When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 282 One Form: Why? I Don't Understand! (Please Customize)

At this moment, Ōtsutsuki was dumbfounded.

Shouldn't the sacred tree absorb Kaguya? Why did it go to the top of the tree?

What puzzled him even more was that there were two other people standing on the top of the tree!

Suddenly, the pupils of the Japanese style shrank.

He remembered.

Isn't that boy the native who met Kaguya Ji the night before?

"Damn Kaguya Ji, you actually mixed up with the natives?" A strong killing intent flashed in his eyes, and he shouted in Japanese style.

Then, his body floated up and flew towards the top of the tree.

"Although I don't know what method you used to prevent the growth of the sacred tree, but as long as you are caught, everything will be clear.

The body keeps rising, and the Japanese-style voice is gloomy and majestic.

After a while.

He flew to the top of the tree and came in front of Han Guang and the others.

"You must be responsible for the natives who look like ants!" Wu Chen asked with his eyes on Han Guang.

"Oh? You said, I'm an ant?" Han Guang looked surprised, and slowly raised his arm.

In order to break the word ants, he had to show his strength.

"Hey~~ You want to attack me? Are you worthy?" Yishi's face was full of disdain [with arms folded.

He really wanted to see what kind of strength the natives on this planet possessed.


The next moment, Ou Guang punched out.

The space collapsed suddenly, and an extremely dark turbulent space appeared.

The terrifying power continued to penetrate, covering Yishi almost instantly.


Yishi's eyeballs almost popped out, and he cursed angrily.

Then, everything is annihilated.

Uzumaki Mana, who was hiding behind Han Guang, almost jumped out of her heart.

"Too strong, this punch actually broke the space?"

"No wonder the adults were so violent when they ravaged me."

At this time, Mana's admiration for Master Han Guang is like a torrent of water, endless.

On the other hand, Kaguya Ji frowned and hurriedly reminded: "Han Guang, be careful with his abilities." "

"It's okay." Han Guang smiled with a calm face.

In fact, Han Guang saw Yishi's body shattered in the space long ago, shrinking his body countless times, turning into a tiny streamer, and leaving this area.

And the position of Yishi——

Han Guang leaned over to look at the ground, where the figure of Ōtsutsuki Yishi appeared.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough, otherwise I would have died just now." On the ground, Empress Wu was terrified.

If he reacted a little slower just now, he would definitely be annihilated.

Looking up at the boy, Yishi's eyes showed an unprecedented solemnity.

"He has the power to break through space, so to deal with him, you must have a big enough body.

His mind turned quickly, and he thought of a way to deal with this boy.

That is, to enlarge itself countless times.

Thinking of this, Japanese-style golden eyes flickered.


His body suddenly became bigger, expanding nearly ten thousand times in an instant.

The earth trembled and continued to crack.

This is caused by the fact that the ground cannot bear the quality of the first style.

"Hey, can this turn into a giant?" Han Guang raised his head with a look of amazement.

From the top of the sacred tree, he couldn't see the head of Yiqian?

Because, Yishi's upper body has already entered above the clouds.

"It's over, his feet are bigger than mountains!" Uzumaki Mana turned pale with fright, and tightly grabbed Han Guang's clothes.

"This is his ability to make himself bigger or smaller." Kaguya Ji hurriedly explained.

Then, she added: "This ability to make himself bigger, he doesn't last very long."

Hearing Kaguya Ji's explanation, Han Guang's expression didn't change.

He shook his head and said meaningfully: "It's not that the bigger the better, the bigger it is, the faster it dies.


As he said that, Han Guang clasped his hands together.


"Wood Style——Avatar!"

After drinking in a low voice, more than a dozen Wood Style clones split out.

"Come on, the goal is so big, you should know how to do it!" Han Guang said lightly after scanning over a dozen clones.


The avatars responded one after another.

next moment.

Han Guang's main body and avatar folded their hands together.

More than a dozen black balls condense in the palm of the hand, getting bigger and bigger.

"Planetary Devastation!"

"Planetary Devastation!"

"Planetary Devastation!"

The black balls lifted off one after another and flew towards the high-altitude clouds.


The clouds were broken, revealing a gigantic face.

Yishi lowered his head to look at the ground, with a strong sarcasm on his face.

"Just want to beat me after getting more than a dozen small black balls? How naive."

"I'll trample you to death!"

He raised his left foot, driving a terrifying hurricane.

The earth shook again, as if an earthquake of magnitude ten had erupted.

"."Ah! He's going to step on it!" Mana exclaimed.

"He has no chance." Han Guang looked calm,

at this time.

More than a dozen black balls rose above the clouds and merged together.

Terrible gravity appeared.

In an instant, the space collapsed, and a huge area of ​​pitch-black space turbulence appeared.


Yishi looked back, his mountain-sized eyeballs were wide open.

"How is this possible! This is impossible!"

He was horrified to find that his sky-high body was pulled towards the area of ​​the black ball.

How much gravitational force would it take to do this?

"Laozi smashed you with one punch!" Shocked, Yishi slammed his fist at the black ball.


As soon as his fist entered the black area, it was immediately torn apart by the terrifying gravity.

Not only that.

His Qingtian body (of Zhao Hao) has left the ground and flew towards the area of ​​the black ball.

"My body is too big, I can't break free at all."

In a hurry, one move can only remove this ability.


The giant giant disappeared.

Instead, it was a formula that had been shrunk ten thousand times.

But to Yishi's despair, he shrunk ten thousand times, and couldn't break free from the gravitational pull.

to this point.

Yishi already knew very well that he could not escape.

He leaned over to look at the sacred tree.

I want to take a last look at the appearance of the tree.


It was sluggish.

He saw that the sacred tree actually bore fruit?

Moreover, there is more than one TM!


"Why does the sacred tree bear two fruits?"

"Why are the three of them okay?"

"I don't understand...".

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