When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 255 Wood Style Doubles Again! Han Guang: The Breasts Are A Little Smaller! (Please Customize

early morning.

Han Guang woke up.

Turning over to get up, he first kneaded the sheets into a ball and pinched them into molecules.

Then, he glanced at the properties panel.

Ability: Wood Style times Six Paths level control [Characteristic: Loyalty]

"Huh? Today's double is Wood Style."

Looking at the introduction of Wood Style, Han Guang was quite surprised.

Sub-Six Paths-level Wood Style, is there such a level?

"If it doubles again, can I plant the god tree myself?"

Touching his chin, Guoguang muttered to himself.

He guessed that the high probability is like this.

"If it is really possible at that time, then I will plant the sacred tree and get some tail beast Chakra, will I bring Kaguya back?"

With thoughts flying in his mind, Han Guang walked out of the room.

As soon as he walked to the door, his steps stepped back. "Five Six Zero" "Wood Style——Wood Clone!"

Condensed a Wood Style avatar, showing the opponent to hide.

"When I leave the Uchiha family, you kill the Uchiha Tajima couple."

"Okay." The Wood Style clone nodded.

Uchiha station entrance.

Han Guang and his party didn't even eat breakfast, so they were about to leave.

This made Butsuma and Ashina extremely happy.

Finally, they no longer have to stay at the Uchiha station.

"Master Han Guang!"

Uchiha Tajima leaned over with a complicated expression on his face.

"Is something wrong?" Han Guang glanced at the other party.

"My lord, are you in such a hurry to leave?" Tajima whispered.

"I have other things to do, so I have to go." Han Guang responded.

"However, you slept with Sachiko of our family, and you are now a member of our Uchiha clan." Uchiha Tajima continued.


Han Guang looked surprised.

Then he smiled.

"Chief Uchiha, are you threatening me?"

"No, I just want to say that you already have a close relationship with our Uchiha clan." Tajima hastily explained.

He turned his head to look at Xingzi not far away, and continued: "Master Han Guang, if you leave, Xingzi will be very sad."


Regarding Tajima's words, Han Guang sighed.

He asked, "Who else knows about this?"

"Only my wife and I know." Uchiha Tajima whispered.

"I see." Han Guang nodded.

Immediately, he leaned close to Tajima's ear: "I can grant you a wish, just tell me.

Hearing Han Guang's promise, Uchiha Tajima was overjoyed.

"Any wish is fine?" he pressed.

"That's right." Han Guang nodded.

"Then I, Uchiha, want to unify the ninja world!" Tajima revealed his wish with bright eyes.


Patted Uchiha Tajima's shoulder, let the light point the way for the other party.

"You take your wife to the room where I stayed last night, and I left you something.

"One thing?" Uchiha Tajima wondered.

"That's right, it can accomplish what you expected.

After speaking, Han Guang turned and left.


Uchiha Tajima got it.

What Master Han Guang left behind is most likely the Forbidden Technique.

"Everyone leave."

After waving to the tribe, Uchiha Tajima glanced at his wife and gestured.

The two returned to the station and walked straight towards the guest room.

"Tajima, that lord left, our family got nothing. Wife Maxim's tone was lost.

Fortunately, her family let Sachiko serve that adult for one night, but it turned out that she slept with the girl from her family and left.

"No, come with me." Tajima walked towards a room, beckoning his wife to follow.

"Did he leave something behind?" His wife Meixin's eyes lit up.

thump, thump, thump.

The two walked into the room, looking back and forth.


Suddenly, a figure came out from behind the screen.

"Ah? Lord Han Guang?"

Seeing this figure, Tajima and Maxim were very pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, Han Guang did not deceive himself, and the other party left a clone.

"Master Han Guang, I can gather my clansmen now, let's go sweep other clans!" Uchiha Tajima couldn't wait.

"No need to gather." The avatar Han Guang shook his head.

"Warm? Are you going alone, my lord?" Tajima was taken aback.

"It seems that you have been fooled a lot~~" the avatar Han Guang sighed, and raised his arms 0......


He punched them both.


The air burst, destroying everything around in an instant.

Before Uchiha Tajima and his wife could react, they were annihilated by the terrifying impact.

"mission completed!"

The clone in the ruins muttered to himself, and the figure turned into a piece of wood with a bang.

The Uchiha station is ten miles away.

Han Guang and his group paced forward.


There was a muffled sound, like a muffled thunder.

"Huh? Why is there still thunder in broad daylight?" Obito looked up at the sky with a puzzled expression.

"Thunder on the dry land, what's so strange." Han Guang said casually.

Hashirama and Tobirama on one side looked at each other and guessed the meaning of the thunder.

"It seems that the Fourth Generation killed the Uchiha Tajima couple with the Wood Style clone. Tobirama secretly guessed.

"After removing these two, only Mount Myōboku is left?" Hashirama asked in a low voice.

"That's right." Tobirama nodded.

When Obito came over, the two Tobirama hurriedly shut up.

"Hey, Han Guang, isn't my grandma pretty?" She moved to Han Guang's side and hugged her good brother.

"Why didn't you say your grandfather?" Han Guang asked back with a sudden thought.

"I don't like my grandpa, he looks stupid." Obito blurted out.

Then, he took out a scroll from his arms and said to Ren. 1.7 "Look, I drew the portraits of grandpa and grandma. How about it? Is the painting realistic?" Obito looked proud.

Looking at the portrait on the scroll, Han Guang touched his chin.

He pointed to Uchiha Sachiko's chest and made a suggestion.

"The chest is drawn a little smaller."


Obito stared at Han Guang suspiciously, wanting an explanation.

"Han Guang, how do you know that my breasts are a little smaller?"

"My eyesight is better." Han Guang's calm Kaidō.

"That's my grandma, why are you staring at my grandma's chest?" Obito pouted.

He put away the scroll and ran away.

"What a good boy." Looking at Obito's back, Han Guang muttered to himself.

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