When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 1011 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Fufu is destined to be rich and powerful, how can his reputation be ruined by Luo Er? !

Luo Qi is fierce.

But with his weak body, he was no match for Luo Er, who had traveled around a lot and had been doing farm work for more than ten years.

Luo Eryi stretched out his hand to sweep him away, his expression condensed.

What I said is nonsense, so you can just throw dirty water on my daughter? Who gives you the face?

Luo Da staggered and took several steps back, his face turning red.

Luo Er... he said sharply.

Luo Er has long since realized that he is no longer the honest guy he used to be.

He said calmly: Don't speak loudly if you are right. If you have any advice, brother, I will listen.

He didn't give in at all!

Luo Da was vomiting to death.

I just felt like a mouthful of old blood was about to spurt out.

As early as in the two years of competition, Li knew that the current second house was difficult to deal with.

Seeing the strange looks in the villagers' eyes, she sighed inwardly.

She should have stopped Fufu from coming here!

Brother and sister, your eldest brother and Fufu can't talk, I'm so sorry!

Fufu and Luoluo were born in the same year, month and day, and grew up in the village under our noses. How could there be anything weird about them?

The smile on Li's face was a little bitter.

It's because we, as a couple, are incompetent and can't make a haircut gift that satisfies Fufu.

Fufu was jealous and said such unpleasant things. Please don't blame her.

If you want to blame it, just blame us as parents!

She would rather let Fufu get the reputation of being jealous than let Fufu get the reputation of being evil.

After all, my daughter is only a teenager and has just gotten haircut.

Even if he was jealous that Luo Shui's haircut was better than his own and said harsh words, it was understandable.

After all, the second bedroom was really not as good as my own house before.

Anyone would be unhappy if they were surpassed by a peer who is not as good as themselves.

What's more, it's a little girl who has just grown hair. I think the people in the village will understand, right?

Wang Wanniang has a gentle temperament.

After all, she is a sister-in-law, and she will not insist on saying a few words to be unreasonable.

But she was still holding her breath, so she said:

What my sister-in-law said is that the two girls were born on the same day in the same year and the same month, and they share the same blood. They should be rare people to get close to.

It's just that Luoluo and Fufu can't play together, so let's not force it.

What she meant was simply that Fu Fu should just stop finding fault with Luo Shui.

Li's face was a little confused, and she reluctantly pulled down the corners of her mouth and smiled awkwardly.

I will take good care of Fufu, and my brothers and sisters should also take good care of Luoluo!

This is natural! Wang Wanniang said with a smile, Can my daughter's hairdo ceremony continue?

He spoke neither hurriedly nor slowly, and was generous and polite.

He didn't care at all about the delay in the Luo family's main house.

Li said 'yes' twice in a row and gave Luo Da a look.

Pulling Luo Fufu out of the courtyard of Luo's second room.

After going out, listening to the lively sounds inside, Li felt angry and bitter.

But who let her have a hopeless son and a daughter who can make rouge and gouache?

Since my father-in-law made a mistake a year ago and lost his job in the town, the small business run by his two sons has often hit a wall.

Life at home is obviously not that good.

The most annoying thing is that the old lady is picky about what she eats and what she wears...

This made the already declining family even worse.

The circumstances of life are so changeable!

Luo Fufu turned around and saw that Luo Shui had changed into a dark dress with a curved train.

Wearing a beautiful hairpin on her head, her eyebrows are picturesque, and a smile appears on her lips.

It's as beautiful as the flower fairy who accidentally broke into the peach forest in the valley.

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