When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 269 Sage Of Six Paths Runs! Han Guang Sees Everything! (Please Customize)

Accompanied by the shout of Sage of Six Paths, a strange soul wave came from the void.

Han Guang looked at this scene with a strange expression.

The phantom descends.

The Shinigami crossed space and emerged before the Sage of Six Paths day.

As soon as they appeared, the Shinigami saw the sacrificed souls of the Sage of Six Paths.

It casually grabbed Fukasaku's soul and swallowed it in one gulp.

Creak, creak.

The soul is chewed and enjoyed with Shinigami noodles.

It leaned over to look at the Sage of Six Paths, with a haughty and indifferent look on its face.

"Sage of Six Paths, did you summon me to deal with this toad?"

While speaking, Shinigami glanced at Toad Sage, and the mental wave resounded.

"No, the enemy is behind you." Sage of Six Paths pointed to Han Guang and reminded.


Shinigami turned around slowly, looking at the enemy indifferently.


Its pupils constrict violently.


Seeing the enemy in front of him clearly, Shinigami almost fell to the ground in shock.

Isn't this Han Guang?

Sage of Six Paths put yourself against this pervert?

Are you kidding me?

This pervert, he is far from being an opponent.

"Shinigami, as long as you grab his soul, I can take the opportunity to finish him." Sage of Six Paths was full of fighting spirit.

Then, he couldn't wait to issue an order.

"dash forward!"


As the voice of Sage of Six Paths fell, the Shinigami lifted off and floated away.

Sage of Six Paths: "???"

Toad Sage: "???"


Sage of Six Paths is insane.

He never expected that Shinigami would run away without even saying hello?

What exactly is going on?

"It's over, what are you doing?" Toad Sage exclaimed, the frog's eyes were full of darkness.

It can be seen that Shinigami must have encountered Han Guang, and was beaten by the opponent.

Otherwise how could this happen?

"This is your method?"

Han Guang on the opposite side was full of disappointment, walking towards here step by step.

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, Sage of Six Paths shouted again,

"Huh? You still have means?" Han Guang sneered.

"I have one more move, you have to be careful." Sage of Six Paths warned with a solemn expression never before.


Han Guang was surprised and stopped in his tracks.

He waved his hand and signaled the other party to start.

"So there is still a big move." Toad Sage heaved a sigh of relief.



Sage of Six Paths clasped its hands together.

He spit out an inexplicable note again, and his figure became unreal.

After one breath.

The figure of Sage of Six Paths completely disappeared.

Toad Sage: "Vori, he's gone!"

Han Guang: "This is the last resort?"

It has to be said that neither Toad Sage nor Han Guang thought of this move of Sage of Six Paths.

at the same time.

In the pure land space, the Sage of Six Paths who escaped back felt a burst of fear.

Thankfully, myself and cans.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be caught by Han Guang along with Ha Mo Wan.

"Hamawan, you have the ability to predict, you can predict this scene in the past time and space. I have no other choice!" Mumbling to himself, Sage of Six Paths was quite helpless.

"Also, how did the Shinigami escape? I'm going to ask it!"

With this in mind, Sage of Six Paths started looking for Shinigami in the pure land space.

He didn't know that the Shinigami at this time did not return to the pure land space at all, but returned to the Uzumaki family.

In Shinigami's view, the clean space is no longer safe, and Han Guang may break into it at any time.

Rather than hiding in the pure land space, it is better to hide in the Uzumaki clan for safety.

Mount Myōboku.

Toad Sage and Han Guang have big eyes to small eyes.

Tread Tread.

Han Guang took a step towards Toad Sage.

"Han Guang, even if you kill me, you won't live for a few days!" Toad Sage said in a deep voice.

"This is your last words?" Han Guang clone said contemptuously.

As he spoke, he raised his arms.

"You will come to accompany me soon." Toad Sage stared at Han Guang, and made a final sound.


Han Guang blasted out with one punch.

The space is broken.

Toad Sage was instantly annihilated.


Han Guang lifts off, floating above the Void Lord.

With his palms folded together, a black ball was condensed.

ask for flowers...

"Planetary Devastation!"

Throwing out the black ball, his figure disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

hundreds of miles away.

Han Guang watched as the entire Mount Myōboku lifted into the air, forming a giant sphere.

"When the avatar performs this technique, the range is already clear."

Muttering to himself, Han Guang already understood the maximum power of Planetary Devastation.

Immediately, he touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Before Toad Sage died, he swore that I would not live for a few days?"

"It seems that he has other backhands!"

Thinking of this, his figure flew extremely fast.

He wants to inform the body of this matter.

Only ontology possesses super wisdom to analyze Toad Sage's backhand.

Uzumaki station.

inside the room.

Uzumaki Mana is helping Han Guang wipe his body.

After wiping, the two had an in-depth and detailed exchange.


Han Guang walked out of the room and came to the yard.


Wood Style came back, and turned into a piece of wood with a 'bang'.

At the same time, the spiritual will of the avatar can be attributed to the noumenon.


Han Guang frowned slightly.

He already knew what happened to the clone at Mount Myōboku. And Toad Sage's words before his death caught his attention.

"I won't live for a few days?"

"Why does Toad Sage say that?"

Mumbling to himself, he fell into thought.

After a while.

Han Guang came to a conclusion.

Sage of Six Paths!

On Mount Myōboku, only the Sage of Six Paths escaped. In other words, Sage of Six Paths is very likely to sneak attack itself!

"It's impossible for him to sneak attack me now, that is to say, he will sneak attack me when I was weak?"

Rubbing his chin, a gleam flashed in Han Guang's eyes.

He guessed it.

Sage of Six Paths, it is likely to locate one's own weak period through the soul of the pure land space.

But there is a problem here.

That is, to locate different time and space, Sage of Six Paths must not bypass the dragon vein!

"So, he still wants to go to the Dragon Vein."

"Since this is the case, it's time for Sage of Six Paths.

[Ask for flowers] [Ask for evaluation tickets] [Ask for monthly ticket evening].

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