When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 237 As Soon As The Riot Started, It Was Over! (Please Customize)

Han Guang didn't return all night, which made the minds of Raikage and others completely swell.

Moreover, the alert of Konoha Village has been raised to an extremely high level. This made them more convinced that something unexpected happened to Han Guang.

"Let's get started." Chiyo looked at Raikage and reminded.

To create a riot, start with Killer Bee.

Only by freeing the Killer Bee can the Eight Tails hold the Nine Tails.

"Leave it to me." Raikage looked confident.

Then, he cut his finger and formed the Summoning mark.

"Summoning Technique!"


Smoke rose, and a miniature ultralisk appeared.

"Go and inform Killer Bee, let him leave the death forest immediately and come meet me."


The Thunder Beast nodded and disappeared with a whoosh.

"You Summoning beast is very fast." Chiyo's tone was strange.

"This is an ultralisk that transmits information. Of course, speed is very important." Raikage explained.


Onoki condensed an Earth Style clone and escaped into the ground.

Apparently, he's going to notify the Rock Shinobi team too.

Chiyo unfolded the scroll, summoned a puppet, and then the puppet escaped into the ground.

Mizukage took out the ninja scroll and entered Chakra.

He is using the connection between the scroll and the ninja knife to deliver the message.


All four passed on the news.

"Let's go, take advantage of this gap, let's go to the square to take a look at the situation of the Death Forest.

Several people left hand in hand and threw towards the square.

dead forest.

After a night's rest, all the teams started their activities.

Losing the protection of the night, many teams encountered battles and fell into the contention for scrolls.

In the dense forest, the three girls looked around from time to time, walking through the forest.

"I feel the chill behind me, is someone following us?" Lin muttered.

"Why are you still so timid? There is no one." Anko pouted.

"But we still have to be careful." Uzuki Xiyan said vigilantly.

The three girls are the only pure girls team in all the teams. It is impossible not to be targeted.


Suddenly, a red-haired boy came out from behind the trees in front.

"Look, let me just say someone is there, right?" Lin pointed at the figure in front of her and shouted.

"What are you afraid of? The other party is only one person." Anko looked calm.

"Little ghost, get out of the way quickly, we are very powerful." Uzuki Xiyan warned.


The Red Sand Scorpion swept over the three girls, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth.

"I know you, once belonged to the ninth class, the captain is Han Guang. How about it, hand over the scroll, I can let you go."

Facing the threat of the red-haired boy, the three girls looked at each other.

"How about I break the seal?" He made a suggestion.

"That's what Han Guang left us to save our lives. Isn't it too wasteful to deal with this brat?" Anko disagreed.

"But I think he's dangerous." Lin argued.


Suddenly, a clay-like figure emerged from the ground and appeared beside Xie.

"Kill them, and then go back to Konoha Village." The clay figure spoke slowly, and then, it turned into a puddle of mud.

The Red Sand Scorpion was stunned for a moment.

He knew that this was a message from Tsuchikage to himself.

"It seems that something has changed in Konoha Village~~" Scorpion muttered to himself.

Immediately, he looked at another girl.

"I suddenly changed my mind! I decided to make the three of you into puppets! You can enjoy them every day in the future."

"You court death!" Hearing these words, the three girls became angry.

"Oh? I really want to see, how do you kill me?" Scorpion's tone was full of contempt.

"Sisters, I'm here this time!"

Lin stood up and glared at the Red Sand Scorpion.

Immediately afterwards, she removed the seal in her body.


At this moment, a terrifying Chakra appeared and sank into the ground.

"This Chakra?" Scorpion's face suddenly changed.

He was sure that this Chakra could never belong to Nohara Lin.

Puff puff.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and thick trees burst out of the ground.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The red sand scorpion was rolled up by the tree.

"This is Wood Style!" Scorpion's expression was extremely horrified, and he hurriedly took out a scroll.

"Ultimate Puppet! Solution!"

As the smoke appeared, the Ridao puppet appeared.


As soon as the puppet appeared, it was swept away by the trees.


Scorpion people are stupid.

This is the puppet of Third Kazekage, he was swept away by the trees before he could cast it.

Click, click.

The scorpion is trying to break free, but it can't break free at all. On the contrary, his body was constantly tied tightly, and his bones made explosive noises.

"My Chakra!"

Exclaiming, he found that his Chakra was constantly being sucked away by the branches. In this case, he couldn't even show ninjutsu.

"It's over." Scorpion's face was ashen, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The curtain is about to end before one's own strength has been brought into play.

In the forest of death.

The emergence of Wood Style covered the entire forest almost at the same time.

Killer Bee just received the news, before he had time to leave, he was stunned.

He saw countless trees emerge from the ground, and he tied himself into rice dumplings.

Eight Tails!"

With a yell, Killer Bee communicated with Eight Tails.


Tailed Beast Chakra diffuses.

In less than a second, the tail beast Chakra was sucked away by the trees.

Eight Tails: "???"

Killer Bee: "What are you doing?"

"This Wood Style can absorb my Chakra and feed back Wood Style, and the power of Wood Style is stronger!" Eight Tails explained.

"Aren't we screwed then?" Killer Bee's head buzzed.

He is sure that this Wood Style is definitely cast by Han Guang.

Because only Han Guang has such a terrifying Wood Style.

"I just want to leave the death forest, as for using Wood Style?" Killer Bee hissed.

Click, click.

The trees became tighter and tighter, and finally turned into a spherical cage.

At the same time as (good Zhao's).

Sand Shinobi's Ye Cang team was also bound into balls by trees.

The ninjas of Mist Ninja also did not escape, and were hung on the branches one by one.

The Genin of other small and medium ninja villages were not spared.

The only one that was not harmed was Konoha's participating team.

on the square.

See the scene on the big screen.

Raikage sat down on the ground, a look of horror on his face.

"Raikage, it's your uncle Wori!" Onoki cursed.

"This game is over, it seems that we have to leave here quickly." Mizukage Yagura's eyelids twitched wildly, and he was about to run away.

"Scorpion, it turned out that you did it, and you deserved to die!" Chiyo said with a complex expression.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

At this moment, a large number of ninjas appeared on the square, surrounding the four of them.

"You four better not move! If you move, I will kill you!"

Obito stepped out, sounding a warning.

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