When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 158 Seventy Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Yu Shufang was scolded by Zheng Xiulan so much that her face turned red and blue, and the tenderness on her face disappeared in an instant.

Comrade Zheng, don't go too far. I've been tolerating you for the sake of everyone being educated youths. Don't really think that I'm afraid of you. Her face turned cold, and she looked affectionate from time to time. His eyes were rarely cold.

Who cares about Liu Zhi's dull temper? I really thought he was a treasure.

Zheng Xiulan narrowed her eyes slightly, pointed to the tip of her nose, and said coldly: ...you let me?

Without thinking about Yu Shufang's answer, Zheng Xiulan continued to increase her firepower.

Do I need you to give in? What you did makes me sick to the point of vomiting. You actually have the nerve to act like a victim. It's really funny. You act like it's natural to hook up with someone else. All I can say is I admire it...

Yu Shufang didn't argue with her. She was in the wrong. But she really didn't know that Liu Zhi was Zheng Xiulan's partner before, and she didn't expect that the man would have such a dull and honest temper. He was so stupid that it made people despair. In the end, he gave her back She dug a hole...

She has been used to showing weakness in front of boys since she was a child, so that she can get more benefits, why not? !

I don't know what you are talking about? I haven't done it before... Yu Shufang said innocently, turning around and entering the house.

Zheng Xiulan knew at a glance that she was guilty, with disdain on her face, she turned to the other female educated youths and said, If you have a partner, be careful, otherwise you may be taken advantage of. After all, normal people are compared with that person. How can you compare with shame? But you should be more considerate!

The educated youth who was eating melon laughed at her words and said yes again and again.

Zheng Xiulan was originally not very popular among educated youths, but after this incident she became much better.

The female educated youths all said that they had never seen Yu Shufang like this. Everyone's likes and dislikes of her were very extreme. Most men had a good impression of her, but women basically hated her.

The female educated youths glanced meaningfully at the place where Yu Shufang's back disappeared, and they all became wary of her.

At this moment, Xiangyang walked in with a book on his chest.

Seeing him pouting, Zheng Xiulan rolled her eyes, snorted and entered the room.

Isn't it just that I went to high school? I really thought I was going to heaven. Why did I pretend to be so stupid all day long?

Xiang Yang was confused by her inexplicable hum. He looked innocently at the other female educated youths and asked depressedly: What's going on?

Liu Jing and Geng Dilai had a good impression of the gentle Xiang Yang, and they only hinted: Take good care of your partner.

If she did this, everyone would have to be squeezed out.

After Xiang Yang came here, he found that his invincible personality charm was slowly losing its effectiveness.

He used to be very popular, everyone liked him and appreciated that he was a positive and promising young man.

Now, those inexplicable disdainful looks on the road were driving him crazy.

Why do these country bumpkins look down on him? It's been a long time since I've seen him, a dignified high school student, looked down upon and embarrassed by these idiots.

Xiang Yang sighed inwardly and secretly thought about a solution.

He is not as narrow-minded as Yu Shufang. He complains in his heart, but he also knows not to offend the villagers too much.

You must know that a strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. With the villagers who are twisted together, it is easy to do anything to them.

The key to the problem now is that Yu Shufang can no longer offend people like this.

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