When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 141 Seventy Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

She sneered and said: Don't you want to queue up to grab something? Who wants to join you!

It turned out that after Zheng Xiulan and Liu Jing arrived in the town, they asked for directions and walked directly to the supply and marketing cooperative.

She had already bought the things, but Zheng Xiulan heard someone say that there was a batch of defective products behind her, so she insisted on staying and grabbing those things.

She didn't bring many things with her when she went to the countryside. When she heard that defective products were being sold, she felt that she was taking advantage of them, but she lost her mind.

Thinking that they would have to wait a while, the two of them went shopping together in the department store.

Unexpectedly, when they came back, the supply and marketing cooperative was already crowded and chaotic.

But after waiting for so long, no one is willing to give up.

Seeing that there was still some time left, Zheng Xiulan and Liu Jing threw away the reserve of city dwellers for the first time, rolled up their sleeves and squeezed into the crowd.

But they were not very strong, so how could they win over the women who were used to farm work? They were squeezed so hard that their hair and clothes were in a mess, but in the end they couldn't even grab a needle.

Zheng Xiulan was so angry that she was so angry that her eyebrows flew up.

It was just that it was getting late and there was no point in talking. Zheng Xiulan turned her face to the side, snorted from her nose, put on her shoes and walked towards the village.

The village party secretary was so ruthless that he threw a little girl away from her. The blisters on her feet were too painful. Zheng Xiulan felt aggrieved and sniffed with tears in her eyes.

Liu Jing is much calmer. Her family is poor and she has been working since she was sensible. The pain in her feet is painful but tolerable.

The sun gradually goes down and the wind starts to pick up, which is bitingly cold at this time of year.

The winding path has no end in sight, and the grass on the roadside is blown here and there by the wind.

Two weak bodies walked slowly, casting long shadows on the ground, and occasionally there were one or two sniffling sounds in the silence.

With chattering teeth and chills all over, Zheng Xiulan and Liu Jing gritted their teeth as they walked, remembering the bullock cart that they disliked at the time.


After going to the town to buy things and bringing back a large bag of things, Luoshui's country life was comfortable and comfortable.

At this time, every household had their own plot of land, and so did she.

Behind Grandma Zhao's house is a small bamboo forest, and the two plots of land next to the bamboo forest are allocated to Luoshui.

She bought some vegetable seeds from the system and planted them, and drank a mouthful of clear spring water. Even if she was not very good at tending the vegetables, the vegetables in the field grew better than others.

Grandma Zhao also wondered why the vegetables at home grew better than elsewhere, but she gave up after finding nothing wrong.

On this day, Luo Shui was about to go home after finishing his work in the fields. When he turned the corner at the entrance of the village, there was a sound of crack, bang, bang, bang.

She originally didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but this place was the only place she had to pass on her way home, so she could only grit her teeth and move forward.

You son of a bitch from the capitalists, if you dare to come to the village, I'll beat you to death... The boy, who was no more than ten years old, raised his fist and punched the faceless little boy on the ground, making a sound of Bang Bang Bang Bang 'the sound of.

Several children with runny noses around laughed and clapped their hands and shouted: Kick him, beat the capitalist bastard to death...

Yes, beat him, beat him hard! The child outside the crowd, who could not stand firmly, didn't know why, and started to coax him along with the other slightly older children.

This child is still young and doesn't understand right and wrong yet. He just learns to make fun of others by watching them.

Luo Shui looked at the group of children in front of him, with a violent expression on their hands, as if the children on the ground were dispensable bugs who could be trampled to death at will.

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