When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 278 The Crown Princess goes out to slap the time-travel heroine in the face again

What's wrong? Luo Shui asked confused.

Xie Yun pursed his lips nervously, a little embarrassed, and said with a red face: ...The cake is delicious, can I still come to visit the house in the future?

Luo Shui was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, Okay, you can come anytime you want.

Of course she would love to win over the heroine's little follower in advance.

Xie Yun grinned, bowed obediently, and then said: Thank you, Auntie, it's getting late, I'll go back home first.

Caiqi, go see Prince Xie off.

Instructing Caiqi to send Xie Yun out of the house, Luo Shui yawned, picked up Xiao Li and planned to go back to the room.

Xiao Li'er and I went to bed first. You should also go back to bed early.

Xiao Zhi didn't answer. He took Xiao Li, who was dozing with his eyes narrowed, from her. He patted his back rhythmically and whispered, You go and wash up first. I'll send him in.

Luo Shui was extremely happy to have someone do it for him, so he turned around and walked towards the side room.


Wujiangkou not far from the capital.

At the intersection of the three rivers, all passing ships dock here. It is a famous port in Yanguo.

There are more than a hundred households a hundred miles away from the port. These people are either fleeing from famine or homeless. It is a well-known slum area.

In a port, one side is prosperous and peaceful; the other side is desolate, with no one having enough to eat and no clothes to cover their bodies. They become two worlds.

Qin Wanniang rubbed her sore waist, looked at the earned coins in the wooden box, and breathed a sigh of relief.

I finally made enough for this month’s rent.

It has been two years since she came to this world, and she still feels like she is in a trance, always feeling like she is dreaming.

In fact, for her, it's the same everywhere. Anyway, she is alone in modern times. Although life is a bit sad here, Qin Wanniang is still very satisfied with her lovely family.

Moreover, she felt that with her own ability, it was not difficult to earn a family fortune in this ignorant and backward ancient times.

Sister, I'm hungry. What should we eat today? Qin Dalang said feebly as his stomach growled with hunger.

Business is very good today, and people come to eat noodles one after another. Until now, they haven't had time to take a bite, and what they ate in the morning has already been digested.

Qin Wanniang looked at her eldest brother, smiled gently and said, My second brother dug wild vegetables and will eat wild vegetable buns today.

There are four brothers and sisters in the Qin family, Qin Wanniang is the eldest, she is thirteen years old this year, and there are two younger brothers and one sister, Qin Dalang, Qin Jingniang and Qin Erlang.

Qin Dalang is ten years old, Qin Jingniang is eight years old, and Qin Erlang is five years old.

The three brothers and sisters of the Qin family were immediately happy, with satisfied smiles on their thin faces. They swallowed hard and looked at Qin Wanniang with eyes full of longing and joy.

Qin Wanniang felt sad when her younger siblings saw her, and secretly gritted her teeth. She must let her younger siblings live a good life without worrying about food and clothing.

Little sister, come and help me roll out the dough. Big brother, you light the fire... After arranging the arrangements for the younger brothers and sisters, Qin Wanniang started quickly.

Qin's mother dragged her frail body into the kitchen. When she saw her children helping each other closely, a smile of relief overflowed on her pale face. The smile in her eyes made the slight sadness between her eyebrows fade away.

Mom, why did you come out? What should I do if I catch a cold? When Qin Wanniang saw her coming out, her face changed and she said disapprovingly.

Qin's mother coughed without saying a word, and her thin and pale face became slightly flushed when it was violent. She gasped lightly and said, No, it's okay. I'll just come out and take a look. Ahem...

She hated her frail body so much that instead of protecting her children from wind and rain, it became a drag.

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