When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 242 Han Guang, Go Back To The Past, Don't Accidentally Hurt Our Ancestors! (Please Cust

Han Guang never imagined that he would actually deceive himself.

He originally thought that it would only take a day at best to engrave the flying ability for the people of all ethnic groups. But in the end, it lasted for three days.

When the last Uchiha tribe bowed away, Han Guang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fourth Generation, the meals are ready." Uchiha Fugaku reminded in a low voice.

"Got it." Han Guang waved his hand.

Then, he gestured.

"Let's go first."

The patriarchs of all ethnic groups left in response and stopped disturbing.

They know that the fourth generation is tired and needs a rest.

Wait for everyone to leave.

Han Guang leaned on the wooden chair and glanced at the attribute panel.

Name: Han Guang

Age: 12 years old

Power: 117248 [Super Six Paths level]

Physique: 147456 [Super Six Paths level]

Agility: 2968 [immortal level]

Spirit: 81920 [Six Paths Level Immunity]

Chakra volume: 349592

Skills: None

Ninjutsu: Planetary Devastation (Level Six Paths) [Quality Evolution]

Ability: Wood Style god-level control (characteristic: loyalty), ultimate perception (100000 meters)

Comprehensive Strength Evaluation: Genin

"My current attributes, it's time to travel to the past."

After closing the panel, Han Guang muttered to himself.

He looked down to the ground and summoned White Zetsu.


White Zetsu emerged from the ground.

"Master Han Guang."

"What happened to Sarutobi Hiruzen?" Han Guang asked.

"Already dead, only one head remained, buried by the Second Generation in the forbidden area of ​​the Senju clan." White Zetsu responded.

"Oh? There's only one head left?" Han Guang was quite surprised.

Without thinking about it, he knew that the Second Generation must have used extremely cruel means to make Sarutobi Hiruzen die.

"Where's Danzo?"

"He was also executed by the Second Generation, and the body was sent to the back mountain. I sent someone to swallow the body.

"That's it."

Han Guang nodded.

He then asked about White Zetsu's disguise.

"How familiar are the four people in power?"

"It's ready, and we can leave at any time."

"very good!"

Standing up very quickly, Han Guang was quite satisfied.

In three days, White Zetsu has become familiar with their respective identities, and then it is time to send them back to the Four Great Ninja Villages.


In the dense forest outside Konoha Village.

Han Guang summoned the patriarchs of various clans and four assassination teams to gather together.

"Come out."

Waving to the woods, Han Guang smiled.

Tread Tread.

Accompanied by the sound of several footsteps, the four rulers came out of the forest.

not only that.

Behind them, several subordinates followed.

These, all in disguise, are White Zetsu.

"What a powerful camouflage technique! I can't tell the truth from the fake?" The Yamanaka patriarch looked shocked.

In his perception, these people in front of him have no flaws.

"My eyes can't tell the difference, this Transformation Technique should belong to the high-level Transformation Technique of the Shadow Clone category!" Hyuga Hiashi also exclaimed.

"If Fourth Generation doesn't have confidence, how can it implement this plan?" Uchiha Fugaku was not too surprised.

Now, he has a kind of blind trust and adoration for Han Guang.


Han Guang glanced at the members of the four assassination teams.

He was surprised to find that Shisui, Obito, Yamato and Kakashi were all in the assassination team.

"Well, I was responsible for the assassination of Kirigakure." Sansui reported.

"I'm in charge of Cloud Shinobi Village." Obito's voice was loud.

"I participated in the assassination of Iwagakure." Yamato also stated his mission.

"I'm in charge of Sunagakure." Kakashi said.

Hearing the reports of the four, Han Guang nodded.

Immediately, he asked: "Who is the commander-in-chief?"

"It's me!" Namikaze Minato responded.

Then he made a suggestion.

"I propose to have Fugaku and Shikahisa as second-in-commands."


After finalizing all the matters, Han Guang made the final speech.

"Everyone! I will be away for a while. In the meantime, Minato-sensei will take Hokage's place temporarily."

"If Sensei Minato is absent, Chief Fugaku will take his place.

"After that, the chief of the Shikaku clan, the chief of the Hyuga clan!"

"If the people in the front are not there, there must be someone behind."

Following Han Guang's words, several people nodded one after another.

They already know that the Fourth Generation will travel back to the past to solve Mount Myōboku at its root.

"Wait a minute, I plan to go with you." At this time, Namikaze Minato spoke.

"`々No!" Han Guang shook his head and refused.

"Then I'll let Obito go with you." Chief Fugaku also spoke.

"No need."

"No! Fourth Generation, you have to take someone with you." Jiu also reminded.

"Oh?" Han Guang was surprised.

"Fourth Generation, we know that you are very strong, but no matter how strong you are, you need to run errands alone."

"There are First Generation and Second Generation going with me, what are you worried about?" Han Guang couldn't help but laugh.

"That's different." Namikaze Minato shook his head.

Seeing how resolute their attitudes were, Han Guang touched his chin.

Immediately, he looked at the king.

"Hey, I knew you would choose me." Before Han Guang could speak, Obito ran over with a look of surprise.

After all, the two of them are good brothers.

"Obito, you won't be able to see your family's sisters this time." Han Guang joked.

"Then I'll find some girlfriends in the past..." Obito looked mysterious.

"You've become smarter." Han Guang said in surprise.

Before leaving.

Han Guang explained to Mr. Minato.

"Teacher, don't forget to reincarnate!"

"Relax." Namikaze Minato nodded.

Then, he also warned: "Han Guang, you have to remember that in the past time and space, you should not accidentally hurt your ancestors."


He knows this kind of thing without the teacher reminding him.

"Also, don't accidentally hurt my ancestors." Minato added.

"Don't worry, Master Joe.

thump, thump.

At this time, the patriarchs of other families also came over.

"Fourth Generation, we also want to tell you, go back to the past, and don't accidentally hurt our ancestors."

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