When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 122 Seventy Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Wang Jianguo frowned and shouted coldly: Hold on tight, be careful not to fall if the road is rough.

It's really annoying. If the captain hadn't been such a thief, he wouldn't have done such a thankless job.

Liu Jing choked and was about to speak when the wheels of the car hit a pit. Her body was bounced up and she was almost thrown out of the car.

Fortunately, the lesbian next to her quickly grabbed her and prevented her from falling.

After being frightened, Liu Jing's face turned pale and she calmed down.

The others saw Wang Jianguo's indifferent look and said, Don't talk to me. They all closed their mouths angrily.

After walking in silence for almost forty minutes, the group finally arrived at Kaoshan Village.

Kaoshan Village, as the name suggests, is backed by mountains. There are not many people in the village, and it is extremely remote compared to other places.

Low mud houses are placed next to each other, and a river flows down from the mountain. The roads in the village are all dirt and look a bit dirty.

At this time, when winter is turning to spring, the trees and grass are just sprouting, giving people a desolate and empty feeling.

Luo Shui looked at the scene in front of him and felt that he had seen it before. There were mountains and waters. He always felt as if he had lived in this scene before. He felt an inexplicable intimacy with this place, so he had more expectations for his future life.

The group of people represented by Zheng Xiulan were shocked, as if something exploded in their heads, their heads were dizzy, and they didn't know what they were doing for a moment.

Wang Jianguo parked the bullock cart and helped them take down their luggage. He happened to see a tall and thin middle-aged man coming over. He breathed a sigh of relief and said to the man: I got it, I'll leave it to you.

After saying that, he turned his head and drove the bullock cart home.

Captain Zhang's face was dark and his eyebrows were twisted into a small knot. Brother Wang was disgusted with it. It seemed that the person who broke up this time was restless again!

I am the captain of Kaoshan Village, my surname is Zhang. Welcome to Kaoshan Village. If nothing else happens, you will live here for a long time in the future. I hope everyone will get familiar with it as soon as possible...

Captain Zhang briefly introduced the situation in the village. Looking at the weak young people in front of him, he felt very worried.

The people this time don't look as good as the previous batches, and they don't look like they can work. They all have thin arms and legs. What can they do? !

Zheng Xiulan finally recovered from her daze and asked the question that everyone was most concerned about, Captain Zhang, where do we live?

Captain Zhang glanced at her and said calmly: There is no place to live in the educated youth area. The village will arrange for you to live in the villagers' homes.

The villagers didn't have a good impression of the educated youth, and most of them were reluctant to give up their houses. The brigade coordinated for a long time before getting together these families.

Captain, this is inappropriate, isn't it? We go to the countryside to serve the country, how come we can't even find a place to live together? said Han Jianshe, who is more active and popular among male educated youths.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Geng Dilai, a female educated youth with lively temperament and round appearance also spoke.

Yeah, it's a little inconvenient to live in other people's homes. We don't have anything to worry about. It's not good if we bother our fellow villagers.

Compared to Liu Jing and Zheng Xiulan, this person is undoubtedly more likable and better at talking.

But Luo Shui knows that people should not be judged by their appearance. Some people are sweet-mouthed and cold-hearted. They are warm in front of others but don't know how to stab others behind them.

Captain Zhang didn't accept this trick at all, frowned and said in disgust: I know it's troublesome, just stop bothering with it in the future!

But here comes a person who is self-aware and knows that he is a troublemaker.

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