When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 320 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

This world is not that good, I want to stop all the evil for you. ——Qin Li


Haishi Key High School——

...Look, it's Luo Shui! She also wants to confess to Wei Ji! said a pretty girl in school uniform.

No way! No way! She is just a nerd, how can she match the Guardian God? The two of them are completely incompatible, right? The girl next to the girl who was also wearing a school uniform said venomously.

In front of the teaching building, Luo Shui blinked in confusion, pinched the pink envelope in his hand, glanced at it, and felt panicked.

Are these people talking about themselves? !

But who is Wei Ji? Does she know him?

The girl raised her eyes and glanced slowly at the handsome sunny guy with proud features not far away, turned around... and left.

The girls who were still gossiping and watching the show said, ...

What are you doing! They bought all the melon seeds, and then you showed them this?

Damn, I’m so angry! !

Boss, that guy just now was the male protagonist. It's a shame you didn't send him out, otherwise the plot would be ruined! Bai Jing suddenly spoke.

Luo Shui was startled by the sudden voice in his head and looked around nervously, Who?

Bai Jing, who didn't expect that the boss really had no memory: !!!

How to deal with this? !

I'm Bai Jing. I'm the boss of your system. I'm here to help you with your tasks.

Luo Shui's face was confused, Mission? What mission?

Bai Jing explained calmly, Harvest luck! You died in the original world. Only by collecting luck can you be reborn.

He is too difficult.

Luo Shui was dubious, Oh! But I have to go to class now.

With that said, he ignored Bai Jing who wanted to talk again and walked directly to the classroom.

Bai Jing, who was inexplicably imprisoned in a small dark room, collapsed. How did the boss know that he could use his soul power to confine him? !

Also, isn't her soul power very weak? How can she still use it like this?

Although Luo Shui locked Bai Jing in a small dark room, he went through the plot he sent to him in his mind.

It wasn't her who said it, it turned out that she was so miserable in the plot!

Ahhhh! ! It's so terrible. It's a good thing she didn't send that love letter.

No, we have to get rid of Wei Ji's baby marriage as soon as possible. It's too easy to be cannon fodder between the male and female protagonists.

But this matter seems a bit difficult to handle, Luo Shui thought with a puffed up face.

Six pm.

After Luo Shui's random thinking, the day's intense class was finally over.

At Haishi Key High School, some people live on campus, and those whose families have the conditions can study there day-to-day. Luoshui is a day-school student.

She was walking home slowly with her schoolbag on her back. When passing by the alley in front of the school, she suddenly heard a dong dong dong sound coming from inside.

The girl didn't stop and walked forward without looking back.

After walking for about ten meters, the sound of 'dong dong dong' got closer.

Luo Shui took a closer look and saw that several teenagers were fighting in a group. To be precise, one teenager was unilaterally torturing several others.

The young man with explosive martial arts was dressed in a wild and unruly manner, with grandma-gray hair. He was wearing a baggy school uniform, and his coat was casually draped over his arms. He only had a few kicks to make other people unable to parry.

This young man looked indescribably good-looking, and Luo Shui took a few more glances at him.

Have you seen enough? Qin Ruo leaned lazily against the wall, his long legs slightly bent, his expression casual, but his eyes fierce, much like a wild and untamed wolf.

Luo Shui pursed his lips, shook his head and said, I didn't see enough!

I can't get enough of such a beautiful face.

Qin Yan had never seen a girl who was so unafraid of death. Hearing this, he smiled softly and walked slowly to her.

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