When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 251 Uchiha Tajima Is Stupid! (Please Customize)

A line of gorge.

Han Guang and his group walked into the canyon.

"Can you sense where the enemy is?" Senju Butsuma asked.

Although he knew that Han Guang was powerful, he could handle this kind of highwayman with his own clansmen.

"These people are hiding behind the stones halfway." Han Guang said casually.


Hearing this answer, Butsuma was puzzled.

He felt that something was wrong, so he reminded: "These robbers have never blocked the road in the canyon before."

"Indeed, they used to be at the mouth of the canyon. If they could beat them, they would fight. If they couldn't, they would escape into the forest." Uzumaki Ashina also echoed.

Seeing that the two were puzzled, Han Guang glanced over.

"Who told you that this wave of people belonged to robbers?"

"Isn't it a robber family?" Both of them were stunned.

"Of course not." Han Guang shook his head.

With his perception, he could clearly 'see' the dozen or so people behind the stone. The clothing symbols of these people clearly belonged to the Uchiha clan.

It is precisely because of this that Han Guang dismissed Dai 06 soil.

"This is what happens when good is rewarded."

Involuntarily, he felt emotional.

If it weren't for the depression of Butsuma and Ashina, Han Guang would not have fallen to the ground.

In doing so, he will miss this wave of Uchiha's ambush.

So he felt that his kindness was rewarded, and God was moved and sent Uchiha to himself.

Thinking of this, Han Guang glanced at Uzumaki Ashina.

"If I'm not mistaken, the people in front of the ambush should be aimed at you, chief Uzumaki.

"Me?" Uzumaki Ashina looked surprised.

"That's right, because only you will return to the family from here."

"But I haven't offended other families?"


Han Guang smiled, but didn't continue speaking.

He guessed that Uchiha blocked the Uzumaki patriarch halfway, most likely for marriage.

After all, the Uzumaki family is famous not only for their sealing skills, but also for their huge Chakra.

After walking through several winding roads, they gradually approached the center of the canyon.

After a while.

A stone taller than a man appeared on the side of the road.


Han Guang and the others stopped in their tracks.

Senju Butsuma and Uzumaki Ashina looked at the stone in front of them carefully, with strange expressions on their faces.

If it was normal, they really wouldn't observe so carefully, but now, after careful observation, the two found something strange.

Chakra swings!

Although it was very subtle, it was still noticed by the two of them.

next moment!

A dozen people suddenly jumped out from behind the stone.

Uchiha Tajima glanced over several people, with surprise on his face.

"Haha, my luck is really good. I thought you were the only one, Chief Uzumaki, but I didn't expect that there was Chief Senju!"

"Shut up for these two people, kill all the others!"

As he spoke, Uchiha Tajima waved his hand behind him.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

A dozen or so Uchiha people lined up and completely blocked the road.


Facing Uchiha's interception, Ashina and Butsuma did not feel nervous at all.

Butsuma walked up to Han Guang, and darkened the leader of the opposite team.

"The person in front is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Tajima!"


Han Guang's eyes lit up.

He thought it was just a team of the Uchiha clan, but it turned out to be the head of the clan?

"Then my luck is really great." Han Guang smiled.


Uchiha Tajima instinctively realized something was wrong.

Because, he didn't see Butsuma and Ashina showing any panic, instead they were introducing something to a teenager.

It seems that you are introducing yourself?

Then, he saw the boy smile and look at him.

"To be accompanied by the patriarchs of the two major families, does that boy have a very noble status?" Uchiha Tajima guessed.

Step on, step on.

At this time, he saw the boy walking towards him.

"Are you?" Uchiha Tajima asked with a frown.

"Uchiha Tajima?" Han Guang didn't answer, but asked a rhetorical question.

"It's me! Are you the son of a daimyo from the Land of Fire?" Uchiha Tajima asked.

With two patriarchs accompanying him, this boy could only be the son of a daimyo.

"Son of a great name?" Han Guang shook his head.

Then, he raised his arm and aimed at the mountain wall on one side.

See this scene.

Senju Butsuma's expressions suddenly changed.


Butsuma yelled at the clansmen, turned around and started running wildly.

Uzumaki Ashina is also aware of the next scene, and quickly retreats.

"Avoid it."

The two Tobirama brothers looked at each other, and they also rushed out.

If you want to be bold, you have to be from the Uchiha family.

There were more than a dozen of them, but none of them ran away.

"Do you want to do it?" Seeing Han Guang raise his arm, Uchiha Tajima said in a deep voice.

Can follow.

He just shut up.


I saw that Han Guang threw a punch at the mountain wall on one side.

In an instant, the surrounding air was directly evacuated.

A terrifying white air wave appeared and bombarded the mountain wall in an instant.


A huge explosion resounded, accompanied by earth-shattering horror vibrations.

Plop, plop, plop.

A dozen people in Uchiha fell to the ground, their brains buzzing 150 times.

Blood spilled from their noses and mouths.

Obviously, it was attacked by sound waves.

At the moment, Uchiha Tajima thinks he should be.

Because, his whole head was full of explosions.

After a while.

The vibration stopped abruptly.

Uchiha Tajima turned his head with difficulty, and then he froze in place.

"Where's the mountain wall?"

Muttering to himself, his eyes widened into a pair and ran away.

If he remembers correctly, just now, that boy just threw a punch?

This is a gorge that is more than ten miles long, and more than half of the mountain wall was wiped out with one punch?

Is this still a human?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tajima's body couldn't help but tremble.

fear, fear.


Han Guang leaned over to look at Uchiha Tajima on the ground.

"Head Uchiha, now, can we have a good talk?"

"Ah? Yes, yes!" Uchiha Tajima nodded hastily.

He was very happy.

Fortunately, the teenager was talking to himself, not anything else.

Getting up from the ground, Uchiha Tajima wiped the Bloodline on his nose and mouth, and asked hurriedly.

"My lord, if you have anything to say, as long as I, Uchiha, can do it, I will do my best."

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