In addition, if this thing is bound with soul power, it must also be awakened with soul power.

Fortunately, the soul power is rooted deep in her soul. Even if she loses her memory, she still remembers how to use the soul power.

After playing for a while and finding nothing new, Shui Shui Luo retracted the system light curtain with a wave of his hand.

Tuanzi, what is the next world?

The little thing formed into a ball licked its paws and said lazily: The small world you go to is random, anything is possible.

Luo Shui glanced at it with disgust, said lazily, and said quietly: Go now!

Tuanzi immediately sat up straight after hearing this.

It glanced at Luo Shui cautiously, shrinking like a little daughter-in-law, In the next world, the big brother's memories of the previous two worlds must be temporarily sealed, leaving only the stories in the world. In addition, Fu Bao is in the small world. The world will also be suppressed by the laws of the world, which may not help much...

Tuanzi's voice became softer and softer, his head lowered lower and lower, and later he didn't dare to look into Luo Shui's eyes.

Although it reminded the big boss to pay attention to the rules of the world before, it actually didn't take it seriously, thinking that the small world existed because of her anyway, and she could do whatever she wanted.

After passing through these two worlds, it didn't think so. The small world became a real and independent world from the moment her soul entered, and the laws of the world also existed.

In order to ensure that Luo Shui successfully completes his mission, sealing the memory is the best method he can think of for the time being.

Luo Shui stiffened slightly when he heard this, and looked at Tuanzi with cold eyes.

She doesn't need any system, but sealing her memory almost cuts off her path to find that person.

Jun Yao didn't know him at all. If she forgot about him, how could they still be together?

If she encounters such a bloody script and plot, she will vomit to death! !

At this moment, some strange and familiar images flashed through Luo Shui's mind...

She knew that the thing passing through her mind might solve her dilemma, but it seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, making it impossible for her to see clearly.

Are those exercises? Luo Shui thought to himself.

But why did it feel so familiar, as if these things had been deeply ingrained in her soul.

Tuanzi panicked when he saw the sudden loss of consciousness in Luo Shui's eyes, and hurriedly explained: This is also a last resort. You in this small world simply cannot accept so many memories.

Although Luo Shui's current soul power is also weak, compared with her in the small world, it is only the difference between a big tree and a mayfly.

Luo Shui was silent for a while and said, Then how can I find him?

...When you see the master, the mark on your wrist will be hot. Tuanzi said with his small eyes hidden in the fur twinkling.

With his shallow understanding of his master, even if the mistress didn't go to him, he would shamelessly pick on her.

It shouldn’t be a big problem!

Luo Shui once again felt that Tuanzi was unreliable.

Is the mark hot? Is this useful? Maybe she would think that the person she met was a loser, and her wrists would become inexplicably hot when she saw him.

But she couldn't tell for sure. As long as she wasn't too affected by the original owner, she should be able to recognize that person. Even if she couldn't recognize him, she should still feel familiar!

Thinking of this, Luo Shui smiled in relief, his eyes filled with anticipation for a moment.

Since that person could stay with her for two lifetimes, how could he be willing to let her go in the years to come? She would definitely see him again.

Go to the next world!

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