When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 249 Knowing The Family's Future Ending, Butsuma And Ashina Are Autistic! (Please Custom


The speed at which Han Guang controls the trees to fly is not fast.

The reason is that Butsuma and Ashina are not quite used to this way of travel.

After all, it was the first time for them to step on a tree and fly in the sky.

"What a magical ability."

Clutching Hashirama's clothes with both hands, Butsuma couldn't help but sigh -.

"Yeah, it's also the first time I've seen this kind of ability." Uzumaki Ashina felt the same way, and then he didn't let go of his waist.

Seeing that Han Guang didn't mean to answer, Butsuma and Ashina looked at each other.

Then, Ashina cleared her throat, and continued: "I, the Uzumaki family, are well-informed, which family do you come from? Maybe I might know.

Hearing Ashina's question, both Tobirama and Hashirama were silent.

They had said it before, but no one believed it.

"We are from the future." Han Guang responded briefly.

"The future?" Ashing was taken aback.

"How is this possible?" Butsuma was also in disbelief.

They guessed a lot of answers, but the other party's answer was completely beyond their expectations.

"Is it necessary for me to lie to you?" Han Guang glanced at the two of them and asked back.


The two thought about it and found that it was really unnecessary.

With Han Guang's terrifying strength, there is absolutely no need to deceive them.

"Then what happens to our Uzumaki clan in the future?" Uzumaki Ashina hurriedly asked.

"You Uzumaki clan first established the country of Uzumaki, and then you were besieged by many clans in the ninja world, basically equating to extermination." Han Guang said the ending of the Uzumaki clan.


Hearing this ending, Uzumaki Ashina exclaimed.

He had only thought about the establishment of the country of vortex, and there was no way anyone would know about it, let alone Han Guang.

From this point of view, the other party really came from the future!

"Wait a minute, my Uzumaki clan has always maintained a model of peaceful coexistence with other ethnic groups. How could I be besieged by various ethnic groups?" Uzumaki Ashina was very puzzled.

"Sealing!" Han Guang Kaidō.

"You mean, the sealing technique of my Uzumaki clan has aroused the fear of other Hakka clans?"

"That's right." Han Guang nodded.

"As expected." Uzumaki Ashina sighed, looking disappointed.

In fact, he has long been worried about his family's sealing technique. It is precisely because of this that he will save his family to the Senju clan.

Unexpectedly, what he was worried about still happened.

"That." At this moment, Butsuma interjected.

"Now that we know the ending of the future, is it possible to avoid this ending if the Uzumaki clan relocate to our camp now?"

"It's possible." Han Guang Kaidō.

Then, he added: "Actually, the essence of the Uzumaki family being besieged is that the family is not strong enough. If your two families merge, I am afraid that you will face the situation of being besieged together."

Hearing Han Guang's words, Butsuma and Ashina nodded in agreement.

As the other party said, the Uzumaki clan is strong in sealing skills, not in combat ability!

Unfortunately, the sealing technique of this family has all sorts of incredible abilities.

"It seems that my Uzumaki family will move as soon as possible." Ashina made up his mind.

"Don't you Uzumaki clan have a hiding place?" Suddenly, Obito who had been silent all this time asked.

He clearly remembered that Patriarch Butsuma said before that in this war-torn era, all clans will hide themselves and will not reveal the location of the clan's residence.

"Well, other families are indeed hiding, but our whirlpool family can't." Lu Ming sighed.

Then he explained why.

"You also know that the main practice of our family is the sealing technique! Therefore, our Uzumaki family will undertake many sealing matters, such as burial in the tomb, or wedding, and we will invite our clansmen to participate."

With Ashina's explanation, Guang and the others suddenly realized.

The Uzumaki family is mainly engaged in the business of undertaking weddings, weddings, funerals and marriages.

In this way, the Uzumaki resident is indeed difficult to hide.

Because, if they hide their residence, others can't find you, and your family doesn't do much repair?

"No way, we are different from other families. Other families can accept some combat employment, but our Uzumaki family can't." Uzumaki Ashina sighed and looked sad.

"Don't worry, since you know the ending of the future in advance, you Uzumaki clan will move to our resident as soon as possible." Butsuma patted Ashina's shoulder and persuaded him.

To be honest, Butsuma is very grateful.

Because of Han Guang's words, the Uzumaki clan will soon be merged into Senju.

0...... Ask for flowers......

In this way, his Senju clan will have more means of sealing.

Thinking of this, Butsuma couldn't help asking.

"By the way, what about my Senju clan in the future?"

"Hmm... Let the two of them answer this question." Han Guang turned his head and gestured to Brother Hashirama.

After all, with Hashirama and Tobirama present, it is more appropriate for them to answer.

"The Senju family is basically exterminated." Senju Hashirama said quietly, with regret in his tone.

"What?" Butsuma was dumbfounded.

"This!" Uzumaki Ashina was also dumbfounded.

Even the Senju family will end up with their own family, so is there any point in relocating their own family?

"The demise of the Senju family is very complicated." At this time, Tobirama also spoke, with self-blame on his face.

In this matter, Tobirama knew that he had an inescapable responsibility.

If he hadn't chosen Sarutobi Hiruzen blindly, how could his family be purged.

The atmosphere in the field fell into a trough.

Seeing the sad faces of several people, Han Guang shook his head.

In his view, the demise of the two races was actually due to the complex hearts of the people.


Even if you know the future and deal with it in advance, there will still be many variables in the future.

"Everyone, it's hard to say what will happen in the future. Perhaps an insignificant person may become a great enemy in the future.

"Instead of worrying about the future, it's better to live in the present and work hard to make your family stronger."

Han Guang gave some comfort.

However, his consolation effect is not great.

Senju Butsuma and Uzumaki Ashina were still in a sad mood.

As the patriarchs of the two families, when they knew the fate of the family, they all felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

It is anxiety about the future that is difficult to grasp.

"It seems that telling them about the future in advance will hit them both hard." Han Guang shook his head secretly.

"Father seems to have lost his will to fight." Tobirama worried.

"This is bad." Hashirama realized the problem too.


At this time, Han Guang manipulated the trees to start to fall and landed on the ground.

"Let's go, and relax by the way."

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