When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 517: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

...I should go abroad directly. Yuan Yao replied with an inexplicable heavy voice.

Luo Shui was stunned, with an indescribable feeling in her heart, like people who have been walking hand in hand, but suddenly they have to turn at the next intersection, and she has to continue walking forward, feeling a little sad and a little reluctant.

Ah? That's good. Brother Yuanyao is so smart, he will be great wherever he goes.

Pei Chuanyao saw the sincere appreciation in her eyes, and the complexity in his heart was slowly replaced by warmth.

He patted Luo Shui's head and said in a gentle and firm tone, You have to work hard. I will come back to see you when I have time.


After I entered high school, my life began to feel like copying and pasting. It was two o'clock and one line every day, with very few changes.

A year later, when Luoshui jumped another level to enter the senior year of high school, Pei Quanyao also went abroad.

On the day he left, Luo Shui went to see him off.

The young man has a straight posture, clear and handsome eyebrows, firm and powerful eyes, and high-spirited spirit like a green pine inserted diagonally into the cliff. It is green and full of vitality. It can withstand all wind and rain, can take root in rocks, and nothing can break the young man's pride.

Brother Yuanyao, I wish you a safe journey and take care of yourself. I'll wait for you to come back. Luo Shui said.

Pei Chuanyao's eyes were filled with excitement, and when he heard the girl's words, he hugged her.

Okay, take care of yourself, Luo Luo.

wait me back!

After Pei Chuanyao left, Luo Shui got to know him for a long time, and then he gradually got used to doing everything alone.

Occasionally, he would meet Yan Yi, who was in his third year of high school, and the two gradually became familiar with each other.

...I didn't expect that classmate Luo, who was still a primary school girl back then, is now my classmate, hahaha... Yan Yi said and actually laughed out loud.

Luo Shui also recalled that she first met him in Qushan Village and later met him at the school gate. At that time, she did not expect to become his classmate.

Senior Yan is so smart. If he had wanted to, he would have gone to college, right? Luo Shui said.

Yan Yi nodded, Yeah, but I think there is something worth savoring at every stage. Sometimes it's not necessarily meaningless if you follow the steps step by step, right? Here, I met you who are hardworking and interesting. I think it's worth it... …”

Getting to know Luo Luo and walking hand in hand with her, even if it is only for this part of the journey, this memory is real.

Luo Shui pursed his lips and smiled, ...When I first met Senior Yan, I thought you had a very arrogant and talkative personality. I didn't expect Senior to be so good at talking.

A smile flashed in Yan Yi's eyes. Many people have said this. He doesn't know why the first impression he gives others is that of arrogance. He obviously thinks that he is very kind.

Yan Yi said, A lot of people have said this, but you still call me senior now? That's not the case anymore.

That's right, then what should I call you? Yan Yi...or, Yan Yan, Yi Yi, Brother Yan, Brother Yi? Luo Shui's eyes were joking.

When Yan Yi heard the strange name from the little girl, he didn't know that she was teasing him, and he looked a little dumbfounded.

Just call me Brother Yan! I found someone who was relatively normal.

Seeing Yan Yi's averting eyes, Luo Shui chuckled out loud, I'll listen to you, Brother Yan.

Later, Luoshui entered one of the best universities in the country with a score of more than 20 points higher than the second place in the country. She was not yet eighteen years old that year.

The business in Luocheng was also booming. He led several brothers, Lin Dazhu and Zhang Shuisheng, to engage in transportation. They completely got rid of the fate of being able to only farm in the countryside and became capable people in eight villages within ten miles.

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