When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 531: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

He is quite satisfied with Old Man Gu's little granddaughter. She is smart and motivated, and is now a teacher at the university. They are a perfect match. Who can his grandson like in the future? Worry.

When Pei Chuanyao heard about the Gu family, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little, and there was a feeling of restlessness in his chest, which became inexplicably hot.

Gu family? he asked with a dry throat.

Mr. Pei thought he had forgotten, and sighed: Yes, it's Old Man Gu, the one who returned to the capital with me back then.

Back then, Mr. Pei saw that Pei Chuanyao was safe and sound in No. 1 Middle School and felt that he had nothing to do, so he planned to return to the capital.

Unexpectedly, Old Man Gu and Mrs. Gu, who were going to see their granddaughter, were about to return to the capital, so the two groups of people formed a group and went back.

At the same time, Pei Cuanyao, who originally planned to send his grandfather back, was driven back.

After hearing what his grandfather said, Pei Chuanyao's eyes changed rapidly. When Mr. Pei looked at him, he lightly lowered his eyebrows.


Thinking of Luo Shui, his heart beat faster and his whole body became stiff.

If the future wife mentioned by grandpa is Luoluo, he doesn't seem to be disgusted, and there is still some throbbing and joy in his heart.

He had always thought that he regarded Luo Shui as his sister. He was his sister when he was young, and she would be his sister again when we meet again. But at this moment, he was not sure anymore.

If it was his sister, why would he feel upset when he saw her getting close to Yan Yi? When he saw her dating a man, he would speak indiscriminately and even feel heartbroken.

Is he...too slow? !

...Grandpa, I will handle this matter myself. Pei Quanyao said with his deep eyes slightly closed.

Huh? Okay, you can solve it, just don't hurt the little girl's face.

He was relieved that Yuan Yao was doing things, but he was a little worried that he would be too cold in front of the little girl and scare his old friend's granddaughter.

Pei Chuanyao was silent for a moment, nodded slightly, Yeah.

He was very confused and didn't know how to treat Luo Shui in the future.

Pei Chuanyao and Mr. Pei reached a consensus on the matter of blind date, and he would be the one to negotiate. Whether it would succeed or not would depend on the two juniors.

Who knows, that afternoon, Mr. Pei was chatting with another old friend.

When the old man repeatedly showed off his great-grandson and great-granddaughter, he said casually in anger: His grandson Yuanyao will soon have a partner.

There is no problem with this sentence, but the problem is that as it spreads outside, it becomes the news that Pei Chuanyao is getting engaged.

Therefore, by the time Yan Yi heard about this incident, several versions of the story had already been circulated.

Poor Pei Cuanyao never knew that his Feng Ping was murdered.


On this day, the work of the institute came to an end, and Pei Chuanyao returned home early.

After chatting with Mr. Pei for a while, his finally calm heart suddenly became chaotic again.

Pei Chuanyao didn't notice the distress in his eyebrows, but Mr. Pei, who had watched him grow up, could see it at a glance.

The old man's bottomless eyes flashed with thought, he looked at his grandson and shook his head helplessly.

Quanyao, everything should be done according to your heart! He stood up, patted Pei Yuanyao on the shoulder, and sighed.

They all came from a young age, how could he not see the entanglement and worry about gains and losses in young people?

Emotional matters are like drinking water, the only one you can rely on is yourself, he can't help.

After leaving a message to Pei Chuanyao, Everything goes as you wish, the old man clasped his hands behind his back and went back to his house to rest.

Everything goes as it pleases?

Pei Chuanyao was sitting alone on the sofa, his eyes bright and clear, and he thought for a long time.

After a long time, until his limbs felt stiff, he stood up, as if he had made up his mind, then picked up his coat and walked to Beijing University.

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