiha Madara is a middle-aged man.

"Middle age?" Han Guang was thoughtful.


Hanzo continued to speak.

"Uchiha Madara ordered me to sneak into the ground of Konoha Village and wait for the opportunity to release the poisonous gas of the salamander. And he promised to lure the Fourth Hokage away."

"Damn Madara, he lied to me."

Hearing this, Han Guang's expression froze.

"Is this the original words of Madara?" Han Guang asked.


The next moment, Han Guang picked up Hanzo.

"Teacher, go back to the village immediately.

Leaving this sentence behind, Han Guang disappeared in place with Hanzo.

"Could it be that Uchiha Madara will raid the village?" Namikaze Minato seemed to understand Han Guang's meaning.

The Chakra in his body surged wildly, activating the Flying Thunder God coordinates of the No. 9 training ground.


Konoha Village.

As soon as he entered the village, Han Guang immediately activated his perception.

Immediately afterwards, his face became strange.

"I see."

Still holding Hanzo in his hand, Han Guang exploded in speed and rushed towards his home.

After two breaths.

In the yard.

Uchiha Madara and Han Guang faced each other.

"Use Hanzo to lure me out of the village, but you sneaked into my house. Uchiha Madara, it seems that you are very smart."

There was a hint of sarcasm in Han Guang's voice, and by the way, he threw Hanzo aside casually.

"Your speed is beyond my imagination." Uchiha Madara's expression was extremely serious.

"What? Did you find any secrets in my house?" Han Guang stepped forward and said casually.

"No! It seems that your secret is on you." Madara took a few steps back, her tone quite disappointed.

He rummaged through Han Guang's home, but found no valuable clues other than a clump of artificial embryos.

This made Madara realize that the secret of Han Guang's strength must be hidden in the opponent's body.


He is no match for the current Han Guang, and it is extremely difficult for him to escape.

Because, Han Guang's speed is too fast.

"What? Don't use Susanoo anymore?" Walking in front of Madara, Han Guang spoke contemptuously.

"It doesn't make sense." Madara shook her head.

Then, he closed his eyes.

"Just kill me."


The next moment, a terrifying spiritual will struck, pressing Uchiha Madara to his knees on the ground.


When Hanzo in the corner saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out.

In his eyes, Uchiha Madara is synonymous with invincibility. But Madara faced Han Guang, but gave up resistance? Even knelt down?

Is this TM too exaggerated?

"How strong is Han Guang? Madara doesn't even try to resist?"

Thinking of this, Hanzo trembled all over.


Han Guang leaned over to look at Uchiha Madara, the smile on his face disappeared.

"Uchiha Madara, you think you are smart and want me to kill you! In this way, you in the past can continue to travel to the present!"


Hearing Han Guang's words, Uchiha Madara's face changed suddenly.

He never imagined that Han Guang's wisdom was so heaven-defying? He saw through his plan at a glance?

"Impossible! It's impossible for you to know this rule." Madara's tone was full of disbelief.

This rule was predicted by Toad Sage in the past. No one knows.

How did Han Guang guess it?

Facing Madara's almost demented expression, Han Guang shook his head.

"Actually, I have discovered this problem since the first time you shuttled here."

"At the beginning, I had already killed you in old age and buried the body in the yard. But the day you came here, the corpse in the yard was annihilated!"

"So, I made a bold guess!"

Staring at Madara on the ground, Han Guang's voice is like a god's, with insight into everything.

Then, he spoke out his speculation.

"As soon as I killed you in your old age with my front foot, your back foot shuttled back from the past.

"Combined with the annihilation of the corpse. So I judge that there is a necessary condition for you in the past to travel to the present."

"That is——you in the present time and space must be in a state of death!"

Following Han Guang's voice fell.

Uchiha Madara's face was ashes.


Madara's wisdom to Han Guang can only be described as "monster".

Han Guang didn't travel through time and space at all, but he understood this rule. In Madara's view, this is simply a fantasy.

"..." Uchiha Madara, not only will I not kill you, but I will also allow you to make great contributions.

Han Guang spoke quietly, with a mysterious tone.

Then, he looked to the ground.


Orochimaru in the White Zetsu state emerged from the ground.

"Huh? Isn't this the legendary Uchiha Madara?" As soon as he appeared, Orochimaru's eyes lit up.

"Orochimaru, I will seal Madara and Hanzo, and you can study them. Remember, don't kill them first." Han Guang gave the order.

"Thank you Lord Han Guang for the gift!" Orochimaru licked his lips with a look of ecstasy.

As expected of Lord Han Guang.

He actually handed over such good research materials to himself. (good Lee's)

"Wait a minute! I'm willing to take refuge in you!" Hanzo in the corner was almost frightened to death, and hurriedly opened his mouth, with a pleading look on his face.

He felt that he had been bad luck for eight lifetimes.

He was tricked by Uchiha Madara and sneaked into the base of Konoha. As a result, he was about to become Orochimaru's test subject.

"Take care of me? Next life." Han Guang didn't even look at Hanzo, his tone was cold.

Then, Han Guang's spiritual will pervaded, imprinting the will seal in the minds of the two of them.

"Han Guang, I curse your entire family to death!" Uchiha Madara stared at Han Guang, spit out this sentence.

"Madara, Lord Wori." Hanzo cursed at Madara.

"Take it down! Study Madara's tongue carefully!" Han Guang said casually.

"Relax." Orochimaru nodded instead.

Immediately, he couldn't wait to pick up the two of them and escape into the ground.

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