When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 298 Han Guang: Stay Away, I'm Going To Explode The Moon! (Please Customize)


After Ōtsutsuki Shegawa was shocked, a sense of humor rose in his heart.

If this young man is really his ancestor, how could he still look like a young man?

He guessed that this was most likely caused by the Uchiha family.

"Damn it, you actually turned someone into my ancestor?" At this moment, Ōtsutsuki Shechuan's tone sank.

Then, he swept across the crowd on the ground, and said with a cold expression: "Today, you are all going to die."

"especially you!"

Pointing to Han Guang on the ground, She Chuan's voice was extremely majestic.

on the ground.

A group of people in Obito looked at each other and took a few steps back.

They are mourning for She Chuan.

It doesn't matter if you offend them, but this guy pointed at Han Guang? And threatened to fire Han Guang?

No need to think about them, they also know that this person in the sky will definitely end up miserable.


In the field, Han Guang took a step forward.

His steps were in the void, and he actually regarded the air as the ground, and walked towards the Chinese medicine step by step.


She Chuan's eyes paused, and his heart became vigilant.

Walking in the air?

What ability is this?

His own flying ability is relying on gravity, but what is this young man relying on?


But immediately, he stopped thinking about it.

She Chuan raised his arms and decided to send the boy to die.

Accompanied by a powerful Chakra gushing out, a faint golden light gathered in She Chuan's palm.


"Golden wheel—uh!"

Before he could perform the spell, Han Guang appeared in front of him as if teleported, and directly pinched Ōtsutsuki Shagawa's neck.

"You!" She Chuan turned pale with shock.

He was horrified to find that the Chakra in his body was madly rushing towards the boy in front of him. It seems to have found the owner?


"You let me down so much." Glancing at She Chuan in front of him, Han Guang showed disappointment.

Then, he slowly said: "I imprisoned my ancestors, and now you want to kill me?"

"Hamura clan, you really disgrace me."

Hearing Han Guang's words, Ōtsutsuki Shegawa was stunned.

Is this boy really an ancestor?

"Are you really an ancestor?" He couldn't help asking.

"That's right!" Han Guang didn't deny it.

"Ancestor, listen to me, this is a misunderstanding!" Chuan hurriedly explained.

"Oh? Misunderstanding?" Han Guang was quite surprised.


Ōtsutsuki Shechuan Kai Shikai Interpretation.

"According to family records, after you disappeared thousands of years ago, the ancestors of Kaguya Hime used the sacred tree to cast Infinite Tsukuyomi!"

"She turned countless civilians into puppets, trying to find you!"

"Ancestor Yuyi and Ancestor Yumura, the ancestors of Kaguya Hime who were forced to seal for the sake of the common people in the ninja world!"

Hearing these words, Han Guang's eyes turned cold.

He shook his head and asked a question.

"So, in your opinion, the life of outsiders is more important than the life of your own mother?"

"This!" Ōtsutsuki was dumbfounded.

It is difficult for him to understand Han Guang's thoughts.

Similarly, Han Guang did not understand the other party's thinking.

"In my opinion, no matter what the reason is, sealing one's own mother is a capital offense!"

Han Guang said lightly.

"Although you are my descendants, if you don't respect your ancestors, there is no need for your family to exist."

"So, you can go to hell!"

Saying that, Han Guang let go of his palm and punched out violently.


The air burst.

The space is broken.

In an instant, Ōtsutsuki Shachuan was blasted into atoms! Annihilated by space turbulence.

A terrifying shock wave was transmitted, forming a huge pure white air cannon.

The air cannon shot straight out like light, stirring up an incomparable hurricane turbulence.

this moment.

All the woods outside Konoha Village were gone.

Even the (cbei) ground was annihilated to a depth of more than ten meters.

Ten miles away.

The huge pure white air cannon flashed away.

The members of the Hamura clan who were flying towards Konoha suffered a devastating blow.

Before they could escape, they were blasted into molecules by the air bombardment.


Severe strong winds are blowing at the mouth of Konoha Village.

Obito and the others forcefully stood on the ground and were almost blown away by the strong wind.

Hinata grabbed the hem of his father's clothes tightly, and his whole body floated up.


The strong wind quickly died away.

Everyone's hearts are also relaxed.


When they looked outside the village, they were all stunned.


Outside the village today, there is nothing left.

At a glance, it is transparent.

Even the ground has been cut more than ten meters deep.

If someone leaves the village at night, one will fall into the pit without paying attention!

"It's too strong!" Nara Lujiu's throat twitched, his face full of awe.

"The Fourth Generation is back this time, and its strength is even more pervert." Hyuga Hiashi muttered to himself.

"One punch directly broke the space, and the shock wave changed the terrain outside the village. This is simply a god!" the Yamanaka patriarch said with emotion.

"Cut, I haven't seen the world." Dai Wang curled his lips.

For Han Guang's strength, Obito had expected it.

When he traveled to the past time and space, he had seen Han Guang's pervert strength with his own eyes.

Behind Hyuga Hiashi, Hinata showed his head, looking at Han Guang with deep admiration!

too strong!

My boyfriend is too strong!

this moment.

Only then did she fall in love with Han Guang from the bottom of her heart.

"Wait a minute! Why is the Fourth Generation raising its fist again?"

Suddenly, several people were taken aback.

They saw that Han Guang's fist that had been put down was raised again.

Moreover, the other party looked up at the moon in the sky.

"No way? Are you going to punch the moon?" Obito couldn't help asking,

"That's right!" Han Guang nodded.

"Han Guang, you are too big! The moon is too far away from us. Even if you punch your fist, the shock wave will not reach the moon at all." Obito reminded.

"Oh? Really?" Han Guang smiled.

Then, he said lightly: "I only used one percent of my strength for that punch just now!"

"And for the next punch, I will use all my strength!"

Following Han Guang's voice fell.

Everyone in Obito was dumbfounded.

The punch that broke the space just now, Han Guang only used one percent of his strength?

what are you kidding

Even the others were buzzing, thinking that Han Guang was too bragging!

"Stay away! I'm going to blow up the moon!"

After glancing at a few people, Huang Guang gestured. .

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