When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 361 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

Seeing her firm refusal, Zhang Chan couldn't think of a way out, so he took a step back and said, ...Forget it if I don't give it. You have to attend the weekend banquet with me. If you promise me, I promise not to harass you again in the future. How about it?

She promised Zhengqing that she would bring Luo Shui there, and she must not break her promise again. She had been so disliked during this period!

Luoshui was expressionless, and Zhang Chan knew it was harassment.

After pondering for a moment, Luo Shui saw that Zhang Chan looked strange and seemed to be very nervous. He also thought that what happened to the original owner in his previous life was at this moment, so he nodded in agreement.

Okay, I'll go with you, but don't forget what you said, and don't come to me again in the future!

After this time, all the grievances will be settled at once.

Zhang Chan saw that Luo Shui agreed, nodded, and left without saying more.

Qin Ru heard from the side that the woman was asking Luo Luo to attend some banquet, and felt something was wrong.

He said with a serious look: ... Luoluo, will I go with you then?

Although it was a question, he had already decided in his mind to go with his little girl.

He was worried.

Luo Shui met the young man's firm and serious eyes and had no choice but to agree, Okay, you come with me.


On Sunday, after receiving the address of Zhang Chan's banquet, Luoshui and Qin Ruo packed up and set off.

Luo Shui put on a skirt again after two years. She has grown taller, her eyebrows have opened, her figure has become graceful, and her every move and smile has the beauty of a little girl.

Qin Yan looked at her and suddenly didn't want to take her to any Laoshizi banquet.

Luoluo, I don't want you to go. He hugged her from behind, his handsome face full of reluctance.

Luo Shui's beautiful eyebrows moved slightly as she looked at the young man in the mirror, Why?

It's impossible not to go, she'll still have to be slapped in the face!

Qin Li knew that the girl had her own plan, so he sighed and compromised: Okay, I'll follow you.

His little girl is so beautiful, he has to follow her every step of the way, otherwise he will be really worried.

Luo Shui's brows and eyes were filled with connivance for the young man, Okay, I'll let you follow.

When the banquet was about to start, Luo Shui and Qin Li arrived at the place where the banquet was being held.

This is a high-end hotel with a majestic appearance and extremely luxurious decoration style. It is not simple at first glance.

It's really nice here! Luo Shui glanced around and praised.

Qin Yan originally didn't think the hotel owned by the old man's company was doing well, but after hearing Luo Shui's words, he nodded along without feeling any disobedience.

It's good!

After entering, Luo Shui pulled Qin Ru away from the crowd and quietly went to find the equipment playback room with the screen in the lobby.

Luoluo, what do you want to do? Qin Li grabbed her and asked.

He wanted to say that there was no need to go to such trouble at all. If you had anything to do, just tell him and he would just tell the manager.

Luo Shui wanted to do bad things and felt guilty.

Her eyes flickered, I want to find...the place that controls the screen in the hall.

Wei Zhengqing always wanted to plot against her, so she had to nip it in the bud.

If he wanted to plot against her again today, she would let him be ruined in public and never get up.

Qin Yan looked at the little girl's guilty look, with deep affection flashing in his eyes, and held her hand.

I know where it is, I'll take you there.

After saying that, he took Luo Shui and walked towards the broadcasting hall.

Qin Li rarely comes here, but he has been here once before. He has a good memory and can still remember the approximate location.

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