When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 31 The President’s School Beauty Wife

Not to mention, my cousin has really good vision. This should be my future cousin-in-law!

The facial features are exquisite, the temperament is elegant, the skin is as white as snow, and the whole person is white and shiny. This is the first time he has seen someone with such a perfect interpretation of the picturesque eyebrows.

It's no wonder that my cousin, who has his eyes higher than his head and has been single for almost twenty-six years, is attracted to her. It's not surprising at all.

The temperament and physical appearance of the future cousin-in-law are very much in line with his cousin's aesthetics. If this doesn't bring people to his side, he won't be able to see her, An Xiao thought silently.

Zhong Er also saw that the person next to Lu Sheng was indeed a beauty, so it was no wonder that Lu Sanshao, who had a simple heart and no desires, was tempted by her.

So... Third brother, are you letting a few brothers go because of this beautiful woman in front of you?

Zhong Er looked up and down at Luo Shui, who was standing quietly, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

In order to date her, why did you arrange a party with a few people?

Luo Shui pinched Lu Sheng's fingertips playfully, looking around like a cunning little fox.

I'm Luo Shui! she said, her watery eyes blinking lightly, and An Xiao, who was closest to her, took a deep breath.

After the two sides got to know each other hastily, Luo Shui followed a few people to the private room on the second floor.

She sat by the window and glanced at the interior furnishings of the store, with a flash of surprise in her eyes.

If she didn't know her location clearly, she would have thought that she was still in the Imperial Master's Mansion in Fengling.

People are really weird sometimes. They wish all the cruel memories would disappear completely, but they will also feel the change of things and the changes of people in a familiar place.

The carved cage leans against the window, the painted wooden table, the ethereal fragrance of tea, and even the wind chimes outside the window are mixed with a hint of antique fragrance, which is refreshing and pleasant!

She looked out the window, and Lu Sheng looked at her side face. When the two of them looked at each other casually, a sweet bubble spread.

An Xiao and the others looked at this scene speechlessly and looked at each other.

The picture is beautiful, but why does my tooth hurt inexplicably?

You know the owner of this store too! An Xiao suddenly spoke up, breaking the quiet warmth here.

Oh? Luo Shui raised his eyebrows lightly, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and his picturesque features were hard to look at.

The picturesque facial features made An Xiao's heart suffer a critical blow.


His little cousin-in-law is really a little fairy, her beauty is unparalleled, I have such a little heart!

He has seen countless beauties in the entertainment industry, but no one can match this look.

An Xiao kept wailing in his heart, but his face remained calm.

Is it... Li Yu? Luo Shui glanced at a few people and asked with some uncertainty.

This man's temperament is as elegant as a humble gentleman. He raises his hand and curls his lips, giving people a feeling of spring breeze. It's nothing more than the gentleness of a young man!

Should it be this person?

You...how do you know? An Xiao was startled, eyes wide open with curiosity on his face.

I originally wanted to give it away, could it be my cousin?

He looked at Luo Shui suspiciously, and then looked at Lu Sheng, whose handsome face was suddenly so stupid that he couldn't bear to look at it.

Luo Shui smiled and said nothing, only blinked and looked at Lu Sheng.

Is such a stupid guy really your cousin?

Lu Sheng's mouth twitched slightly, he took a sip of tea and turned his face away to show that he wasn't familiar with him.


Ten minutes passed quickly.

Lu Sheng's sharp eyes glanced at An Xiao and Zhong Er, who were chatting with Luo Shui incessantly, and then looked at the unused food in front of Luo Shui. A trace of displeasure flashed across his eyes, and his face suddenly became cold, like the depth of winter. of ice.

Li Yu and Wen Renjing on the other side looked at each other with a tacit understanding. They glanced at the two of them as if they were looking at idiots and drank tea in silence.

It's not that they don't have brotherly love, it's just that those two people are too stupid. Past experience tells them that a poor Taoist will never die.

Haven't you said enough? Lu Sheng glanced at An Xiao and the two of them coldly, his eyes as cold as ice and as black as ink, as if quenched by ice, which made people feel frightened.

Aren't you hungry? Putting the peeled shrimp into Luo Shui's bowl, the depth in the man's eyes gradually turned into a gentle clear spring that could drown her.

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