When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 505: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

One thing Li Yue felt puzzled about was that since she came to the city, she had never heard her mother say anything about having no money.

Obviously the family's expenses are not small, and they will buy new things from time to time. They spend money like water, and they don't see her mother going out to make money. It seems that there is no end to the money at home.

She wanted to ask, but she clearly felt that Shi Xiaoqin was deliberately hiding it from her and was unwilling to tell her more.

Not only that, Shi Xiaoqin also took her to school every day. He was so kind to her, which really scared her.

That day, mother and daughter had just returned home. Shi Xiaoqin answered the phone, casually explained a few words to Li Yue, and left in a hurry.

Before Li Yue could even ask a question, she disappeared like a gust of wind.

...Who are you in such a hurry to see? Li Yue mumbled, threw her schoolbag on the sofa, and lay there for a while.

During this period of time, she was really exhausted physically and mentally. She was urged to do homework every day. She felt like a calf in the village. There was always someone behind her, and every muscle in her body was tense.

At this moment, being alone, Li Yue suddenly felt at a loss and didn't know what to do.

She didn't seem to know anyone well in the city. No, there seemed to be one person... Wen Ruo.

Because Li Yue had lost someone with Wen Ruo, she was actually very resistant to finding her, but she was too lonely and bored.

Besides looking for Wen Ruo, she didn't know who else to look for. After struggling for a long time, she went anyway.

Li Yue took the car and arrived at Wen Ruo's house soon.

The courtyard door was unlocked. Li Yue knocked on the door several times, but no one answered, so she went in directly.

As soon as she entered, she saw the stones in the Wen family's yard. These stones looked very ordinary, as if they were randomly picked up in the mountains.

But Li Yue knew that these stones were not ordinary at all, because she had seen with her own eyes that Ye Shan had made a fortune using these things.

But, why would the Wen family know this? !

Why was her family so unlucky that these things appeared in the Wen family? Is this really a coincidence?

At this moment, Li Yue's brain, which had never been used before and was worth hundreds of dollars, suddenly became alert and began to doubt this matter.

Suddenly, she heard someone talking in the Wen family's living room.

She struggled for a moment, not knowing whether to leave immediately or go over and listen to what the people inside were saying. After hesitating for a long time, Li Yue made up her mind.

She slowed down her breathing, walked very lightly, and walked calmly outside the living room on the first floor of the Wen family.

There was a pot of green plant as tall as a person outside, which just blocked her figure.

That's it this time? Wen Ruo's dissatisfied voice came.

... Niece, don't be dissatisfied. There are a lot of them in the yard. How can I trick you? You underestimate your uncle too much... the man said.

The corners of Wen Ruo's lips curled up slightly, but there was no smile in her eyes.

How could I underestimate uncle? Even if uncle secretly hides something, I won't say a word. I just hope you will be more careful.

Don't accidentally overturn the car like Ye Shan did when he went to the mountain village... Once you get in, I won't be able to help you, uncle, and you will lose an ally in vain. This is not cost-effective.

The man was the one who received Ye Shan's reward in Qushan Village. Hearing this, his body stiffened and he felt uneasy.

He did hide some and planned to do it himself.

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