When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 113 The emperor’s favorite ran away

When Huangfu Yuan came over, he happened to see Luo Shui rubbing his eyebrows.

What's wrong? He stepped forward and took Luo Shui's hand to press her forehead, and asked with his eyebrows slightly twisted.

Without waiting for her answer, she rushed towards the trio with a fierce aura, What trouble did you two get into again?

He was already in a high position, and it was scary even when his aura was restrained. What's more, now that his aura was slightly revealed, his imperial domineering force as sharp as a sword was enough to make a big man tremble.

It's a pity... except for Luo Song, who was slightly weak among the people present, the other two little devils were not afraid at all.

Luo Shui, who was afraid that the child would be frightened, was speechless, ...

Is the world changing too fast, or is she unable to keep up with the times?

I still remember that not long ago, several children looked scared when they saw Huangfu Yuanshen's cold face.

Yan Hui raised his little head, his little brows were knitted into knots, and he stood in front of Luo Song and Huangfu Ling, and said aggressively: Let's be good!

He thought he was extremely fierce, but the half-grown child had a baby-fat little face, fair and tender, and was not as tall as Huangfu Yuancheng. When he was fierce, his little face would turn red, but he was not fierce. On the contrary, he was not fierce. She looks cute, cute, and fierce.

Huangfu Yuanshen covered his forehead, feeling vaguely regretful that he shouldn't have allowed Yan Hui to play with Ah Ling. Originally, a demon king was enough to cause a headache, but now, the two little guys are even more lawless.

Luo Shui looked at Huangfu Yuanshen's helpless expression, covered his mouth and chuckled.

Probably because he felt guilty for Yan Hui, after the father and son recognized each other, Huangfu Yuanchen always doted on Yan Hui without any bottom line, and even gave Yan Hui the most capable hidden guards around him, as if to make up for the failure to fulfill his father's duties for many years. regret.

Sometimes the good relationship between father and son makes her feel bitter, but once it involves her, the big one and the small one are like needles against each other, and no one will give in to the other.

Although Huangfu Ling was not afraid of Huangfu Yuanshen, he was as obedient as a quail in front of him, not showing off at all.

Seeing Yan Hui's angry look, her eyes widened and her little face was filled with shock.

Amazing! He had never been afraid of heaven or earth, he was only afraid of the emperor's uncle's glare, but Yan Hui actually dared...dare to glare at the emperor's uncle? !

Huangfu Ling felt like his mind was wandering, and he couldn't find a place to focus on it for a long time. His usually surly face was actually a bit blank.

Huangfu Yuanchen was scolded by his son, smiled coldly, and waved his hand to the servant.

The chief eunuch wailed in his heart, ...

It's really a fight between the kings of hell and the devil's misfortune.

He stepped forward with a look on his face and invited the three little carrot heads out.

When Yan Hui and the others looked at the expressionless face of the chief eunuch, their bodies froze, and they immediately felt the fear of being punished and dominated.

He used this trick every time, and if he failed, he would be thrown out of the palace.

Huh~ I know how to bully children! !

Yan Hui was so angry that his little face turned into a frog. He looked at A Ling and Luo Song, then turned around and left with a sense of current affairs.

Luo Shui looked at Huangfu Yuanchen with a half-smile, wanting to see how thick-skinned this man was to bully a child.

Huangfu Yuanchen touched his nose and changed the subject, Have you tried on the wedding dress?

He was originally correcting memorials in the Imperial Study Room. When he first heard that the Queen's dress was ready, he hurried over, but unfortunately he didn't see it...

Luo Shui's expression softened and she looked at him softly, Well, it's very pretty.

A foot worth of gold brocade as a robe, a phoenix crown and a haori, and ten miles of red makeup. Although this man didn't say it out loud, she knew that he took her to heart.

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