When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 522: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

After working, Yan Yi became more calm and composed. The arrogance and arrogance in his eyebrows disappeared and was replaced by confidence and determination. His whole person gained the appeal of a mature youth.

I heard that a very powerful expert will come to the school to give a speech tomorrow. Do you know about this? Yan Yi asked.

Luo Shui was a substitute teacher at school, so of course he heard about it, but he didn't expect that he would know.

I know, it's spread all over the place these days, but how do you know?

Yan Yi replied: I don't know who that person is. The news has spread all over the hospital.

Luo Shui thought to himself, how could such a steady person as Yan Yi still listen to gossip.

But people who can gossip are usually girls. Is there something wrong with him?

Luo Shui glanced at Yan Yi and saw that he had handsome features, sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. He stood there as straight as a young poplar, and he looked very steady. He was an outstanding young man.

It’s not surprising that a girl is thinking about him.

Luo Shui said with a smile on his lips: We'll find out tomorrow. It's so mysterious that I can't even find out the name. I don't know how it caused such a big stir.

Yan Yi looked at the smile on her face, his eyes were very gentle, Will you go and see it tomorrow?

Luo Shui shook his head, No, I'll probably have a class tomorrow at that time, what? Do you want to go see it?

Luo Shui thought to herself that she had never studied anything that was too professional. In the past, it was just like listening to heavenly books.

Although Yan Yi is studying medicine, he seems to be a good man with a sincere heart to serve the motherland. He is very concerned about and interested in cutting-edge research.

Since the opportunity was rare, he went over to take a look.

Yes, there is nothing going on in the hospital tomorrow, I plan to go and have a look. Yan Yi said.

Well, you haven't eaten in the school canteen for a long time, right? If you don't mind, can I treat you tomorrow? Luo Shui said with a slight smile.

Yan Yi couldn't wait to see it, the smile in his eyes deepened a little, I wish I could have it!


The next day, Yan Yi arrived at school early, walked around the school, and waited until the time was almost up before heading to the classroom.

When he arrived, the large conference room, which could accommodate thousands of people, was already packed with people.

Relying on his handsome face to commit crimes, Yan Yi reluctantly found a good seat.

When the time just arrived, no more, no less, a cool and handsome young man walked into the classroom.

He is wearing a black suit and has a slender figure. His deep eyes are clear and lively. His facial features are as sharp as a knife. His lips are very thin and very sexy when they are slightly pursed. When he looks up at people, his eyes are very light and a little careless. Inexplicably cold and attractive.

As soon as the young man came in, the huge classroom suddenly became quiet.

Hello everyone... He said calmly, and with just one sentence, the whole classroom became excited.

Yan Yi, who was sitting in front, looked at the people on the stage, his heart suddenly stopped, and the calmness on his face suddenly disappeared.

It's him, Pei Cuanyao...

Thinking of the closeness between Luoluo and this person back then, Yan Yi suddenly panicked.

Until the two-hour lecture ended, he didn't know what he had heard. He followed the crazy students out of the classroom in a daze. Yan Yi felt that the sun outside was a bit dazzling for some reason.

Time passed slowly. I don't know how long it took before Yan Yi came back to his senses. When he saw that it was getting late, he hurriedly ran towards the place he had made an appointment with Luo Shui.

When he arrived, Luo Shui had been waiting there for a while.

Luoluo, I'm sorry, I'm late. Yan Yi said with guilt on his face.

He has always been a person who rushes early rather than late, and this is the first time he has been late.

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