When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 1031 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Damn the Luo family, it would be better if they all go to jail.

The words fell——

Lu Ci led his people out of Luo's house.

Mrs. Guo was startled and fell to the ground with a 'snap'.

There happened to be a pile of bird droppings under the tree where I was holding my hands on the ground.

Guo wanted to shout, scream, and curse, but Lu Ci's cold and cold eyes fell on her.

She froze.

His face turned red.

He was ashamed and angry.

Lu Ci could see that this man had ill intentions towards his cousin's in-laws, and gave her a cold look with warning in his eyes.

Then he took people to the entrance of the village to thank the house.

Guo's hair stood up when she met the man's cold, deathly eyes.

I felt a chill going straight to the soles of my feet.

She didn't offend this person, right?

Even if she crushed the bird poop with her hands, it would still make her feel a little disgusted.

But he didn’t do anything harmful, right? Why is this person looking at her like that?

Fortunately, the man took one look at her and left.

Mrs. Guo patted her chest and looked relieved.

But...she forgot that there was something in her palm...

Guo felt the stench was overwhelming.

He lowered his head and screamed.

The Luo family is indeed her nemesis!

Lu Ci didn't put the Guo family anywhere.

It's just a stupid village woman, my cousin can solve it with one finger.

Thinking of his always strict grandfather, he felt a little panicked.

He hasn't read in a long time.

There were quite a lot of things going on in the court, and he hadn't settled down to study for a while.

This suddenly passed, I'm afraid...

Just as I was thinking about it, the road was blocked.

Sir... The little girl had a round face, deer-like eyes, and a soft voice.

Lu Ci came to his senses and frowned.

do you know it?

Once you get to this village, can’t you escape?

He felt inexplicably irritable.

Do I know you? The voice was cold, without any softness.

Luo Fufu wore her favorite clothes and came to see him full of expectations, but she didn't expect that this person didn't even remember who she was.

I was so excited and excited to see him before, but now I feel so uncomfortable.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the beautiful dress she had changed into in a hurry back home.

Luo Fufu felt like he had been slapped, and his face was burning.

Lu Ci saw that the girl was silent and seemed stupid, so he walked forward.

Luo Fufu became anxious when he saw it, and quickly grabbed his sleeve with tears in his eyes.

Lu Ci didn't expect her to be so bold, and her sleeve was pulled without her noticing.

With a strong effort on his arm, he broke away her hand and frowned, Girl, please respect yourself.

Luo Fufu's face turned red with shame, he pinched his fingertips and said, Master, don't you remember me?

Should I remember you? Lu Ci asked, not having a very good impression of this girl.

Luo Fufu pursed his lips and said, We met two years ago and I picked up your purse.

As she spoke, she took out the delicate purse.

The purse was a little damaged and the thread was much older, but it was still bright.

When Lu Ci heard this, he looked at her, feeling somewhat impressed, It's you!

It's that greedy little kid!

Look at growing up.

Luo Fufu's eyes brightened slightly, and he smiled and said, It's me. I didn't expect to see you again!

She looked at Lu Ci with particularly bright eyes, filled with admiration that could not be ignored.

Lu Ci had nothing to say to her. He just nodded and walked towards the entrance of the village.

...Hey, that... Luo Fufu quickly caught up with him.

She was about to get married, so instead of being forced into a blind marriage, she might as well find someone she liked.

She thinks this guy is nice.

Rich, powerful, and good-looking.

She was destined to be with him. Isn't this a God-given marriage?

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