When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 1024 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Luo Er and Wang Wanniang only felt that they were dreaming.

What kind of war god general, and what kind of prince does it belong to?

This doesn't sound very real!

How could they, a little boss with the surname of the boss, see any generals or princes?

This must be a dream! ! !

Mr. Lu did not notice that the couple opposite him had been knocked unconscious by the explosion, and continued:

If Luoluo marries Yan Yan, there is no need to worry about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

The whole house is under her control as soon as she enters the house. If she doesn't want to take care of it, she can leave it to her servants.

Apart from Luoluo, there will never be another person in Yan's backyard.

The Xie family would never create a woman to disgust Luo Luo.

Also, after getting married, Luoluo can go wherever she wants, and she will not be locked up in the backyard...

Mr. Lu said with a normal expression.

Luo Er and Wang Wanniang felt as if there was a thunderous explosion above their heads, and they were even more unbelievable.

Mr. Lu was stunned when he saw that the couple seemed to be missing one soul and two souls, and shook his head helplessly.

Oh, look, it scares people.

A thunderous explosion occurred in the Luo family.

Seeing that Luo Er and his wife looked like they couldn't come to their senses, Mr. Lu just said, Let's talk in detail another day and left.

You have to let the Luo family calm down first!

After Mr. Lu left, it took a long time for Luo Er and Wang Wanniang to react.

It's not that they can't stand it, but that ordinary people are used to it.

How could I not panic when I suddenly heard the generals and princes in the play?

Ms. sir, did I hear you correctly?

That boy Xie who just came back has become a prince?

Moreover, he asked to marry Luo Luo?

What, how is that possible?

Luo Er was also in a daze. He was silent for a moment and then said, That's right...

At this moment, she had completely forgotten that the boy was thinking about his daughter.

All I could think of was...that man was actually a general who commanded hundreds of thousands of troops!

Did they offend that person? ! no?

At most, at most it seems that people are being disliked...

This is not important, what is important is that his daughter was proposed to marry him.

Thinking of this, Luo Er suppressed the huge waves in his heart and frowned slightly.

Madam, what do you think?

After listening to Mr. Lu's words, he certainly knew that this was a good marriage that no outsider could ask for.

However, the family status gap is too big.

If Luoluo was wronged, he couldn't vent his anger on his daughter's behalf.

If it is true as Mr. Lu said, this marriage is indeed a good one.

What I'm worried about is, how long can the young man's love last?

The most indispensable thing in life is change. Today, you are indispensable. Tomorrow, the red sleeves will be more fragrant.

I don’t know how many such things have happened since ancient times?

It doesn’t matter if they have equal family backgrounds. If the man is stronger than the woman,

My daughter’s family doesn’t know how much suffering they will have to endure... Wang Wanniang said with a bitter smile.

She and Luo Er had the same concerns, they were both worried that Luo Shui would be wronged.

What does the lady mean to reject Mr. Lu? We don't agree to this marriage? Luo Er asked.

It would be a pity if he really refused!

Of course Wang Wanniang didn't think that rejection was a good thing.

Whether a daughter's family is happy or not depends entirely on family background. The husband's character is the most important.

Who said that finding a well-matched girl will make your daughter happy?

Let me ask Luoluo what he means about this first!

After all, it is my daughter’s wedding, and blind marriages are not a thing in our family.

If you spend your whole life with someone you have nothing to say to, it will be boring just thinking about it.

I hope our children can find the person they like to spend their lives,

It doesn’t matter who they are, as long as they are happy. Wang Wanniang said with emotion.

Life is short, how many people can live happily.

She hopes this is the case for her children.

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