When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 301 Kaguya Ji Is The Ancestor Of The Three Clans? (Please Customize)

I don't know how long it has been.

When Hinata woke up again, she found that the two people on the bed were gone.

Coming to the corridor, Hinata turned to look in the direction of the bath.


Faintly, she heard the sound of water flowing in the bath, and the sound of slapping.


At this moment, Hinata became angry.

She didn't know where that woman came from, but she knew that in order to win favor, that woman cast a sleeping technique on herself.

"Hmph, you wait."

With an angry look on her face, she ran out of Happy Tangyu.

She is going to find Tsunade-senpai, Kushina-senpai, Lin-senpai, Anko-senpai and others.


Hinata found Tsunade and told her story.

Hearing Hinata's words, Tsunade's temper suddenly came up.

"That woman is so courageous, how dare she perform the Hypnosis technique?"

"She wants to occupy Han Guang by herself."

"Go, follow me to the others." 23

Tsunade waved his hand, motioning for Hinata to follow.

"Yeah." Hinata nodded vigorously.

With Senior Tsunade backing her up, that woman is going to be in trouble.

Tsunade moves quickly.

After a while, she gathered several women.

Uchiha Mikoto, Nohara Rin, Uzuki Yuyan, Anko, Konan, Kushina, Mana, and Hyuga Suzune.

These are all Han Guang's women, now, gathered together by Tsunade.

"Now a strange woman appeared in Happy Tangyu, pestering Han Guang. Moreover, this woman cast a Hypnosis spell on Hinata, occupying Han Guang by herself!"

Following Tsunade's voice fell.

Several women were very angry.

A strange woman? Still occupying Han Guang alone?

Who gave her the guts?

"It's too much! Hinata is also Han Guang's girlfriend. That woman performed Hypnosis on Hinata, obviously treating herself as Han Guang's only girlfriend." Mikoto shook his head, disgusted by the strange woman.

"Indeed, she can perform Hypnosis on Hinata, and she can also perform Hypnosis on us. Such a woman must give it a good beating." Kushina echoed.

"But I think we should be careful. Hinata has white eyes, so he didn't unlock the Hypnosis technique?" Konan reminded.

"Hinata is too young, probably no time to untie it." Anko analyzed.

"Okay! Let's go to Happy Tang Rong. I want to see what kind of woman that is!" Tsunade waved his hand and walked towards Happy Tang Rong.

Several other women followed.

"Ancestor, your bear is the biggest among us. Doesn't Han Guang like big bears? Why did he find other women?" Along the way, Kushina asked Mana.

"Maybe, he wants to experience flat chest." Mana smiled at Kaidō.

Her words aroused the approval of several others.

Look at Uzumaki Mana, how talkative.

Several people walked all the way, turned around an intersection, and walked to the street.


Hinata pointed to the door of the store in the distance.

"It's that woman!"


Shouted by Hinata, several people in Tsunade looked at it.

I saw a long-haired woman holding Han Guang's arm at the door of Happy Hot Spring, looking quite intimate.

"Hmph! Slut!" Tsunade snorted softly, and walked towards there with strides.


As soon as she took two steps, she was held by a hand.

"Don't go!" Uzumaki Mana reminded, grabbing Tsunade's arm tightly.

"Warm? What are you pulling me for?" Tsunade looked confused.

"That woman, you can't afford to provoke her!" Mana shook her head.

"What? Do you know her?" Tsunade wondered.

Several other people also looked at Uzumaki Mana, waiting for her explanation.

"Ancestor, do you know the origin of that woman?" Kushina also asked hastily.

"I know." Nana nodded.

Then, looking around at several people, she said something surprising: "That woman is named Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. She is not only the ancestor of our Uzumaki clan! She is also the ancestor of the Senju clan11

After finishing speaking, she added: "She is also the ancestor of the Uchiha clan."


Everyone in Tsunade was dumbfounded.

Mikoto also froze in place.

Kushina was also buzzing.

That woman is the ancestor of the three clans?

what a joke!

"No, that woman looks about the same age as us." At this moment, Anko spoke up.

"That's right, she looks like she's only twenty years old." Lin agreed.

This is not just the doubts of the two of them, the others are equally puzzled.

If that woman is really the ancestor of the three clans, why is she still in her twenties?

Did the other party also travel through time and space?

Facing the doubts of several people, Uzumaki shook his head in a vacuum.

She continued: "You may not believe it, but she should have lived for a thousand years."


Several people were dumbfounded.

A thousand years?

Still maintain the appearance of twenty years old?


"Ahem, I suddenly feel that this Kaguya Ji is still very good." Suddenly, Tsunade's tone softened.

"I think so too. In the future, I will decide to get along well with her." Mikoto also nodded.

"Wait a minute, why did you change your face?" Anko was puzzled.

"You're stupid, you're a thousand years old, you don't look old! Don't you want to know the secret? 660" Lin reminded in a low voice.

"That's right." Anko suddenly realized.

Compared with competing with that woman for favor, a thousand-year-old face is undoubtedly more attractive.

Even Hinata's reaction changed.

Isn't it just being hypnosis once? She thinks that if the other party wants to, it doesn't matter to hypnosis herself a few more times.

"The most important thing for us now is to establish a good relationship with Kaguya Ji!" Tsunade looked around several people and reminded.

Then, he muttered to himself again: "Who can't be tempted by a thousand-year-old face?"

Seeing the reactions of several people, Uzumaki Mana shook her head secretly.

There was one thing she didn't say.

That is, the reason why Kaguya Ji is not old for a thousand years is because she did not eat the fruit of the sacred tree, but gave it to Kaguya Ji's ancestors.

The fruit of the sacred tree is the reason why it is not old for a thousand years.

"Warm? She's walking towards us!" At this moment, Hinata reminded a little.

I see.

After Kaguya Ji and Han Guang parted ways at the door of the shop, they walked towards here.

This made Tsunade and the others very nervous.

Step on, step on.

Walking in front of several people, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya glanced over them, and his eyes fell on Uzumaki Mana.

Immediately, she smiled.

"Mana, we haven't seen each other for thousands of years!".

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