When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 379 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

Why did you suddenly think of coming here? Qin Ruo looked at the internet cafe that had changed drastically after not coming here for several years.

Luo Shui smiled softly, Let me review it with you. It won't be convenient to wait until you go to college.

Now, here, I lent you your cell phone. She pointed to a location and said with some nostalgia.

Although the computers and stools have been replaced, the scene is still very familiar and warm because of the memories left behind.

Time flies so fast, so much time has passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yan also remembered what he had thought at that time. He thought Luoluo wanted his contact information, but he didn't expect the little girl to want to borrow her mobile phone. The embarrassment and loss at that time was still very clear now.

Well, you were doing nothing at the time. You were holding your chin in a daze, looking at the computer screen in a daze.

Luo Shui's face turned red, Who is in a daze? I was thinking about life.

Qin Yan looked at the little girl trying to show her respect, with a smile in his eyes, Well, you are thinking about life, but let's go out. The smoke here is too heavy, which is not good for you.

Luo Shui, who originally wanted to play games online, looked at the smoky mess inside and nodded, Okay!

After leaving the Internet cafe, the two returned to school.

It has been a while since I left school, and the days of struggling here feel like yesterday.

Luo Shui and Qin Yan walked through the teaching building and walked slowly to the rear playground.

...Eh...that's Ning Shu? Am I right? Luo Shui tugged on Qin Li's sleeve, pointed at the girl not far away, and asked in a low voice.

Qin Ruo looked in the direction she was pointing and saw Yu Jing's figure.

If there was nothing wrong with his eyes, the boy put his arm on the girl's shoulder arrogantly. The two of them were sweet and sweet, with pink bubbles exuding from their bodies.

How long have he and Luo Luo been together to reach this stage? This kid Yu Jing has just caught up with someone, so why did he run ahead of him?

Yeah. Qin Ruo said dullly.

Luo Shui's mind was occupied by gossip at the moment, and he was secretly thinking about when the signs of the two people appeared, and he didn't notice the resentful look he cast on her.

...Brother Li, why are you here? Yu Jing noticed the sight on him and turned his head to see Qin and Li.

We can't come? Qin Ruo had no expression on his face.

Yu Jing took back the hand on Ning Shu's shoulder and stood obediently, just like when he saw his father, Yes, yes, that's for sure.

Luo Shui ignored the two of them and looked at Ning Shu with a naughty smile, and asked in a low voice: ...When did it start? I didn't notice it.

She really didn't notice the slightest sign of these two people, it seemed like they were out of nowhere, without any signs.

Ning Shu glanced at her friend sheepishly, her fair face turned red, and her little voice floated, ...just...not long after we started.

...Oh? It won't be long. Such a good Ning Shu also has a boyfriend. You should always be happy, Shu Shu. Luo Shui held her hands with both hands and said with a smile.

Ning Shu's eyes turned slightly red and he hugged her, Luoluo wants to be happy forever.

Luoluo had suffered so much in the past ten years or so. Even if God set obstacles to punish her, now it is time for her to be safe and happy for the rest of her life.

Luo Shui rubbed Ning Shu's hair and felt that the little girl was so soft and cute.

I can do it too, so don't cry, otherwise Yu Jing will have to write it down in my notebook.

Ning Shu suddenly burst into laughter and turned red again. He let go of her, glanced at Yu Jing, and said in a soft voice: I... I can't do that!

Four people and two couples walked around the school for the last time and had a meal together before leaving.

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