When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 509: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

In the end, the incident ended with Wen Guohao being arrested one early morning. Ironically, the place where he was arrested was the home of Shi Xiaoqin and Li Yue.

After Li Yue heard that something happened at home, she hurried home and unexpectedly saw this scene: a tall and slightly fat man was being detained by the police. Shi Xiaoqin cried so much that she had tears and snot in her nose, and she threw herself at the man heartbreakingly. The picture Chaos.

Mom, what's going on? Who is this man? Li Yue walked over and asked dissatisfiedly.

Shi Xiaoqin's expression changed when he saw Li Yue, and he quickly took her hand, brought her to the man, and said excitedly: Yue'er, this is your father, my biological father.

Li Yue's pupils were shaking, she looked at the man blankly, smiled and said: Mom, are you kidding me? This man is not my father, my father has been dead long ago.

Shi Xiaoqin shook his head, No, your father is not dead, he is your father.

Li Yue looked at her affirmative eyes, My surname is Li, what is his surname? What relationship can I have with him?

She heard it when she first squeezed in. This man's name was Wen Guohao. What could he have to do with her?

The police were too lazy to listen to these people's insignificant recognition of their relatives, so they escorted Wen Guohao away.

Shi Xiaoqin was anxious and stopped them quickly, Wait a minute!

After saying that, he pulled Li Yue over and looked at her with a cold expression, Yue'er, this is your biological father. I won't admit my mistake. Don't you believe me?

Li Yue was pulled and staggered, silent and not cooperating with her at all.

When Wen Guohao saw this scene, he glanced at Li Yue with emotion, then turned to look at Shi Xiaoqin.

Xiao Qin, Yue'er is right to disown me. It's because I failed to fulfill my responsibility as a father. From now on, you guys should be good...

Before he finished speaking, Shi Xiaoqin interrupted him fiercely, No, I must let Yue'er recognize you.

Shi Xiaoqin looked at Li Yue resolutely, with a coldness in her eyes that she had never seen before.

Li Yue, do you still recognize me as your mother? If you recognize me, then you will recognize your father.

Guohao is the only husband she admits from the bottom of her heart. Others are about to go in, and she cannot let him be taken away with regrets.

Li Yue didn't expect that her mother would say such heartless words to her, and a hole was broken in her heart, and cold wind rushed in.

She was silent for a while, with a flash of sarcasm in her lowered eyes. Then she raised her head and recognized Wen Guohao expressionlessly.

...Dad! Li Yue said.

As soon as he said a word, he felt unspeakable grievance and resentment in his heart, and even a little more resentment towards Shi Xiaoqin.

This man has never raised her, why does she have to recognize him?

Where was he when she was suffering from cold and hunger? Where was he when she was kicked and punched by her male classmates? When she wants someone to protect her, where are they?

Wen Guohao noticed Li Yue's reluctance, but he thought it was a child's awkwardness and just thought about it.

The slightly fat man had a gentle smile on his face and said earnestly: Yue'er, dad committed a crime, and he deserves it if he goes in. If you and your sister Wen want to take good care of each other...

Wen Ruo? Wen Guohao? this……

Li Yue suppressed the turmoil in her heart and swallowed hard to relieve the dryness in her throat.

...Wen Ruo? She is...your daughter?

Wen Guohao didn't know that his name would make Li Yue's head spin, and he said with a smile: Yes, Ruo'er is younger than you, and she is your sister.

Li Yue laughed mockingly, suddenly feeling so ridiculous.

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