When people are in Konoha, their attributes double every day!

Chapter 303 The Death Of Kenjiro! Confident Peach Pose! (Please Customize)

Far North.

Inside a semicircular palace.

Black Zetsu stuck to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Several black iron rods were inserted into his body, firmly restricting his movements.

On the central seat, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki looked down at the elixir in his hand, dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"After refining a tailed beast, such a small pill can be extracted?" muttering to himself, his tone was rather disappointed.

Immediately, he glanced at Black Zetsu, and said again: "Are you still going to say it? You won't have a chance to say it after my subordinates come back later."

"Hehe." Black Zetsu let out a taunt and fell into silence.

The other party wants to force himself to tell the information about his father Han Guang?


Black Zetsu's mouth was hard. Especially, when he witnessed the explosion of the moon, his mouth became harder.

Because he knew very well that the explosion on the moon was most likely done by his father Han Guang!

This means that the father appeared and rescued the mother.

So, I am still afraid of a hair!

"As long as I persevere, with the wisdom of my father, I will definitely guess that I am here." Black Zetsu was very sure in his heart.

thump, thump, thump.

At this moment, the sound of chaotic footsteps came from outside the hall.

Soon, Ōtsutsuki Jinshi walked in with a human.

"Master Taoshi, I found the information you need." Jin Shigong said.

Then, he picked up Fatty 567 and threw it in front of the seat.


Kenjiro was thrown on the ground, fell a dog and ate shit.

"Master Wozhi!" He cursed in his heart.

Originally, Kenjiro lived well in the country of grass and married three wives.

As a result, when he was making out with his second wife, he was taken away.

Worse, why did you TM catch yourself in such a cold place?

It is probably tens of thousands of miles away from the Country of Grass.

Can I go back by myself?



Seeing Kenjiro, Black Zetsu's heart beat wildly.

He knew that this man, Kenjiro of the Country of Grass, held a great deal of information about his father, Han Guang.

"How did this guy catch him?" Black Zetsu couldn't believe it.

He knew very well that these two people were not humans from the ninja world at all, how could they find Kenjiro so quickly?

"Ants, raise your head!"

Tao Shi on the seat spoke lightly, his tone full of disdain.

He could tell at a glance that this human being was as weak as an ant.

"I'm ashamed of you!" Kenjiro raised his head and cursed back directly.


Tao Shi looked surprised (cdej).

This low-level human being actually scolded himself?

This is disrespect to the gods.

He decided that after asking for information, he would crush the ant to death.

"Human, tell me the information about Han Guang, and I can make your death easier." Momoshiki glanced at Kenjiro and continued.

"Let me die a little easier?" Kenjiro raised his eyebrows.

He heard it.

Whether you say it or not, you will die.

So, why do you say it yourself?

It's dead anyway, Laozi disgusts you to death!

Thinking of this, Kenjiro waved to Momoshiki who was seated.

"Come here, I'll tell you!"

"Yes." Momoshiki nodded and walked in front of Kenjiro.

He put his head closer, ready to listen to the information about Han Guang.

"You can talk now." Tao Shi signaled.

"Han Guang's information, I know!" Kenjiro said quietly.

"Say it!" Tao Shi urged.

"I heard that Han Guang slept with your mother, and then abandoned her severely, so you came to find your father?" Kenjiro's voice was full of sarcasm, and his heart was happy.

"What did you say?" Tao Shiren was dumbfounded.

He looked at Kenjiro with a look of surprise on his face.

I was tricked by this low-level human being?

Moreover, this ants did not insult their mother?

"Damn you."

Tao Shi's tone is very calm.

Ants insulting themselves? Then they can only be crushed to death.

He stretched out his palm and pressed it directly on Kenjiro's head.

"Actually, I can extract your memory, but for an ant like you, I really don't want to waste my energy.

Tao Shi's voice was still calm.

"However, I have decided to extract your memory."

As he spoke, Chakra gushed out of his palm.

"Wori, you're numb!" Kenjiro yelled.

The next moment, a soul body was pulled out of Kenjiro's head.

At this moment, Kenjiro's face was dull, as if he was demented.

And Ōtsutsuki Momoshi closed his eyes and read the memory of this soul.


He opened his eyes and shook his hands slightly.


Kenjiro's soul was directly crushed.

"Jin Shi, throw this ant's body out, don't stain my floor." Tiao Shi waved his hands in disgust.

"Yes." Kim replied.

Then, he picked up the body and threw it out.

"This is not good. He has read Kenjiro's memory, and I am afraid he has already understood the strength of my father." Black Zetsu in the corner was anxious.

If it was someone else who was caught, Black Zetsu wouldn't be like this. But the problem is that it was Kenjiro who was caught.

Everyone in the ninja world knows that Kenjiro knows the most secrets of Han Guang!


Jin Shi walked to the side of the seat and turned to look at Tao Shi.

"My lord, what is the ability of that Han Guang?" Jin Shi asked.

"Very strong!" Tao Shi said lightly.

Then, he smiled, with confidence on his face.

"I thought that the human named Han Guang was the moon that exploded from the air with pure power! But now I know, it's not!" Tao Shi said with a smile.

"Oh? Did he rely on some kind of technique?" Jin Shi continued to ask.

"That's right! There is a high probability that it is time-space ninjutsu! He relied on time-space ninjutsu to transfer the attack to the moon, so he was able to blow up the moon." Tao Shi's tone was extremely affirmative.

Because, he got a lot of information from Kenjiro's memory.

Among them, Han Guang's teacher, Namikaze Minato, is the Grandmaster Time and Space Ninjutsu.

From this, it can be inferred that there are two masters and apprentices, one attacking and the other transferring. That's how the moon exploded.

This is not to blame Momoshiki for thinking so.

Because it was hard for him to believe that relying on pure strength, he could blow up the moon hundreds of thousands of miles away!

If it is using time and space to transfer, then it makes sense.

Hearing Momoshiki's answer, Jinshi also relaxed.

"If you look at it this way, that human named Han Guang is far from being your opponent, Master Taoshi." Jin Wu said respectfully.


Momo smiled.

He stood up and twisted his neck.

"Now that you have figured it out, let's continue to catch the tailed beast."

"We'll go find that Han Guang after we've trained all the tail beasts into pills. By the way, clean up the traitors in the family!"

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