When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 372 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

Qin Ruo saw her stunned and was confused beside him, What's wrong?

Luo Shui helplessly spread his hands, looking like he was defeated by his own excellence, My comic seems to have won a gold medal!

Qin Rui was stunned for a few seconds, ...Is it that national cartoon competition?

He had heard that it was a very important competition and it was difficult to win the prize.

Luo Shui nodded lightly.


Qin Yan gave her a confused look. If he remembered correctly, the work was voted for by a young girl who wanted to earn living expenses. She didn't even scan the submitted work, but borrowed her mobile phone to take pictures.

So, if you study well, you will be good at everything?

Thinking of this, Qin Ru felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

He had to work hard and not be left too behind by the little girl.

Are you going to the awards ceremony?

Luo Shui didn't even think about it and shook his head, No, I have to review with you!

As someone who was recommended to a prestigious school, she could only study with her boyfriend.

What a wonderful girlfriend she is, so touching!

Qin Yan, who wanted to take her to relax, fell silent, !!!

What kind of experience is it to be compared to your girlfriend in all aspects? It's quite complicated.

In the end, Luo Shui did not go to the competition award ceremony. Later, she received a call from the editor. The editor said that the comic had enough depth and story and had a great impact on society, and asked her if she wanted to publish it.

When Luo Shui first created the comic Escape, he didn't think about how big an impact it would have. What he wanted at that time was to tell the story well and draw out the depression in the heart of the original owner.

As for the results achieved so far, it is really an unexpected surprise.

The publishing work was fully handed over to the editor of the magazine. Luo Shui only left a creative message: When you are in darkness, you want to face the sun!

I didn’t pay any more attention to it after that.

In the next month, she devoted herself to accompanying Qin Ru to prepare for the college entrance examination.

During this period, something happened that made Luo Shuixuan worried. Lezi actually returned to school!

It's not that he's afraid, but he's worried that this person will suddenly go crazy and hurt the people he cares about.

Lezi approached Luo Shui on the first day she returned to school.

She still looked proud, her red lips and white teeth made her look more youthful and beautiful, with a light smile on her face.

Luo Shui, you didn't expect that I'm back, right? Le Zi said with a faint look.

Luo Shui looked at her smiling face and deliberately asked her if her facial muscles were sore and if she was sleepy. Thinking that they really didn't know each other, he couldn't bear to ask her.

Well, I never thought that most people are not so thick-skinned.

Lezi's expression froze, her eyes flashed sinisterly and she quickly suppressed her expression.

...I hope you will always be so eloquent.

Hearing this, Luo Shui's expression was suddenly startled, and he seemed a little flattered, with a sweet smile on his face, Thank you for the compliment, it will definitely be as you wished.

Lezi didn't say anything anymore, looked at her with an unknown emotion, and suddenly smiled.

Luoshui, I hope you like the gift I gave you!

Otherwise, I will be disappointed. Everything comes and goes, right?

Luo Shui looked at her leaving figure, his eyes darkening.

Luoluo, be careful these days. Qin Ruo said worriedly.

He is very sensitive to people's malice, and that girl clearly has bad intentions towards Luoluo.

Luo Shui took his hand from under the desk with a sweet smile, I know, you should be careful too.

Qin Ru's cold and stern expression suddenly softened, he looked at her with red ears and whispered, Yes, I will.

Of course he will be careful, he also wants to protect Luo Luo!

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