When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 388 The school bully is cruel yet innocent

Looking at the painting in front of him, Qin Li suddenly remembered the scene when he first met the little girl.

The young man couldn't help but have a warm smile on his face and continued to walk forward.

Every few steps he took, a painting appeared next to him. A row of small lights gradually lit up the whole painting, and the young man in the painting suddenly came to life.

Qin Ruo looked at the portrait of himself many years ago and didn't know where Luoluo found these photos.

Along the way, he saw portraits of himself at various stages after he was ten years old. Each portrait was done with great care and in a style he was familiar with.

Until, Qin Li saw a portrait that made him die instantly.

This painting is probably a photo taken when he was in the third grade of junior high school. In the painting, he has dyed light blue hair, his chin is slightly pulled back, his expression is irritable and world-weary, and his whole body exudes a sense of hostility.

However, in Luoluo's portrait, he is painted with a round face, his eyes and expressions remain unchanged, and his style is a bit crude.

Qin Ru almost laughed angrily at the picture in front of him, and said in a faint voice: ...Luoluo, come out.

Luo Shui hid in the dark and saw him staring at the painting. He secretly thought something was wrong and touched his nose guiltily.

All the paintings here were drawn by her looking for photos of Qin Li's good friend and steward Qin. When she saw the photo of him being irritable and world-weary, her brain suddenly twitched and she painted like that. It's not ugly, right? ?

With this thought in his mind, he walked out honestly.

...Qin Li, you are here. Do you like the birthday gift? Luo Shui trotted to Qin Li and looked at him eagerly.

Qin Ru looked at her, his heart moved, but his face remained unchanged, A prank? Huh?

The young man's expression was indifferent and his voice was low and pleasant, making it difficult to tell his true emotions.

If ordinary people would have been frightened by his cold expression, Luo Shui didn't take a step forward and hugged him.

He was timid in his heart, but said seriously on his face: ...If you don't like it, just leave it to me. Anyway, I quite like it.

Qin Ru looked like he was angry, but he held the person tightly in his arms, Huh? Can I still get the gift back?

His voice was somewhere between a man and a boy, clear and deep, especially the 'um' that seemed to have a hook.

Luo Shui felt a little warm at the base of his ears, and his beautiful eyes were stained with water, Then I don't want it anymore?

Qin Yan looked at her lightly parted red lips, his throat moved slightly, and he lowered his head to press it.

At this moment, Yu Jing and his party who were hiding in the darkness jumped out.

Ouyou...Ouyou... Song Minghui made a strange sound with strange yin and yang.

Among the friends, he and Xiaopang are the only singles. Should he consider finding a girlfriend? !

Qin Li heard his voice, let go of Luo Shui, protected the person behind him, and looked at the people coming over with indifferent eyes.

Song Minghui shrank back all his courage when he saw Brother Li's affectionate eyes.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend!

He made a gesture to Qin Li to close his mouth with a zipper, and silently shrank into a corner.

Luo Shui cooled his hot face with the back of his hand, exhaled and walked out.

Okay, let's not stand here anymore, let's go over quickly.

As she spoke, she turned on the headlight in the private room, and a three-story cake appeared in everyone's sight.

Qin Ru hadn't celebrated his birthday in many years since his mother was so angry that she jumped off the building to death due to the man outside Qin Chengrui. Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt that the pain and regret from the past were slowly being healed.

Listening to the happy birthday songs from his friends and looking at his little girl's eyes full of herself, my heart felt warm.

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