When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 274 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

Let me ask you, in a capital city where power is at stake, how many fools are there in the major families? Anyone who wants to go further will not provoke a woman from the Luo family who has displeased the royal family.

What's more, in the ancient environment where propriety, justice, benevolence, wisdom and trust were highly valued, what Luo Qian'er and Luo Mansion did was truly an example of disloyalty, filial piety, benevolence and injustice.

Today she would leave behind her fiancé who was injured while fighting for the country, and tomorrow she might leave behind her husband who is seriously ill and unable to recover.

Who dares to want such a woman, and who dares to marry her?

The emperor took the thing directly from Leng Feng's hand, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes as deep as a knife.


With a trace of curiosity, Jin Jin opened it and looked at it, and then his pupils shrank in shock.

In the beginning, human beings are inherently good, similar in nature, but far apart in habits...

This book is catchy and easy to educate the world. How could he, as the king of a country, not know its value?

The emperor flipped through one book after another, and the expression on his face changed from indifferent to solemn to surprised, and finally he even laughed out loud.

Hahaha, okay, Lingjun, where did these things come from? Do you know they are priceless? The emperor, who rarely had an expression on his face, was rarely so happy and angry.

Xiao Zhi looked calm and replied: When the people below were looking for a miracle doctor, they got it by chance. They were lucky and relied on divine grace.

The emperor was tired of hearing good words and was still amused by him. He carefully put the book away and said solemnly and seriously: I thank you on behalf of the people of Yan Kingdom.

A few simple books will definitely bring about great changes in Yan country, or in his case, the power of the family is expected to be weakened.

As his thoughts turned around, the eyes of the largest person in power in the Yan Kingdom slowly emerged with the ambition to centralize power that would last forever.

Xiao Zhiyun bowed lightly and said, Lingjun is happy to be able to take care of uncle Huang's worries.

Today, he is a wise king who knows people well and takes responsibility for his duties. He has always regarded him as his own child. He smiled with satisfaction, patted his shoulder and said, I hope you can return to the court as soon as possible.

This is the truth. The emperor trusts the Zhennan Palace, and Xiao Zhi is the most powerful right-hand man today. With him around, it will be much easier.

After going to court, Xiao Zhi ignored the complicated looks in the eyes of the ministers and went directly back to the house.

At this time, at the gate of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, a child dressed in rich clothes stood in style.

Ming Lu helplessly endured the glare from the young prince, stepped forward with a wry smile, and said to the guard at the door: Brother, guard, thank you for disturbing me. My prince wants to visit the prince, please let me know.

The guards at the door had been baptized on the battlefield. They were full of blood, their bodies were upright, and their faces were expressionless. This was not the first time Ming Lu had seen them, but he still felt panicked when he was stared at.

The guard guarding the door had blazing eyes and said coldly: Your Majesty has given orders. There will be no guests in the mansion.

His voice was smooth, like an emotional killer.

Ming Lu was startled and suddenly felt a pain in his head.

He could only turn around and persuade his eldest son, Your eldest son, there are no guests in Zhennan Palace. How about we come back another day?

Xie Yun, the pampered young prince of Marquis Chengen, looked unhappy, his mouth was slightly pouted, and he felt a little aggrieved.

Where did the fearless little devil hit a wall? But he really couldn't lose his temper, he looked so pitiful.

The two sides contended silently, Ming Lu was helpless, Xie Yun was unwilling to give up, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while.

Until a low-key black carriage stopped at the gate of Zhennan Palace.

When the guard guarding the door saw the carriage, his expression became slightly excited, and he stood up straighter. The gleam in his eyes told the master of his excitement.

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