When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 1000 Madam, I have earned my life for you.

Just arrived at the entrance of the village——

Oh, he is the grandson of Mr. Wang, a scholar! Why is he driving a mule cart? He looks like he has become rich!

No, I heard that Mr. Wang's daughter has become rich.

It seems that my family opened a workshop, and people in the next village followed suit and made a lot of money.

Yeah, who would have thought that I couldn't even eat enough before?

Now it looks like she is living a better life than that Xiu Niang!

Hmph! What does it have to do with us that people are living a good life?

This daughter of the Wang family really doesn't know how to behave. She doesn't know how to make money by dragging her parents' family down.

It would be great if that workshop opened in our Daliu Village!

Don't impose the way your parents taught you on other people's wives.

The late wife has already married into the Luo family, so of course she must live a good life first.

It's not like you. My husband's children are almost starving to death, and he still moves the things from home to his parents' house all day long.

Your husband's family will be unlucky for eight lifetimes if they marry you. Some people couldn't bear to hear it, and they said something unpleasant.

The other person felt that the atmosphere was not right and tried to smooth things over with a smile.

Oh, it's also caused by poverty. Everyone is going crazy because of poverty.

We don’t want to take advantage, even if we can make more income, it will be good...

Even the second wife of the Luo family didn't know about the women's gossip at the entrance of the village.

The mule cart stopped in front of Wang's house.

The family walked to the yard with their hands full, carrying their things.

My wife is back, where did she get rich?

My family is having a hard time, so I go back to my parents’ house and take so many things.

If my daughter-in-law was like this, I would have driven her back to her parents’ home long ago...

Mrs. Zhao's face turned sour when she saw Wang Wanniang's family packed with bags and a mule cart.

She and Wang Wanniang's mother had been feuding for decades, and they were still fighting in their hearts.

The little girl of the old Wang family is getting more and more aggressive now, isn't it just hurting her heart?

Thinking of the loser who also married into Xinghua Village, a fierce light appeared on Old Zhao's face.

Wang Wanniang knew the neighbor's aunt's temperament, so she didn't care about it and twitched her lips.

Auntie, I'm worried! But my husband-in-law doesn't care, so I won't worry about it anymore.

With that said, he took his husband and his children in.

Old Zhao felt so angry that he held his chest and looked at the backs of Luo Shui and others, and let out a loud sigh.

Aren't they just a few stinky money!

Mrs. Wang heard her daughter's voice and hurriedly came out of the kitchen.

When I saw my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren coming, I had a smile on my face.

Why did you get so many things when you came?

It's not easy for you to make money. If you save some money, your father and mother will not need anything.

Wang Yao was also at home. When he saw his sister and brother-in-law bringing many things, he said with an honest face:

Sister, brother-in-law, what my mother said is right, we don't lack anything at home, please leave your things to my nephews and nieces!

As an uncle, he is not very capable and cannot give good things to his nephews and nieces.

Don't take advantage anymore.

Mr. Wang came out of the room and smiled unconsciously when he heard his son say this.

Fortunately, this son is kind.

Mother, your second brother is right, come back as soon as you come back, don't keep bringing things with you.

As he said this, his heart was happy.

After all, my daughter carries these things because she is thinking about herself and her old lady!

The Luo family put things on the stone table in the yard.

Wang Wanniang opened them one by one.

It's not anything good, just some grain, meat and cloth.

I heard that my family was divided, and I thought I should return something I needed, so I sent it...

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