When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 108 The emperor’s favorite ran away

At Chen time, in the mountains.

It was so dark that he couldn't see the road. Luo Shi relied on his familiarity with the mountain roads since he was a child to drag his prey back home.

This time, I was lucky and caught a wild boar, a red fox, two pheasants and a few rabbits. This solved the problem of my son's hair, and I could buy some meat to replenish my wife's health.

The night was dark, and the huge woods were silent. Luo Shi held a torch in his left hand and dragged the prey with his right hand. In the little light, he could see the sticky bright red overflowing from his left shoulder.

Time passed little by little, the trees on the outer edge of the mountain became a little lower, and the faint light in the distance illuminated the way home.

A warm feeling passed through Luo Shi's heart, and his tired body was suddenly filled with strength. His footsteps became brisk and he walked towards the light very quickly.

The lady should have been worried. She could have gone down the mountain before dark, but met a red fox on the way. The fur of this thing is very valuable, and the ladies of wealthy families like it. It was a waste of time to capture it.

At this time, in front of the dilapidated thatched house, Luo Shui supported Yunshi and looked at the dark mountains with a worried expression.

Mom, why don't we let Yu Tuo and the others go find dad!

Yun was a kind person and did not want to bother others. She shook her head and said, No, they are not familiar with the mountain roads. If they encounter a big cat...

If it weren't for her poor health and lack of land at home, my husband would not have gone to the mountains for his wife.

Thinking of the rumors circulating in the village that there were big cats in the mountains, Yun's body trembled and her face instantly turned pale.

Luo Shui frowned and gestured to Qiuniang's thick cloak prepared for Yun's family. He carefully put it on her body and said comfortingly: Wait a little longer. If dad hasn't come back yet, let Yu Tuo and the others go take a look. They There are many people and martial arts, so nothing will happen.

Yun looked at Luo Shui tenderly, a smile appeared on her thin but charming face, and she breathed a sigh of relief and said, Okay.

Now that Luo Luo is back, their family can finally be reunited!

When Luo Shi was about to get home, he suddenly heard the voices of several men in front of his house. His expression suddenly changed, he didn't even want the prey anymore, and he ran home.

He walked through the sprouting grass and saw Yunshi in front of the hospital at a glance. His violently beating heart slowly calmed down, and a gentle smile appeared on his thin face.

He looked very embarrassed, his clothes were in tatters, his hair was sticky with dirt, sweat or blood, and there was a hole on his shoulder, with bright red blood leaching from it.

Yun's eyes were sore, and he hurriedly stepped forward and took out the handkerchief to wipe Luo Shi's dirty face, Brother Shi, are you injured?!

As she said that, she stretched out Xuxu and touched Luo Shi's blood-stained shoulder, and coughed when she got excited.

Yun's body was already weak, and she had experienced great joys and sorrows. If she didn't take good care of herself for a few months, even if she got seriously ill, her life span would probably be shortened.

Seeing Luo Shi in such a mess now, her thin body was swaying slightly, as if she would faint in the next second.

Seeing that Luo Shi had frightened his wife like this, he secretly regretted not cleaning up in advance and quickly supported her.

Yun Niang, I'm fine. It's just a minor injury. It will heal in a few days! As he said that, he reached out and patted Yun's shoulder.

The softness of the tentacles surprised Luo Shi, and then he saw that she was actually wearing a fluffy red cloak. Under the bright moonlight, the color of the cloak's fur glowed slightly, which was actually more red than the red one he had hunted so hard. Foxes are much more precious.

At this time, Luo Shui led Huangfu Yuanchen and Yan Hui out from behind.

Dad, I'm back with my husband and son. Luo Shui looked at Luo Shi's embarrassed appearance, his heart was sour, and he said with tears in his eyes.

Luo Shi turned his head to look at her, his pupils suddenly shrank, his head seemed to have been hit by something, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Lolo? His daughter?

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