Since a woman can be called the emperor, it is natural that a woman can also be a general.

And in the near future, there will be women serving as officials, women's medical clinics, women's private schools... Until these things that were once not allowed to exist have become a habit and a custom.

When the gap between men and women gradually narrows, and the concept of male superiority and female inferiority is no longer so strong, the Jin Kingdom will truly become stronger and stronger.

Yan Li and Chu Qinqin stayed in the room chatting with Xuan Xuan for half a day. At noon, in response to Mrs. Xuan's warm invitation, they stayed for a sumptuous lunch.

Before leaving, Yan Li patted Xuan Xuan on the shoulder: "After you have had enough rest, go out for a walk often. I practice martial arts at home on weekdays. I will find an opportunity to hold a women's martial arts competition in the future and strive to win the first prize."

Even if you come from a general's palace, you must have real ability if you want to be admitted to the palace with good reputation.

Xuan Xuan nodded repeatedly: "Your Highness, Princess, don't worry, I will definitely practice martial arts with all my heart."

Yan Li quickly returned to the eldest princess' mansion.

She ordered someone to call Qin Shiyuan over and briefly told him Chu Qinqin's feelings. Qin Shiyuan thought deeply: "What do you mean by His Highness?"

"You decide on your own marriage matters. I have no objection." Yan Li said calmly, "If I feel it is inappropriate, I will not speak to you about this matter."

After spending so many days together, Qin Shiyuan had already understood Yan Li's temperament. The Chu family was originally a faction that supported the queen and the eldest princess and was loyal. The first daughter of the Chu family had a good family background and good looks. Yan Li probably thought it was suitable, so she Talk to him.

But she will not interfere in the marriages of her subordinates without authorization.

Whatever is appropriate is appropriate, and the final decision is still up to him.

Qin Shiyuan thought about it, he was going to get married sooner or later anyway, and he was not young anymore, so it would not be a problem to delay it any longer.

"Everything is decided by His Highness." Qin Shiyuan nodded, "I have no objection."

Yan Li glanced at him: "You really have no objection?"


"First of all, you don't have to worry about me about this marriage. You should follow your own wishes. Whether it's based on her character, appearance or satisfaction with her family background, you need to consider your own needs." Yan Li said lightly, " Secondly, since it is your own choice, you must take on the responsibilities of a man, love and respect your wife, and fulfill the responsibilities of a husband and a mother in the future. "

Qin Shiyuan nodded: "My subordinates will meet, please rest assured, Your Highness."

"If he dares to be irresponsible, I will break his legs." Mu Cang walked in with his hands behind his back, bringing a full sense of oppression, "Miss Chu is a good girl, you must cherish her if you marry her."

Qin Shiyuan lowered his head: "Yes, I understand."

"Get out."

"My subordinates resign."

"Does this count as being a matchmaker?" Yan Li raised her eyes and looked at Mu Cang, with a slight smile on her lips, "The feeling of holding the red thread is quite fresh."

"Since you have a rest these days, you can learn more about the other girls from aristocratic families in Jin who are suitable for marriage." Mu Cang said in a leisurely tone, "The marriages of three thousand members of the Black Phoenix Army will keep you busy for a while."

The corner of Yan Li's mouth twitched: "Should I resign as regent and crown prince and become a matchmaker full-time?"

"That's not possible." Mu Cang shook his head decisively, "You are the regent princess and the future empress of the Jin Kingdom. The three thousand private soldiers under your command and my status as consort can rise with the tide. It will be easier for them to marry. If not With this level of identity blessing, the conditions can be lowered. "

"I didn't expect that the majestic God of War, the Prince, would also like people to walk to higher places."

"That's natural." Mu Cang smiled and said, "After all, who doesn't like the feeling of eating soft food?"

The corner of Yan Li's mouth twitched, and she was speechless for a long time. Finally, she sighed softly: "Okay, let's worry about this Sanqian Erlang's marriage together."

So in the next month, Yan Li and Mu Cang hardly left the house. They went to inspect the school grounds in the morning to supervise the training of the Black Phoenix Army, and in the afternoon they learned about the situation of unmarried women from various families in the imperial capital.

The upper level is nobles and first-level ministers, and the lower level is ninth-level minor officials.

Anyway, being idle is idle.

However, just half a month after such a pleasant day, disturbing news suddenly came from the palace.

The emperor suddenly fell ill and urgently called for an imperial doctor.

There was great chaos in the palace.

In order to stabilize people's hearts, the queen immediately announced the emperor's will and announced her abdication to allow the eldest princess to ascend the throne.

Yan Li was woken up from bed in the middle of the night and couldn't help but look at Mu Cang.

"Go first and take a look at the palace." Mu Cang casually took her coat and asked her to put it on. His voice was calm and convincing, "The Emperor should be fine."

The two of them got dressed calmly and walked out of the inner hall.

"Eldest princess, please come into the palace quickly. The ministers are all waiting." The chief steward bowed with a worried look on his face, "The emperor's situation is not optimistic."

"Don't worry, Chief Manager." Yan Li reassured her, "I will follow you into the palace right now."

Things happened so suddenly that Yan Li and Mu Cang didn't have time to think about it. They were urged into the palace by a group of internal servants brought by the chief steward.

What followed was the lights as bright as day inside the palace gate, the heavily guarded inner guards, the imperial guards standing neatly outside the Jinluan Palace, and the Manchu ministers who had been waiting on the palace steps for a long time.

A tailor-made dragon robe was quickly put on Yan Li. Dragon crowns, dragon pendants, seals and other items that belonged to the emperor were presented one by one by a dedicated person.

The chief steward of the Imperial Palace sang loudly and shouted: "The Emperor has decreed that the Crown Princess will ascend the throne as the emperor from now on and become the first empress of the Jin Kingdom. The enthronement ceremony will be held on the sixth day of March! Here it is!"

All the military officials in the court knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "See our emperor, long live the emperor!"

The sound of tens of thousands of people worshipping together shook the sky, instantly breaking the silence of the night.

Yan Li stood on the high steps of the palace, silently looking at the crowd in front of her, with an unfathomable look on her face.

She was awakened from her sleep, and encountered such a scene after entering the palace. Even if she was calm and shrewd, she was inevitably confused for a while.

But at this time she suddenly noticed something strange.

The emperor suddenly fell ill, but he was able to summon all the military officials in such a short time, and so many people were standing in the palace waiting for her?

Although the chief steward in front of the emperor was eager to announce the decree, his tone sounded urgent and impatient, but he did not show too much worry and anxiety from beginning to end.

The sudden illness of the emperor always means the risk of his death. In this case, the atmosphere in the palace must be depressing and solemn. Everyone can feel that there is a sense of impending storm around them. Nerves are tense, expressions are solemn, and everyone has to pretend to be frightened.

However, this scene last night seemed to have been planned for a long time.

Yan Li's expression was calm, and a trace of undetectable deep thought flashed through her eyes. Seeing this reaction, the ministers thought that the princess was calm in the face of danger and was not surprised by honor or disgrace.

It is said that the emperor was not anxious or panicked when he was critically ill.

He suddenly put on the yellow robe, but there was no surprise at all.

He was indeed a natural emperor.

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