When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 148 Seventy Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Luo Shui doesn't mind being envied and jealous at all. She looks gentle and gentle on the outside, but she's not that easy to talk to on the inside, especially when it comes to protecting her shortcomings.

She protected Youyou. She couldn't control him before, but now, no one can hurt him again.

In other words, a child who is just six years old can still operate it if he wants to protect it.

Luo Shui and Han Chengyou were affectionately kissing each other, while Han Chengzhi, who was ignored to the end, said: !!!

Luoluo is his partner, so why would he compete with his younger brother for his partner?

Sighing helplessly in his heart, Han Chengzhi followed the two of them honestly carrying the farm tools.

A tall and handsome young man, an elegant and beautiful girl, and a lively and smart child. The sunset stretched the backs of the three people. The picture was so beautiful and warm that it fell directly into the hearts of everyone present.

When Geng Di came to see this scene, and then looked at the hot bubbles on her palms, she felt very uncomfortable.

When will days like this end? If she had known that she would be treated like this...she would probably still have to go to the countryside.

Geng Dilai smiled bitterly, glanced enviously at Luo Shui, who was well protected, and walked back with his tired body.

Some people don’t even have the energy to be jealous!

Why are you coming back so late? You city people are so noble. You keep people waiting for a long time for a meal. You live in other people's homes and you don't know how to look at people's faces. You are still city people... Gouziniang said in her distinctively mean voice.

She sat calmly at the dining table in the main room, her expression as stern as that of a feudal patriarch.

Geng Dilai said blankly: ??

If she had known that the enthusiastic and cheerful Aunt Fang was really like this when we first met, why would she be arguing with Luo Shui?

But now she has no choice but to endure it. After all, her food and money are all here.

Based on what she has known about Gouziniang for so long, she is stingy and loves to take advantage. If she proposes to move out now, she will definitely be the one to suffer.

Geng Dilai looked at the dark hard buns and the porridge so thin that her face could be seen clearly on the table, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

With her original temper, she has long been able to tolerate this kind of birdiness, but after suffering too much, no matter how naive a person is, she will know that everything in the world is out of her control.

Especially in a remote village like this that lacks education, the villagers are united without reason. How can she fight with no relatives?

Gouziniang glanced sideways at Geng Di, with a hint of pride on her mean face.

What about city dwellers? It's not like he has to fall into her hands.

You must know that letting an educated youth live at home will bring in an income. Although it is not much, it is enough to keep her dog occupied.

Gouzi, eat quickly. Mom will steam an egg for you later. When she looked at her son, Gouzi's mean triangular eyes turned into kindness.

Gouzi is the only son of several generations in the family. He has been doted on by his father, loved by his mother, and protected by several sisters since he was a child. He is extremely overbearing and overbearing.

Just looking at his body, which is wider than others, you can tell how pampered his family is towards him.

As soon as Gouzi heard the egg custard, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face. He glanced at the sisters and Geng Di Lai proudly and condescendingly, and said arrogantly: Just give it to me.

Gouziniang didn't think there was anything wrong with what her son said. In her opinion, Yatou Pianzi had no right to eat eggs. She would be fine if she didn't starve to death.

Okay, okay, give it all to me.

Gouzi Daddy nodded repeatedly when he heard this.

Gouzi, who was already a teenager and no longer a child, made a face in need of a beating, snorted proudly, and said arrogantly: Huh, I'm so greedy for you.

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