When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 247 Han Guang: Is It Customary For You To Take Off Your Clothes? (Please Customize)

After dinner.

Uzumaki Ashina discussed the specific details with Han Guang again.

During the period, Senju Butsuma also participated in the whole process.

"Tomorrow morning, I can take you to the Uzumaki clan." Uzumaki Luke said.

"I will also bring some clansmen and escort you there." Butsuma interjected.

This made Uzumaki Ashina look unhappy.

With such a strong strength, do you need your escort?

Obviously, Patriarch Butsuma also wanted to get closer to Han Guang.

This made Uzumaki Ashina feel a sense of crisis.

While Butsuma sent Han Guang and the others to the guest room, Uzumaki Ashina quietly took his sister and walked to an empty corner.

"Sister, big brother hurt you." Lu Ming sighed.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Lu Nai looked puzzled.

"It would be great if the wedding was held one day later." Ashina shook her head.

Hearing the elder brother's words, Rina understood.

If his wedding is held one day later, then there is a possibility that he will not marry the Senju patriarch, but that powerful boy.

"Brother, is it still too late to regret the marriage?" Lv Nai asked.

"No! The wedding is over."

"Then what should we do?"

"You are Butsuma's wife now, how can you pay back?"

Uzumaki Ashina sighed.

Seeing the big brother's appearance, Lu Nai thought for a while.


She has an idea.

"Brother, don't worry. Although I am Butsuma's wife, we haven't married yet.

"What do you mean?" Ashing was taken aback.

"Don't worry about it, I will establish a good relationship with Master Han Guang." Pushing Ashina away, Lu Nai muttered.

into the night.

Han Guang walked out of the room and stood under a tree in the yard.

He put his hand on the tree and began to communicate with the tree.

"Look for the residence of the Uchiha family."

Trees: "Master Han Guang, what is Uchiha?"

Hearing the tree's answer, Han Guang thought for a moment.

Immediately, he simplified the problem a bit.

"How many human gathering points are there within a thousand miles?"

Tree: "I will contact my fellow clan, Master Han Guang, wait a moment."

After a while.

The response of the trees came.

"There are a total of seven hundred and thirty gathering points."


Withdrawing his palm, Han Guang shook his head.

The answer was not what he expected.

There are hundreds of human gathering points, which means that there are civilian gathering points, family gathering points, and even robber gathering points.

With so many gathering points, it is impossible for him to be all-in-one.

Moreover, this is only within a radius of thousands of miles.

"If my perception can be doubled several times, I don't need to be so troublesome."

At this time, Han Guang thought of the taste on the property panel.

At present, his perception range is only ten kilometers. If it doubles to thousands of kilometers, why would he need other people's help?

Walking back to the room, Han Guang was ready to sleep.

thump, thump, thump.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the yard, followed by a knock on the door.

"Master Han Guang, are you asleep?" Rina's voice sounded.

"What's wrong?" Han Guang frowned as he sat up from the bed.

"Well, I'll bring you bath water." Lu Nai responded.

"Bath water?" Han Guang wondered.

"Bring it in."

The door was pushed open.

I saw Uzumaki Rina walked in with a wooden basin.

Seeing the size of the tub, Han Guang was stunned.

This basin can be used to wash your face, and if you want to take a bath, you can put your butt in it.

Lu Nai opened the curtain behind the screen, revealing a large wooden basin, and then she poured water into it.

"It turns out that there is a big wooden basin behind the screen." Han Guang touched his chin, knowing that he was wrong.

After all, he hadn't checked the room carefully.

"Master Han Guang, wait a moment, I'll be ready soon." Smiling sweetly at Han Guang, Lu Nai left with an empty wooden basin.

Not for a while.

She came in again and poured the water into the big tub again.

After going back and forth a dozen times.

There was finally enough water in the tub.

"sorry to bother you."

Han Guang nodded and walked to the tub.

Immediately, he looked at the green minister beside him.

"Are you still leaving?" Han Guang asked in surprise.

I'm about to take off my clothes, why is this girl still standing here?

"Well, I can help you take a bath." Lu Nai's voice was very low, and her face turned red.

"Not so good? You are already the wife of the Butsuma patriarch." Han Guang shook his head.

If he remembers correctly, today is the wedding day of Senju Butsuma and Uzumaki Rina.

Let the bride scrub herself?

This must not be done.

He is a gentleman.

"This is our custom." Lu Nai looked at Han Guang and said softly.

After finishing speaking, she added: "And, that's what Butsuma means too."


Everyone in Han Guang was dumbfounded.


Does the Senju clan still have this custom?

Or is this a custom of the Uzumaki clan?

What makes him even more incomprehensible is that Senju Butsuma's brain is broken? He even asked his new wife to wash himself?

Seeing Han Guang's hesitation, Rina gritted her teeth and made up another lie.

"Master Han Guang, if you don't let me take a bath for you, I will be punished by the Senju clan.

As she said that, Lu Nai's eye circles were slightly red, and she was about to cry.

"That's it."

Han Guang nodded and reluctantly agreed.

"Then I'll help you undress." Lu Nai cried with joy.

inside the house.

Han Guang sat in the tub, his whole body was naked.

Rina Uzumaki took the towel and slowly wiped it off for him.

First the back, then the front, then the arms.

In the end, Lu Nai showed her kindness to her mother.

"Master Han Guang, stand up."


Han Guang stood up.


He noticed that Rina's face had turned pink.

And, Rina started to undress herself.

"Huh? Is this also a custom?"

"Yes, it is.

In the wedding room.

Uzumaki Ashina raised his wine glass and raised his hand to Butsuma.

"Head Butsuma, come, let's have another drink.

"No, no. If you drink any more, you'll get drunk." Butsuma waved his hand, but he couldn't drink any more.

He turned his head and looked around, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Where's Luna?"

"Our family has a custom! Women have to take another bath before the bridal chamber." Ashing said casually.

"That's right, good custom." Butsuma nodded.

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