When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 501: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

Luo Shui's heart warmed up, she chirped him and said with a smile: Sister, it's okay, don't worry!

It seemed that the little guy had been nervous about her being sick ever since she had a high fever when she first arrived.

Luo Jin's tense body relaxed and he looked at her softly for a while. When he was completely relieved, he sat cross-legged on the bed and read his picture book.

Luo Shui also sat on the desk by the window and started a new round of writing questions.

When she first arrived in the city, she mentally prepared to accept that the room would be pink again, but she didn't expect that when she saw it, it was completely different from what she had imagined.

Light blue curtains, plain bedsheets and quilts with floral patterns, beige wallpaper on the walls, even the desks and desks were pure and refreshing beige, which surprised Luo Shui.

After asking later, she found out that this room was decorated for her by her biological aunt whom she thought she had never met.

In fact, Luoshui's biological aunt is Mrs. Mu, who had a relationship with her once. Mrs. Mu's name is Gu Yanran, and she and her husband Mu Kongqing are childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

Mu Kongqing's family was destroyed by war many years ago, and something happened later that made Gu Yanran lose her fertility.

The couple felt that there was no hope in life, so they resolutely gave up their prosperous life in the city, went to a remote mountain village, and began a comfortable farm life.

Gu Yanran never thought that Luo Shui would be a child of the Gu family. Although when she saw the little girl, she felt an inexplicable kindness in her heart and felt that the little girl's features were familiar, but she didn't think much about it.

Until... when Gu Yanran and her husband went back to the market to buy things, they were shocked when they heard that the two families had given birth to the wrong children.

At the same time, I felt a deeper pity for Luo Shui in my heart, especially when I thought of the dark and skinny little girl in my memory, my heart felt sour.

When she didn't know that Luo Shui was her niece, Gu Yanran felt more sympathy, regret and emotion.

After knowing that she was his biological niece, the emotions surging in my heart were more of annoyance and love. The annoyance was that I didn't help my little niece properly at that time, but the love was that the little girl was really strong, gentle and powerful.

Gu Yanran admired girls who were soft on the outside but strong on the inside. She fell in love with Luo Shui when she didn't know she was her niece. She knew she was related to him by blood, and even considered returning to the market.

Kong Qing, what do you say...you say we go back to the city? Gu Yanran said suddenly.

Mu Kongqing looked surprised. In all these years, she had never thought of going back. Did she figure it out?

Are you sure? Think it over carefully, and I will accompany you wherever you want to go!

Gu Yanran was moved, hugging his waist, her eyes were a little wet, Kong Qing, do you blame me for not leaving any blood for the Mu family...

Mu Kongqing put his arms around her, still as gentle as he had been many years ago, Don't think too much, it doesn't matter to me whether I have a child or not. There may be regrets, but he (she) is far less important than you.

Of course Gu Yanran believed him, but there was a knot in her heart that she could never untie, so she had to wait for time to slowly fade it away.

I've thought it through, let's go back!

Mu Kongqing nodded, Okay, I'll accompany you back.

Gu Yanran looked at her husband lovingly, with a warm smile, and she felt pampered and protected at the first sight.

She did whatever she thought of, and Gu Yanran and her husband returned to the city the next day. Gu Mingye kept looking after their home, and arranged for a nanny to clean it from time to time, so they could move in directly.

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