When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 288 Uchiha Zuo Zi: I Have Awakened A Powerful Force! (Please Customize)

On the lunar battlefield.

The ground is cracked and potholes are everywhere.

In the central area of ​​the confrontation between the two sides, a huge sinkhole appeared, and there were densely packed corpses of White Zetsu in it.

Over Nine Tails' head, Odai was panting.

Namikaze Minato's expression was also extremely dignified.

"Let's withdraw first." Namikaze Minato glanced at Obito and made a suggestion.

"That's the only way." Obito nodded, and waved at the tribe behind him.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

In an instant, many Uchiha tribes began to retreat and left the battlefield.


"They finally withdrew." Ōtsutsuki Shechuan heaved a sigh of relief, and signaled his clansmen to evacuate from the battlefield.

To be honest, facing the Uchiha clan, Ōtsutsuki Shagawa felt unprecedented pressure.

This family that migrated from the ninja world has a powerful threat.

The two sides left the battlefield one after another and returned to their respective camps.

In a circular pit.

Obito and his team jumped into the pit one after another and entered the base.

Beside the pit, a huge stone man opened his eyes, glanced at the Uchiha tribe, and then slowly closed his eyes.

This stone man was the back mountain of Konoha Village before. But now it was brought here and became a stone man guarding the base.

inside the base.

Stone conference room.

Uchiha Obito sat down on the chair.

Namikaze Minato knocked against the wall on the side of the 450.


A figure in white clothes walked in.

"Huh? Judging by your expressions, the attack plan has failed again?" the figure in white robe guessed.

"That's right, and it failed completely." Obito shook his head and said.

"The family on the moon, they should have opened that huge white eye again, otherwise it would be impossible to find the lurking White Zetsu." Namikaze Minato expressed his guess.

"That's it." The white-robed figure nodded, lost in thought.

After a while, he smiled wryly, and continued: "Unfortunately, since Lord Han Guang left, all of our flying abilities have failed. Otherwise, with our flying abilities, we wouldn't be so passive at all!"

Hearing what Orochimaru said, Obito and Minato also sighed.

Why don't they know this?

If their flying ability can still be used, the family on the moon would have been slaughtered by them long ago.

Because, they Uchiha have cracked the biggest problem.

That is——the mind control of the Moon Clan!

You must know that the Uchiha family is far more resistant to illusions than other families, and once Sharingan is awakened, the resistance to illusions will increase significantly.

And this perfectly resisted the mental manipulation of the Moon Clan.

That's why Obito only brought the Uchiha family here and didn't inform other families.

And the huge white eye on the moon made Obito and the others realize that the Hyuga clan must not be allowed to come.

Once the Hyuga tribe dies, the eyes are likely to be absorbed by the huge white eyes.


The atmosphere fell into silence.

In the end, it was Orochimaru who broke the silence.

"Underground diving has proved that this road will not work! The huge white eyes of the Moon family have a wide detection range! The failure of three sneak attacks has proved this point.

"Then what are we going to do?" Obito looked at Orochimaru.

"At present, there is only one way left." Orochimaru said quietly.

"Are you assigning strong men to attack head-on?" Namikaze Minato asked suddenly.

"That's right!" Orochimaru nodded.

Then, he continued: "The battle of a large group of ninjas is not good for us! Because the leader of the opponent has extremely powerful large-scale ninjutsu!"

"This can only be avoided by fighting in small groups of troops."

Hearing Orochimaru's explanation, Obito was quite moved.

It was Namikaze Minato, who frowned.

"I don't think so." He offered a different opinion.

"Oh?" Obito and Orochimaru looked over together.

"I'm just saying one thing. In terms of single-player combat power, none of us can match Ōtsutsuki Shegawa!"

Namikaze Minato said this without hesitation.

In previous encounters, he had tried (bjcf) to get close to Ōtsutsuki Shagawa with the Flying Thunder God. As a result, without accident, all failed.

Because, as soon as one's E is thrown, it will be destroyed by the opponent from a long distance.

Even the Kunai he hid under the rock was found out by the other party.

The opponent has white eyes, which is extremely restrained to Minato's Flying Thunder God!

thump, thump, thump.

At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside, and a girl ran in.

"Zuo Zi, why are you here?"

Seeing the person coming, Obito's expression was rather awkward.

"Obito, how dare you call me by my first name? You should call me Auntie!"

"Uh." Obito's hair was black.

Namikaze Minato on one side suppressed a smile, and Orochimaru also looked at the joke.

You know, Obito is the patriarch of Uchiha now, but he wants to call a twelve-year-old girl aunt?

At first glance, it sounds ridiculous.

But the problem is, this is the truth.

Because, Uchiha Zuozi, is the daughter of Mikoto and Hikari.

And Obito, is the grandson of Han Guang.

"Zuozi, we are discussing something, stop making trouble." Obito said with a straight face.

"Really? That's a pity. I want to talk about a big event, so forget it." Zuo Zi pretended to be disappointed, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute! What's the big deal? Auntie, tell me!" Obito asked hastily.

"Huh? You know how to call me aunt now?" Zuo Zi was proud.

"Speak quickly," Obito urged, in a hurry.

"You guys come with me."

Zuo Zi looked mysterious and brought the three of them to the training ground.

on the training ground.

Uchiha Zuo Zi shook her fist, and afterward, she announced a big event.

"Let me tell you, I just awakened a very powerful power!" Zuo Zi's tone was very mysterious.

Then, she whispered: "I told you first, I didn't even tell my mother. y

"Oh? You awakened a powerful force?" Obito was startled.

This aunt, wouldn't she have awakened One Tomoe Sharingan, and thought it was a powerful force?

"She should have awakened Sharingan." Namikaze Minato also laughed.

Only Orochimaru.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he hurriedly urged: "Zuo Zi, can you show it?"

"Of course." Zuo Zi nodded.

But immediately, she turned pale.

"The power of my awakening is too strong, I think I should go outside the base to test."

"Show a single hook jade, is it necessary to go outside?" The leader shook his head.

"Who told you about my awakened Sharingan?" Zuo Zi crossed her hips with a dissatisfied expression on her face. .

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