When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 161 Seventy Cannon Fodder’s Counterattack

Luo Shui noticed the man's uneasiness, turned around, and threw his entire body into his arms.

With her eyes flashing, she stood on tiptoes and took a sip on Han Chengzhi's handsome face.

...Is it still a dream? Luo Shui narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile.

Han Chengzhi's eyes deepened, his sexy and masculine Adam's apple rolled slightly, and his voice became hoarse, Kiss me again!

He hugged the little girl's waist with his strong arms, his eyes were deep, and his brows were full of tenderness.

Luo Shui looked at the light red at the end of the cold man's eyes, swallowed, and was fascinated by his seductive deep voice.

This is what you said! !

Muttering in his heart, Luo Shui boldly pressed his lips to Han Chengzhi's lips and sucked gently.

His lips are neither thick nor thin, and their shape is very beautiful. They are light pink and look particularly suitable for kissing.

Luo Shui stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, feeling that his lips were soft and slippery, so close, and the smell of him had a faint pine scent, which was deeply charming and alluring.

Han Chengzhi originally thought that Luoluo would kiss her face at most, but he didn't expect that she would directly...

The man's whole body was shocked, as if some skill had been unlocked. A wolfish light flashed in his black eyes, his eyes closed slightly, his lips became hot, and he turned his body to hold her down and deepened the kiss.

He looked fierce and aggressive, but Luo Shui knew how gentle and affectionate his kiss was.

After an unknown amount of time, Han Chengzhi let go of her. His deep eyes were still full of lust, and his cold and jade-like eyebrows looked a little bright.

Luo Shui looked at him with bright eyes, her little face as fair as jade was also red, her beautiful and moist lips were slightly red and swollen, and her delicate little face was as beautiful as a burning red plum.

...Hiss, it feels so hot! She touched her lips and saw the man's jade-like face turning red again.

She likes this person more and more, and she also likes this first kiss~

Han Chengzhi felt a hint of guilt and coughed unnaturally, looking very uncomfortable.

All his experiences with girls came from Luo Luo, and at this moment he felt a little disgusted with his own clumsiness.


After leaving Grandma Zhao's house, Han Chengzhi took advantage of the moonlight to go to the remote cowshed where few people visited.

In the cowshed, a group of old men and women were still talking to each other in low voices.

As I get older, I sleep less, and I don’t know how many more years I can live.

...I wonder what delicious food your eldest grandson will bring today? an old man with broken glasses on his nose said enviously.

He also has grandsons, and at the same age, Old Man Han has grandsons who are filial to him, but they... well, let's not talk about it!

Mr. Han's hair is all white, his waist is straight, he looks energetic, and he has a sense of pride all over his body.

What happened to that brat? It's all about that little girl Luo Luo being filial to me, an old man! Mr. Han complained directly without giving any face to his eldest grandson.

I have never seen my eldest grandson be so filial before, so what's the use of a brat? He can't compare to a fragrant, soft and warm-hearted little girl.

But a fool is lucky enough to find a good partner for him.

Thinking about it, he only relies on his face to seduce other girls. Otherwise, how could Luoluo like him? !

Dr. Chen, the old man with broken eyes, glanced at Mr. Han and felt that he was showing off but had no evidence.

He snorted in dissatisfaction, as if he had eaten a lemon, and said sourly: You old man is really getting an advantage and acting like a good boy. You still despise such a good grandson. If the Han family doesn't want it, just give it to my old Chen family.

After saying that, he snorted very rudely.

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