When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 271 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

Ming Lu knew that his young master was not a violent person, and he was not very afraid of him. He smiled flatteringly and said, Young prince, I just went to Zhennan Prince's Mansion...

Xie Yun's stomach felt empty, as if it was being squeezed tightly by someone's hands. An uncomfortable and violent emotion rushed straight to his forehead. For a moment, he couldn't understand what he meant.


Ming Lu directly opened the lid of the wooden food box, and a strong fragrance hit his face.

Even when he smelled the smell, he couldn't help it. Body fluids kept overflowing from his mouth, and the roundworms in his stomach whined.

Not to mention Xie Yun on the side. He hadn't eaten properly for several days and his stomach was twitching. He smelled the familiar and coveted fragrance and almost spit out his saliva.

But after all, he was worried about his identity, swallowed hard, and tried his best to control his expression, but his eyes that kept looking at the food box made people feel sad and funny.


On this day, Cai Jin shared her new gossip with Luo Shui with great interest:

Prince Princess, have you heard? Prince Anyang ran away from home?

Luo Shui's eyes were smiling and full of interest, Prince Anyang's Crown Prince?

The plot is finally about to begin!

Cai Jin mistakenly thought she was interested, her face glowed, and she said excitedly: Hmm, I heard that King Anyang drove away his only legitimate son for the bastard in the family. Now the whole capital is laughing at King Anyang!

Luo Shuang holds the script and even knows what will happen next.

Prince Anyang rushed to the border in anger, and met the gentle and beautiful heroine on the way. The two fell in love at first sight, fell in love again, and made a lifelong promise at the third meeting.

Of course, this is just the plot of the past life, but I don’t know if the story will continue like this in this life?

Thinking of the important mission he shouldered to bring order to the world out of chaos, Luo Shui finally started to get serious.

That night, she used the inconspicuous jewelry in her dowry to exchange points with Fu Bao, and then exchanged them for classic books that the original heroine used to show off and benefit the people in her previous life.

Such as Three Character Classic, Hundred Family Surnames, Thousand-Character Classic, Disciple Rules, etc. She replaced everything that the original heroine could not think of.

Luo Shui looked at the books on the desk thoughtfully, stroking her chin with her slender hand as if in deep thought.

What should we do? We need to find a powerful person to promote these books faster!

After thinking carefully for a while, she still felt more at ease leaving it to her own people.

So, Luo Shui called Wang Yaozu and walked to the prince's courtyard with a pile of books.

In the elegantly decorated study room, Xiao Zhi sat upright in front of the desk, tracing something on the rice paper on the table.

He frowned slightly, his expression serious, as if he had encountered some big problem.

That's not the case, her eyes are more... more lively and expressive.

Glancing at the papers that were about to emerge from the wastebasket, Xiao Zhi's brows furrowed further.

Who in the Yan Kingdom doesn't know that the prince of Zhennan is a man who can speak a thousand words on a horse, a man who can move a hundred steps with a sword, and who can play music, chess, calligraphy and painting without interruption.

But who would have guessed that Prince Zhennan, who was hard-pressed to paint a portrait, thought over and over again for a portrait, but failed to satisfy himself.

‘Dong dong dong’ a knock on the door sounded.

Your Majesty, the Crown Princess is here. Leng Feng's dry and calm voice came from outside the door.

A flash of joy flashed in Xiao Zhi's eyes, a clear smile appeared on Qingjun's face, and the whole house lit up for a while.

Please come in, Crown Princess. As he said that, he slowly rolled up the unmarked paintings on the table.

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