When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 1002 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Mrs. Luo's expression had turned grim.

There was no smile on his thin face, and he looked very mean.

Have you really seen him? she asked quietly.

How can you tell a lie? Ms. Zhao glanced at Widow Ding who was secretly putting melon seeds in her pocket, and tugged on her sleeve.

Widow Ding also saw it. If you don't believe me, ask her.

Widow Ding saw the two people's eyes falling on her, touching the bulging inner bag, and there was a burst of satisfaction in her eyes.

No, Wang first bought a mule cart, and then went to the grain store to buy a lot of grain.

By the way, there are also fabric pastries and so on, that’s more than one…”

Her tone was sour, and her eyes showed greed.

It seems like he wants to take those good things to his own home.

That's even more true for Zhao.

I felt sour and resentful in my heart, wishing that all the good things Wang Wanniang had were hers.

Mrs. Luo was so angry that her hair almost stood on end.

His hands were trembling and his eyes were fierce, as if he was about to eat someone in the next second.

When Widow Ding and Mrs. Zhao saw it, they looked at each other and smiled.

There was gloating all over his face.

Hehe, then Wang Wanniang is dead!

It doesn’t matter if my husband loves me and my children are filial, but if my mother-in-law doesn’t like her, she will still be miserable.

After coming out of Luo's house, they met after dinner and went to the entrance of the village to wait for a good show, and then went back to their respective homes happily.


The Luoshui family had a meal in Daliu Village before driving the mule cart back home.

When the villagers saw the mule cart of the second room of the Luo family, their eyes turned red with envy.

The car just stopped at the door.

The things that Mrs. Wang brought back to Wanniang Wang haven't been taken home yet.

Mrs. Luo came aggressively.

Seeing the brand-new mule cart, the old lady's blood pressure soared.

He picked up the crutch and hit Wang Wanniang on the back.

Luo Shui noticed a strong gust of wind passing by his ears.

Looking sideways, the stick a few fingers thick was almost on my mother's body.

Feeling anxious, he quickly grabbed the stick and blocked it.

Mrs. Luo was filled with anger.

I used all my strength.

I want to teach this unfilial daughter-in-law a lesson, but I have no power at all.

When Luo Shui blocked her, the old lady tilted her body and fell to the ground.

Ouch... The old lady cried out in pain and twisted her waist.

Just moving caused a stinging pain.

Mother-in-law? Wang Wanniang quickly turned her head when she heard the voice.

When I saw that my mother-in-law had fallen, I quickly walked over and planned to help her up.

Why are you here? What's going on...

Before she could finish her words of concern, the old lady opened her door violently.

Sitting on the ground, slapping his thighs, he began to howl like a ghost.

I beat someone to death! My daughter-in-law is going to beat someone to death!

This is extremely unfilial! Where did you die, my second brother? Are you going to let Wang, a star of the family, bully your mother like this?

Are you worthy of your dead father? Dad, why did you die so early?

My old wife is better off dead than living in this world. When she gets old, she still has to be beaten and scolded by her daughter-in-law. My life is miserable!

I finally raised my son, but my second son is a white-eyed wolf...

He was crying and howling, and his voice was shrill, as if he had been greatly wronged.

The heart-shaking cries made all the young and old men in the village come to watch the fun.

Mrs. Zhao and Widow Ding had been looking forward to this scene for a long time.

It's just a pity that the old lady's stick didn't hit Mrs. Wang.

If you hit it, you'll be relieved!

Auntie, what are you doing? Why are you sitting on the ground?

It's cold on the ground, get up quickly! Your body is your own, and you are the one who suffers when you get sick...

Mrs. Zhao gave Widow Ding a look and stepped forward together, wanting to help the old lady up.

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