Luo Shui returned to the unknown territory, and in the empty space, the pear tree appeared again.

This time, her soul returned to the whole two days she had been in a coma, and all her memories returned to her main soul in an instant.

Luo Shui opened his eyes, and many fragments of strange and familiar memories flashed through his mind.

In an instant, what followed was bone-eroding pain and a depression so heavy that it was difficult to breathe...

It was just a chaotic memory that had such a profound impact on her? Luo Shui's eyes suddenly became dark.

Also, is she the same person as the original owner of the small world? This is how the same thing?

Is it possible that her soul is incomplete? It seems difficult to explain other than that.

No wonder when she was in Fengling, her soul power failed after a while and she had to go to Lingquan Cave to sleep for a while. I see.

As soon as Luo Shui opened his eyes, Bai Jing also woke up from his deep sleep.

Seeing her, Bai Tuanzi was startled, and his guilty conscience exploded. He had not forgotten that he had dug a hole for himself and had not yet filled it.

Luo Shui didn't give Bai Jing time to react and asked directly: Tuanzi, where is my reward? Still not there?

She asked an unimportant question with a calm expression, not looking like she knew anything.

Bai Jing looked at it carefully, felt relieved, and combed the fur on her body with her paws.

No, you should work hard to save your luck. Once the seal of Jiangshan Tu is lifted, you will have everything! He looked at the treasure somewhere and felt sad.

It was originally a treasure that he could play with, but now he can only watch it.

Luo Shui nodded and said, Don't follow me in the next world, you are too noisy.

It's noisy? How did the boss know he was too noisy?

Bai Jing was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she might not have forgotten what she said in the small world.

When he first arrived here, didn't he clear and seal that memory?

What went wrong again? !

He found that many perceptions were simply not true in Luoshui, and it was really suffocating.

...Big, boss, do you know? Xiaotuanzi's chubby face wrinkled up and he said in a particularly frustrated voice.

Luo Shui raised his eyebrows, What do you know? Do you know that Luo Shui in the small world and I are the same person?

She had already felt it.

If I ask you the reason, you may not be able to tell me, so I won't ask. Anyway, I will know all these things sooner or later. In this matter, Luo Shui was extremely transparent.

Bai Jing was so moved by the considerate hostess that she jumped on her and looked at her with a bulging face, ...Master asked me to be a tool to take you to the small world, and I will do the rest. have no idea.

Luo Shui thought to himself that you are so stupid, and not letting you know is what a smart person should do.

Is your master Junyao?

Bai Jing fell into confusion, ...I don't know. As soon as I cultivated my human form, I was knocked back to my original form by a man and returned the contract. I didn't see what that man looked like.

Luo Shui glanced at Xiaotuanzi sympathetically. It turned out to be a cute little boy who had just transformed into a human form. No wonder he was so silly.

Then you are indeed miserable! She said lightly.

Bai Jing didn't know why he always thought Luo Shui's words sounded strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Luo Shui continued: Send me to the next world.

Bai Jing immediately forgot about his previous entanglement and asked, Boss, do you really not need me to follow you? I'm very useful.

Luo Shui's gratitude is insensitive. Is it useful to be noisy? He also wants to occupy her soul consciousness. It's really not necessary.

No, just recover slowly and go back when you feel better.

Bai Jing didn't hear Luo Shui's dislike at all, but felt that she was caring about him, and her white fur turned red, Okay, boss, take care.

Luo Shui watched Bai Jing fall into a deep sleep, summoned the luck and weak soul power collected in the previous world, and used the secret technique that vaguely flashed in his mind to leave a mark deep in the soul.

Soul imprint, the soul is immortal and the obsession remains.

It's a pity that the soul power on his body is too weak and the mark is too light.

That’s it, it’s better than nothing.

In this way, no matter which world she is in, her subconscious will feel it.

Maybe if she goes to a few more worlds, the soul mark on her body will be clear, and then she can go directly to Jun Yao.

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