When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 1020 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

No, look at how fat the meat is, and how juicy the food is!

This wedding is probably the most lively in the whole country. I'm afraid no one will be able to compare with the Fan family in the future.

After being blown a bunch of rainbow farts, Guo's back straightened up a little.

My whole body seemed to be glowing.

Everywhere, everyone is cheering!

Preparations are being made here, Fander has already led the wedding team to welcome the bride.

However, what people never expected was that a big mistake occurred.

Fander looked at the bride in front of him, who was wider than him and wearing a red wedding dress, and frowned.

What is this? He looked at the housekeeper of Jia Mansion with confusion on his face.

The housekeeper touched the beard on his chin, with a smile on his face but a hint of refusal in his tone.

This is the second young lady of our Jia family. Now that my uncle has received her, he should take her home and get married.

Vander didn't believe it at all.

His mother said that the second young lady of the Fan family was a graceful and graceful woman, how could she be the person in front of her.

The housekeeper seemed to understand his thoughts and said with a smile:

I am the housekeeper of Jia Mansion, and everyone here is the servant of Jia Mansion.

Who doesn't know the second young lady? How could we still lie to you?

As he spoke, he gave the servants around him a look.

The servants spoke one after another:

This is the second young lady in our house, she can't be wrong.

Yes, I have been in the house for almost ten years, and this is our second young lady.

Brother-in-law, hurry up and take the second young lady home, don’t miss the time!

If my uncle doesn't believe it, there's nothing we can do.

If you have to ask us to prove that the second young lady is the second young lady, I don’t know how to prove it.

Why do you think this is not the second lady? Is there an adulterer who seduced me?

Fan De's head is about to explode.

If he didn't know that his mother had been tricked at this time, he would have passed the exam for nothing.

No wonder……

No wonder it’s such a coincidence!

Fan De smiled bitterly and had no choice but to welcome the bride.

Miss Jia Er looks like she weighs more than two hundred pounds.

As soon as he got on the sedan, his two arms slammed into the sedan door.

The bearer didn't pay attention and was almost knocked out.

The maid saw it and quickly helped the young lady get into the sedan chair smoothly.

After she sat down, four strong men lifted her up hard, causing the sedan to sway violently.

The four bearers readjusted their strength, and the sedan headed steadily towards Xinghua Village.

The bearer secretly cursed that this order was a big loss.

I have to buy ointment to apply on my waist when I go back, which is not cost-effective!

Fande, who was riding on the horse, looked at the red sedan with a bitter look on his face.

This is nothing!

He could imagine how shocked his mother would be when she saw this girl.

The Fan family's marriage is a major event in Xinghua Village.

Almost half of the village came to watch the fun.

The sedan has a red curtain and a green cover, with dragons and phoenixes placed on it to represent auspiciousness, and silk tassels hanging from the four corners.

When everyone saw the sedan chair, the big horse, and the endless dowry, they immediately became excited.

Hey, so much dowry!! How much does it cost? The Jia family is really rich.

I'm jealous, I'm jealous!

Fande is married to a golden boy. The Fan family is indeed going to be prosperous!

This sedan chair is so elegant. We have never used a sedan chair for weddings in our village. It's great!

Everyone was talking and laughing.

Following the sedan chair and Fan De's tall horse, they stopped at the door of Fan's house.

Guo heard the sound and came out happily.

This joy changed drastically after the bride got off the sedan chair.

Miss Jia Er got off the sedan chair.

The noisy crowd suddenly became silent.

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