When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 1037 Madam, I have earned my life for you.

Luo Fufu's eyes were humiliated, and he looked at Luo Shui with a sinister look.

Just as he was about to push hard towards the woman in rich attire, Luo Shui took a step back.

The corners of his mouth curved sarcastically.

Luo Fufu pushed Luo Shui with all his strength.

As soon as the opponent dodged, she fell to the ground with the momentum.

Luo Shui! Luo Fufu gritted his teeth.

The look he stared at Luo Shui was not ordinary vicious.

Luo Shui smiled slightly, Luo Fufu, I don't want to talk to you, please don't anger me.

She always ignored this person, and she didn't know where this person's hatred came from.

Did I make you angry? Luo Fufu laughed loudly, Didn't you steal my blessing?

You are not a human at all, you are a vixen! You are a goblin who sucks people's luck. You should not live in this world...

She seemed to be venting her inner frustration, and cursed Luo Shui with all the vicious words.

It seems like this will make me feel better.

Xie Yuan's face darkened, and his whole body exuded a bloodthirsty chill.

The cold was biting.

This shrew insulted the princess, come on, slap her! The voice was extremely cold.

The maid beside Luo Shui took a few steps forward.

He picked up a wooden board from nowhere and hit Luo Fufu in the face.

For a moment, everyone was speechless.

After more than a dozen slaps, Luo Fufu's face instantly swelled.

There was blood flowing out of the corner of the mouth, and the mouth looked like two sausages hanging from it.

It all seemed to happen in an instant.

Li Shi came back to her senses and knelt down in front of Luo Shui with a bang.

Princess, please forgive Fufu, the common woman, she just...she just feels miserable!

The civilian woman will take good care of Fufu from now on, please spare her once!

Luo Wen and Luo Wu also knelt down and kowtowed.

His forehead hit the ground, making a 'dong-dong' sound, just a few times.

My forehead becomes red and blue.

Princess, please, for the sake of us being a family, please spare Fufu!

Luo Shui quickly avoided Li when he knelt down.

She looked at the haggard woman and two cousins ​​on the ground with mixed emotions.

Since the life of the eldest room of the Luo family has become worse and worse than the second room, Luo has become confused and confused, and now he also looks absent-minded.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

He didn't care about his daughter who was being beaten.

He even ignored his wife who knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

Wang Wanniang felt an indescribable feeling in her heart when she saw her sister-in-law's hair was messy and she looked embarrassed.

The words Luo Fufu said made her feel like her heart was about to explode.

Just looking at the scene in front of her, she felt extremely aggrieved.

Alas, it’s all for the sake of the children!

Mrs. Luo saw Luo Fufu being pressed down and beaten.

Only then did she realize that Luo Shui, her granddaughter, was different after all.

The persuasion that was already on her lips was swallowed back by her immediately.

After hesitating for a while, she said: Luoluo, please spare Fufu!

Nai promises you that Fufu will never appear in front of you again.

If she talks nonsense again, you just...cut her tongue, and she will stop meddling in her own business.

After the old lady finished speaking, her face suddenly darkened, as if she had aged several years in an instant.

Xie Qi didn't want Luo Shui to be in trouble, so he put his arm around her shoulders and looked at the Luo family's main room with cold eyes.

He waved his hand to the maid, signaling her to stop.

The eldest maid hid the wooden board and stood back beside Luo Shui with an expressionless face.

He has become a humble servant again.

Xie Yu opened his lips, his voice slightly cold.

You only have one chance. The majesty of the princess cannot be violated by anyone. If she does it next time, she will be severely punished!

Mrs. Li and her two sons knelt down to express their gratitude, Thank you, Your Majesty, for your great kindness.

After saying that, a few people dragged Luo Fufu out.

The air was quiet for a moment, and Luo Er opened his mouth to break the strange atmosphere.

Oh, Fufu's temper is getting weirder and weirder!

Luoluo, don't take this matter to heart. You and Yan Yan should go and have a rest!

Luo Shui responded and took Xie Qi back to the courtyard.

When she arrived at the yard, Luo Shui found that the place was exactly the same as when she left, and she suddenly felt much better.

It hasn't changed at all here.

Xie Chuan looked at the gentle look on the woman's eyebrows, and felt a softness that was hard to ignore in his heart.

How could his wife be satisfied so easily?

Luoluo, if you like it here, I will stay here with you. If you want to go somewhere else, that's fine, I'll stay with you!

Luo Shui rested his head on the man's shoulder, his figure reflected in his watery eyes as clear as stars.

After staying for a while, let's leave. For the rest of my life, I just want to accompany you to visit various places.

Xie Yu placed a kiss on the woman's eyebrows, her heart trembling slightly.

Okay, you and I will be the only ones for the rest of my life. You can go wherever you want, and the world will be as free as you like.

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